King (2.0)
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  • Now that @Cibryll has confessed to being Shane/Kim, I also need to come clean. The reason I joined was because I was trying to end the Vresun Conspiracy, which Cibyrll was the Mastermind of. I succeeded because the Aeonian Night finally ended as of August 1st so now we're just getting to know each other all over again.
    Does that mean all that stuff will stop now and we can live on without it.
    what. what?? what???????????????????
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    @Mint Yes. Those expose posts I made have served their purpose so I no longer need to keep making them. It's now a matter of focusing on getting Gun completed now.
    With Gun v2 released, I'll now be taking the week off starting from tomorrow because it's been long overdue. After that, I'll be returning to work on Gun v3.
    So I was playing Shadow of the Stars, got to the bit where the main character logs into the CSTSF just to ask Noxid what Rubidium is. I laughed and so far it's the funniest moment in the entire mod.
    Status: Changed up one of the boss fights to make it less boring. Still working on getting the teleporter animations in the Deep Sector to work properly.
    Status: After some playtesting, I've got some minor errors along with with the teleporter scripts to deal with. I can assure you that it'll be all worth it in the end.
    Status: I had @Hina playtest Gun v2 so I'll be fixing up a lot of minor errors. After that, it'll be tested again until it's good enough for release.
    Status: The Diamond Dogs 2 graphics now work properly. It's a matter now of fixing things before getting it play-tested (and doing more fixes if needed).
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    Doublethink was getting sick of me posting these on my profile so I experimented with a new approach. Personally, I think Kim Tyranto owes you all an explanation for all this instead of throwing a tantrum and making herself look guilty.
    As far as I'm aware kim has done nothing bad here and I almost feel like this gets closer to harrassment.
    I also thought @DoubleThink didn't want any of this drama on here in general instead of just profile posts? Correct me if I'm wrong though.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    @Mint I've been trying to explain (and provide evidence) that Kim manufactures drama on her own forum by creating sockpuppets and then lies about it when questioned. As for DoubleThink, as far I know, he never said anything regarding parody comics.
    (If you want, we'll take this to PMs and I'll try to explain this to you as best as I can.)
    Status: Gun v2 is nearing completion. I just need to get boss sprites corrected, get the mod playtested and get any other issues fixed before I can release the mod.
    Cool to see this get updated so thoroughly, especially when the new update sounds way bigger and better than before. Is v2 another demo, or a more-or-less finished version with a proper ending?. Either way, I'm looking forward to playing it!
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    Gun v2 is a second demo though it does have an (optional) ending. Once it's finished, I'll be halfway done with this mod (and I've still got a helluva lot to learn before this mod is done).
    Status: So thankfully most of the issues during playtesting were minor. I'm currently getting Diamond Dogs (Phase 2) sprites working correctly (the fight itself is now fully functional) along with other minor sprite changes.
    Status: The other weapon is finished as are the Diamond Dogs's sprites (first form). I've sent it off for playtesting and I've got some things to fix up before retesting the mod.
    Status: Diamond Dogs (Fusion Form)'s sprites are finished, as is their boss weapon. I'll be continuing with sprites/getting two of the boss fights working properly before getting it play-tested.
    Status: Working on the Diamond Dog's boss sprites. Phase 2's sprites are in progress and I'll be getting on with Phase 3's soon.
    Status: In every 4th level, there will gates that require a keycard found in the previous 3 levels. The scripting for it was quite complex but thanks to @Hina's help, I was able to pull through and get it done. I'll be focusing on the sprites now because those will need doing among other things.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    At the end, the player gets their keycards taken away (via <IT-) because there are only 3 Keycard items (and because it'd be far more effective/economical to reuse these 3 items for each sector rather than create more keycards). Besides, I'm sure that item space is finite anyway,
    That's pretty smart, then. Does this happen regardless of collecting less than 3 per 3 levels?
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    @Serri If the player comes in with less than all 3 (e.g 2), then it'll only take away the cards you actually have so that when you interact with it, it'll only give you the text for the keycard you don't have.
    EDIT: My previous explanation was wrong, according to Wayne himself, it only takes away your keycards if you have all of them.
    Status: I'm really moving along with development on Gun v2 now. It's just a matter of scripting two major things and getting the pixel art done for some bosses before I'll be sending it for playtesting to reveal anymore things that need improving before release.
    "Officials expected the city to swell with some 100,000 to 200,000 protesters" - Washington, D.C. protests yesterday
    *squints at the picture of the crowds*

    ... isn't there that little thing called COVID-19 still around? Either we're going to see a lot of new sickness in the weeks to come or science has some explaining to do
    With the vaccine expected to be fully developed this month, I am worried that the protests and even states reopening businesses will prolong the outbreak, even with it slowing down everywhere else in the world.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    @X-Calibar: Both UK and US Governments have downplayed COVID-19 statistics and their incompetence makes it hard to know the actual statistics.
    @Serri : In the UK, nobody seems have a clue on when a vaccine is actually due; it also doesn't help that scientific experts have told Bojo that he's loosened regulations too early.
    Status: I've got work to do on Gun v2, most of it minor, some major.
    Here's a new feature for the mod: The player can access any of the 4 levels from the start, though Level 4 will have a barrier that requires 3 keycards found in the first 3 Sectors in order to deactivate it.
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