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  • Roses are red.
    Violets are blue.
    Someone just leaked the source code of Pokemon : Black & White 2
    The Eaglebones Falconhawk arc has concluded.
    i will never get over it
    At best I only remember your pfp being either Eaglebones Falconhawk or Shotbot
    Hello Sasuke Enlight and Brameconn
    I have two projects that have been near completion for awhile now. January is the month I have the most free time so I hope to release one of them by the end of it.

    Please hold me accountable to that.
    Update: Was a fun 7.5 hour stream! Laughs and enjoyment throughout exploring my terrible early modding (some cutscenes still holdup though). Talked about the story and ideas I was (apparently) planning to finish the mod that never happened and showed some exclusive stuff like the dummied-out chinfish bossfight. VOD is up on my twitch and a YouTube VOD with (some) timestamps will be up later this week posted on the thread. Thanks everyone who stopped by to watch!
    In 50 days will be my 10 year anniversary of making my forum account and creating the Cavern Tale thread. That's... hard to wrap my head around. 10 years of modding Cave Story and being a part of the wider CS fandom/community.

    I've had plans for that date for awhile now, but it's been pretty busy this year so far with work/school and it felt like a couple weeks ago it said there were 100 days left. You'll know if I make the deadline come April 22nd.
    I'm rooting for you, Enlight!!!
    I just hit my 10th anniversary yesterday, I didn't realize you have joined around the same time I did Enlight, but it's nice to see someone else also celebrating being here and the part it's played in our lives. Take your time with whatever you make of the date, I look forward to seeing it!
    [The Crack Shack] is the official html webpage for The Crack Shack. It contains more than 7 locations. that cover everything from chicken & egg burgers and fried chicken to seasonal shakes. Available in Utah, Nevada, California, and other exciting locations as well as worldwide on Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Edge, Opera, and Internet Explorer. Forget about which came first. When your inspiration is as wide as the world and your chickens as free as the ranges they roam, a culinary treat beyond the ordinary is ready to hatch. Enter now to participate in exciting upcoming events such purchasing a copy of Brayconn everyday earbuds. Jidori is the only farm in all of California that uses certified, non-GMO, all natural feed with no meat by-products, hormones or antibiotics. Doctors say that those that eat food have a lower risk of death.
    Oh sure, have them all available to my neighboring states, but not to mine... :(
    I get the sneaking suspicion that this swan song mod project I'm currently working on is gonna be polarizing. I'm so incredibly excited and driven to be working on this (something I haven't felt since 2017-2018), I genuinely think that what I have here is really special, and to the rare few I've shared it with there's been positive reception (despite still ironing out a lot of details), but there's this nagging feeling that there is going to be a percentage of people that absolutely will not like it at all. This gut feeling I'm making something that—while a lot of people within our community will enjoy and praise (assuming I successfully execute my design doc as I envision)—there's also going to be a good chunk of reasonable people, users here that I respect, that will just utterly not enjoy the story and world that I've been crafting. This project feels like I'm climbing up a waterfall: Everybody says not to do it, many have tried in the past with no success, and yet my hubris is the assumption that I'm going to be able to succeed because of some unique interpretation to the problems involved. An interpretation that nobody expects or wanted, and so it is uncertain if it will be accepted at all.

    Perhaps this will be silly in hindsight, but right now I genuinely can not tell if this is just normal creative insecurity or a realistic realization of the nature of what it is that I'm attempting here. It's not a fear that "nobody will like this" or about random ""haters"", but that I'm making something that goes against what people want and expect and so the execution has to be flawless to convince them otherwise. There's a lot on my mind with working on this. (Also sorry about being vague as I always do. As per my usual I don't want to share details until this is far enough along in tangibility. I just needed to write these thoughts down somewhere).
    Good for you.
    This sort of thought process is how a lot of cult classics are born. I'm excited to see where this passion project of yours goes, and it's probably the case that most of those people that may not like it are still likely to appreciate the deliberate thought and effort that you put into it.
    If I had to pick between something unique and experimental and something thats just good I'd pick the former.
    Normal is boring.
    I want to hit a few more milestones before I go and make a proper thread for it (and I'll probably be busy over the next few days), but just minutes ago the CS Modding Discord server went public with a GitHub repository aimed at hosting as many freeware hacks as possible. It's still in early development but it's a long-term project we're aiming to build up first from the decades of past hacks scattered about, and then maintain it for the future.
    Yeeeeaah! Freeware hack master list!
    This is awesome. We never were too organized with all of the hacks the community had put together, so this will greatly help with keeping things documented.
    I'm gonna be super super busy the rest of this month but once we reach April 2nd can y'all remind me (aka harass me) to start finishing mods and posting them here again. Litterally sitting on a dozen tiny little fellas made from 2017-2021 just needing some finishing touches and a thread(s) to call home.
    ~remind bug enlight on April 2 2022
    start finishing mods and post them here
    I made one of these things. Perhaps it will be insightful.

    I just saw this. Haha, this is funny. I got Nene. How appropriate.
    hey enlight if you need expert mind about your essay - go down there
    The funniest part is that I do have various things I'm writing, but these "expert minds" wouldn't be of much help. Had a good laugh about it though.
    I was planning on (finally) finishing this Time Attack Customizer Kit mod and then "retiring", but now I'm wondering if I should dump that unfinished and instead make an epilogue/medium-sized-sequel before retirement.
    More details? Though a new epilogue/sequel would be amazing
    "Epilogue" sounds interesting. While sequel/prequel mods are really common, the story & final level of Enthology was really great. IIRC it was based off the normal ending, which left more loose ends than the Best ending, but it was still unique and fun. Personally, I recommend doing something really out-there and memorable. Lots of sequel mods end up being too faithful and recycling a lot from the original. If you wanna go out with a bang, think out of the box.
    I got carried away and spent like 2 hours writing a big thing of context that won't even fit in a profile feed reply :chin:. Seems like I needed to type out this indecisiveness stuff into something concrete in order to help me process it. I'm kinda secretive with my modding stuff (even within the modding Discord) so its not just the forums that need context.

    But now I gotta sleep and go to work in like 5 hours so tomorrow I'll have like a pastebin reply that you didn't ask for.
    John Madden
    Exclamation point question mark exclamation point question mark exclamation point question mark exclamation point question mark exclamation point question mark exclamation point question mark exclamation point question mark exclamation point question mark exclamation point question mark exclamation point question mark exclamation point question mark exclamation point question mark exclamation point question mark exclamation point question mark exclamation point question mark exclamation point question mark exclamation point question mark exclamation point
    I said it once a month ago, but I will say it once more. One final time to make it abundantly clear:
    On April 1st, which is in about 10 days, I will post ONE singular image in ONE single thread here on the forums. This is the ONLY thing I will do on that day.
    I will take full responsibility for this action that I have spent a year preparing for. I am aware of the consequences that this action bares. I am at the will of fate itself on what happens afterward. Thank you, and see you shortly.
    Power out in large chunks of my county due to random massive gusts of wind last night blowing things down (this includes me). Estimated won't be sorted for another 3 days but who knows which areas will be fixed first.
    I feel your pain; Hope you get power soon bud.
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