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New profile posts

Just a note: my iPhone's display stopped working about a week ago, rendering it infuriatingly useless. I was hoping to get it fixed relatively quickly, but circumstances seem to suggest that that won't be the case. I still have my Android, school iPad and laptop, of course, so it's not like I'm completely cut off from contact, but I've also been kept relatively busy with work lately and my iPhone was the only device capable of accessing the Internet outside of Wi-Fi. Therefore, I'm likely to be somewhat inactive for a while yet - please bear with me if I take a while to respond to things or show up in general. Thank you. ^_^
How'd that happen?! Hope they can fix it easily... and not $$$!
I simply dropped it, and though this has happened many times it finally couldn't withstand the trauma. I've had the iPhone for a year and a half now, so it was bound to happen eventually, but due to an unfortunate technicality regarding plans to switch providers I don't have an acceptable reason or opportunity to fix it despite having the money. Depending on the details of what will happen I might get it fixed anyway, but who knows.
"There's gonna be Claoose in top-right, Claoose in top-bottom..."
Well; <em class='bbc'>Death Note</em> sure was interesting.
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I think there were tons of ass-pulls from L, and a lesser extent N, but I don't the end was horrid.

I do like how it took both mellow and Near beat light even though they (and L) could have never done it by themselves.

Though it would have been nice to see light win and a sequel with the note slowly corrupting light to his doom.
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<div class='bbc_spoiler_wrapper'><div class='bbc_spoiler_content' style="display:none;">It's pretty dependant on whether or not you actually like Near and Mellow as replacements for L.
Their inclusion completely ruined the dyanmic which had split audiences between allegiances. The show established in the beginning that there were two sides to root for, Light or L. So when L dies, that essentially means victory for Light/Kira supporters. But the ending, where Light dies, no one on either side wins. Inserting a character in place for L who has the same objective isn't going to sway supporters over, especially when there's very little reason to like Near at all. I was torn a bit at the midpoint of the series, but the ending is where it all lost me. </div></div>
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I actually never though people would fully support L in the plot, I mean sure he's a very interesting character (one of the most diverse characters I've seen since Break Xeras from Pandora Hearts) but I just don't understand the "whys" of his reasoning.

Kira is just getting rid of bad guys and people preventing him from getting rid of bad guys.</div></div>
Hi there, I was just wondering if the <a href='https://soundcloud.com/groups/organya-pxtone-vault' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>SoundCloud</a> group was still active. It's just that I haven't seen any new ORGs popping up recently and I recall submitting a couple of my own.
It is; I've missed the last couple of emails is all. Lemme put those up.
Know what, I'm just gonna make those of you who submit the most mods, while I'm at it.
PMs are automatically enabled when a user has made at least - I'm pretty sure it's 10? - active posts. Gamecube Geek has not made any posts yet, so he couldn't activate PMs even if he wanted to.
Gamecube Geek
Gamecube Geek
Ohh oops >3<
Uhhh brb making ten random posts =P
Hey we need you to think of a thing in the Beta testing Klub.
To be completely honest, while I don't mind trying to test your mod and good feedback, it's not a good idea to rely on me for ideas.

At any rate, I spent all day working and just got back home. I'll try it out tomorrow, okay?
Well, I'm back... Some interesting stuff happened there, but I don't have enough time to type it all out here.
Late Birthday Posts: The Continuation(thanks IdioticBaka for announcing this): Pixel's Birthday
...I think it's time for another round of...! Gamemanj Late Birthday Post! Now with 2 more sentences mentioning the fact it exists before. Still need to write that bot. Probably will *never* get around to it.