Jun 16, 2016 at 7:16 PM
Join Date: Aug 3, 2014
Location: worm hole
Posts: 363
Age: 23
Pronouns: she/her

second image sums up my thoughts on this level design
Ok, so for the fireball thing:Someone has to run through the most recent update(s), so it might as well be me.
you didn't put the mod's files into a single folder before putting it in a .zip file
also heard from others that window.rect is better off deleted
xin the entire mod is on hard difficulty as is
you absolute madman
the intro cutscene upon choosing your difficulty still has problems with facepics appearing for split seconds at a time
it's also a bad idea to have more than three lines of dialogue display without a <NOD
you also need more <CLR's
what the fuck is this Moonsong remix
opening the chest didn't play the "opening chest" sound
thanks for finally giving Curly a <KEY
all these updates
and this house is STILL shitty
all these updates
and this mountain is STILL as flat and boring as a pancake
again, chests need that sound effect
i just touched one of these guys by accident and took 21 damage
armor capsules are neat and all, but everything still does a shitload of damage
why not just nerf the damage done by EVERYTHING?
it sure is fun grinding up for half an hour to get everything to level 3
it may just be me, but the yellow critters feel faster
hiding spikes in giant columns of breakable blocks (or any breakable block really) is bad
please stop doing it for fuck's sake
did you just hide a yellow critter in a breakable wall that you need to break to progress?
fuck OFF
that breakable block below the capsule nearly made it impossible to grab the capsule
>touch green critter while falling
>take 23 damage
good shit right there
(why the actual fuck)
good to see that Sand Zone is still Swarms of Enemies: The Level
despite several updates
that isn't sand
why did a sandcroc come out of it
glad to see that the upper door in Deserted House still leads to a bullshit deadend that effectively softlocks the game
despite several updates
glad to see that this random dumb slope and camoflauged breakable block are still here
despite several updates
stop fucking hiding your save points
le balanced rainbow critter boss of much """strategy"""
that's 30 damage
30 damage = that tiny sliver
wow would you look at that
i got touched, took 9999 damage, and exploded
i like how you noticed that i kept cheesing the fight with 9999 health a la save editor
replace "autism" with "fucking horrible mod design and balancing"
you may be able to make it do max damage
but you can't make it hit through invincibility :^)
it legit took me full minutes of nonstop firing to kill it with the level 2 blade
you have to chew through several thousand HP and it can oneshot you at any moment
this is the epitome of bullshit difficulty
also what the fuck'd i do
it's entirely possible to destroy your only way up, forcing the player to reset
whoa what the heck
the platforms need more variation fam
stop placing fake/falling blocks below your capsules
it's bullshit
slopes like these are glitched
pls fix
you do know these vines are solid to enemies, right?
this tiling is pretty bad my dude
this door doesn't animate upon opening it
nor does it make the sound of opening a door
neither does this door
what was the point of hiding the life capsule in a box of blocks
this, once again, is shitty design
stop hiding life capsules behind required damage
went back through the door that lead from the end of that level to sand zone
black screen
you can just fly off the screen here and out of the mod
standing in this alcove and firing the machine gun did nothing
i had to back up and use the blade to break the block/kill the npc
why does the northern star have ammo again
it makes it worthless
i have no words
can you stop making Omega dying lag the game so damn bad
it's annoying
glad to see that this is still Falling Spikes and Enemy Spam: The Level
despite several updates
glad to see that this """puzzle""" still has no hints
despite several updates
glad to see that the booster is still hidden behind a block for no reason
despite several updates
glad to see that i still need to redo the bullshit """puzzle""" after getting the booster v0.8
despite several updates
glad to see that your cancerous fake block mazes are still here
despite several updates
how have i already missed a weapon upgrade
literally stolen from Cave Story Redesign
1. you didn't give me the choice to get this; you just stole my weapons
2. you didn't play any kind of fanfare
why the fuck does this thing have forever health
level 3 snake mk2 is 2op tbqh
you could have put literally anything else as a ceiling
and you choose the glitchy down blocks
>goes back to a level that needs sprucing up
>places even more spikes
i know i've asked this time and again already but what the actual fuck is wrong with you
broken slope
glad to see that this spike-filled fake block maze was left unchanged
after all these updates
dick move
even more so since i would need to go through 3/4 of the map just to get back to it
this is why you don't put breakable blocks underwater
it looks dumb when you break them
if there's anything you've learned from making this, it's how to ruin a perfectly good map with spikes and enemies
>inb4 "b-but you can skip it with the machine gun!"
yeah well not everyone will have the level 3 machine gun ready OR think to use it to skip that part of the map
i like how you didn't even delete the teleporter npc
you just placed blocks over it
>get complaints about black critter in water physics
>change it to rainbow critter instead
>hide an armor capsule in the block, forcing the player to go get it
what the actual fuck
is wrong
with you
you didn't use <PRI
you uh
you also didn't make it disappear after use
you can fall out of the mod here
i like how i was able to fly over the trigger for the boss fight
actually nevermind, the trigger for the fight was hidden in the middle of the arena for NO reason
the berserk core fight is dumb it fires too much shit hp regen is fucking stupid etc. etc.
i know you won't listen to me regarding the berserk core since you clearly haven't for several updates, but hp regen is seriously a bad mechanic
if you can't get through its wall of bullets, it'll heal back the damage you just dealt to it
if you can't reach it from the back of the arena when it blows you back, it'll heal back the damage you just dealt to it
i also just ran into a glitch where i was firing the missile launcher and no missiles were coming out
i had max ammo, too
you also forgot to make the chest stay open after opening it, like literally every other chest you've made
the old resevoir is complete bullshit without a map
glad to see that this entire level exists
despite several updates
big jellyfish shouldn't have over 200 hp
it boggles my mind how good you are at making levels even shittier than they were before
this down block makes it possible to miss the thing you need to unlock the exit to this watery hell
pretty much everything else i've said in the past about Waterway has been left unchanged
i even got stuck in the same spot despite you trying to fix it, so you clearly haven't playtested this
*one trip to Booster's Lab later*
you need several <NOD's and <CLR's here
There will never be updates on this from me, but anyone else is welcome to take apart the exe and find my changes, or use graphics, etc.
