It's been a while.
The slow yet inevitable collapse of Twitter and Reddit has left me a bit shaken...
...until I realized that forums like this one and message boards like 4chan still exist,
and even if they collapse, several more will be created to take their place.
Hi I'm in a really weird situation, I became a fan of Cave Story this month and my brother showed me that I have an account on here lmao. I wasn't a Cave Story fan, have never made a throwaway account, and this whole situation is funny. Whoever made this account, I'm not even mad that you used my gmail. You're funny dude, and I would love to be your friend.
windows defender gave me a big scare yesterday over an apparent virus
it was not a virus, it was just it freaking out over newly placed ORGs in a mod
i put old ORGs back in, replaced different ones with the new ones i wanted to use, and now it's all good
thanks windows defender for taking a few years off my lifespan
Besides, I mostly use forums, message boards, and fanfiction sites,
so the enshittification (wonderful name) doesn't really affect me personally.