Of course some sound better on some songs, and worse in others.Comparing the midi starting with the default sound of Microsoft Sound Mapper, then the "original" unreleased track from Final Fantasy VIII, followed by various soundfonts (starting with the soundfont I mixed and matched for The Way), followed by various randomly chosen soundfonts showing the variety you can find. Lastly, I play the mp3 version I directly put together a long time ago.
Sorry for the various audio volumes, need to put a limiter into the loop!
Yamaha Tyros 4_Just_T4_Fixed-XCal0.4.2.rar
It is generally geared towards all 6 episodes of midis. (Maybe biased towards the later episodes actually...)
Not perfect, but hard to make a one size fits all song solution soundfont.
Or as I mentioned previously, I believe this is the old soundfont I used back then:
Two decent starting points for music enhancement. (Or you can grab the Cave Story orgmaker soundfont