The reason no new updates will ever come from me is some time ago I had an accident with my hard drive, and one of the things lost was the entirity of the CSR work folder, which included a file detailing each address range and its function. Sorry.
Encase the link is dead, here it is again: http://www.mediafire.com/download/myanz3p02x31p38/CSR0506.zip
Again, sorry but when the files were lost it was too painful and I just had to walk away.
Also I just used the idea of the spiral shape, if you'd look closer you'd see it's not exactly the same, plus it's a different colour, I think... It's been a while since I looked at it.anyone else is welcome to take apart the exe and find my changes, or use graphics, etc.
Huh? Could you please tell me how you even got there? If it's an old save or from an older version, then I suggest that you don't do that.Some things I want to note:
1.Why are the orbs weapons?
2.Why does Quote pass out from something that does less damage than his max health?(unless you changed that already)
3.When Curly asks me wether I want to loot Quote or not she just does regardless of my choice.
4.Why is Outer Balcony a thing.
5.Why is Curly following me after saving in the area Quote passes out, as Curly?
6.Why are rainbow critters practically things to never get close at.
7.Seriously, why is Outer Balcony.
8.Why are there traps that trap you in an area where you can't get out and die.
9.Why are there blind jumps in Outer Balcony with a lot of unsolid blocks to fool you?
10.I can understand when torches hurt me, but why do bubble tiles hurt me?
11.Why are there fake save/health/ammo points.
12.Is it even possible to get through Outer Balcony without losing over 1000 lives?
Don't do what? Did I got past what is now the end of a demo or what?If it's an old save or from an older version, then I suggest that you don't do that.
No, but I don't expect you to move on to unreleased areas that I haven't time to fix yet.Don't do what? Did I got past what is now the end of a demo or what?
I mean, you don't expect me to start over every time you release an update do you?
You might need to define 'unreleased', I don't remember anything saying I reached the end of the version I played until I reached the end of Outer Balcony.No, but I don't expect you to move on to unreleased areas that I haven't time to fix yet.
I can't help but doubt you after what I've seen.Most of what you've said was fixed ready for the next update, including the enemies with way too much health; I found the flag that was breaking them.
Xin, the fake block mazes are 100% fake difficulty, and they get even worse when you decide to throw spikes into the mix. I don't understand why you're so set on keeping them in the mod when they actively hurt it. As for me having enough time to test the mod, class has been out for a while now.But thanks for playing it through again anyway. The only thing that won't be removed completely is the fake block mazes, which have already been made a lot less tedious. Also, on a side note, how do you have so much time to play this mod?
I already went over this in the "My Modifications" thread. I'm going to use fitting language if the mod angers me, and this mod's questionable choices have a very easy time doing that. It's possible to overdo it, but this also isn't a hugbox.But thank you for at least making a reply that's not full of mindless insults and swearing
STOP CALLING ME XINEven if Dubby said people could use Redesign's assets, you still need to give them credit. Same goes for everything else you borrow assets from.
I can't help but doubt you after what I've seen.
Xin, the fake block mazes are 100% fake difficulty, and they get even worse when you decide to throw spikes into the mix. I don't understand why you're so set on keeping them in the mod when they actively hurt it. As for me having enough time to test the mod, class has been out for a while now.
I already went over this in the "My Modifications" thread. I'm going to use fitting language if the mod angers me, and this mod's questionable choices have a very easy time doing that. It's possible to overdo it, but this also isn't a hugbox.
Xin is shorter than Thomas or Thomas Xin. Also, you are basically saying, "Making mods is hard, therefore I won't fix it." You already have it easy since you are building off of vanilla Cave Story's maps, so you don't really have much of an excuse to design something else.STOP CALLING ME XIN
I want to replace the fake block mazes with SOMETHING, but since I had already changed the colour of the fake ones, I decided to leave it because I don't know what to do instead. If I remove them it'll just be too boring...
Also I was planning to make my own fireball sprite, I just used that as a placeholder
They're really not that hard. I don't find them annoying at all now since they're clearly a different colour to the rest now.I'm gonna be blunt, boring is better than unfair. At least when something is boring players actually have the ability to progress. I suggest you take the fake block maze puzzles out, FOCUS ON FIGURING OUT WAYS TO IMPROVE THE CONTENT YOU ALREADY HAVE, and if you can't figure out something right away, at least your players won't quit out of frustration because of fake difficulty fake block puzzles.
There are only 3 maps with that sort of puzzlesI didn't say they were hard, I said they were composed of fake difficulty. It's not hard, it's tedious to the point of frustration. It's possibly the worst thing you could do to the player.
Judging from Seasons' playthroughs, it appears that this same statement can be applied to a large portion of, if not all of, your mod's content.
Please see:There are only 3 maps with that sort of puzzles
Judging from Seasons' playthroughs, it appears that this same statement can be applied to a large portion of, if not all of, your mod's content.
There are only 3 maps with fake block puzzles.Please see: