New profile posts

Can't we turn off user-controlled thread deletion in the permissions?
I wish. It's tied to the user-controlled post deletion permission from what I can tell. IPB considers the removal of the first post to be sufficient grounds to remove the thread. The side effect of this is of course that it grants the thread starter the ability to remove a thread whenever they want. However I'd like to see if the XF move solves this issue at all before I start adding rules that I may later make redundant.
I hope that's not one of those blankets that shock you every time you try to move in it o_o
Warm blankets are the best <3

Also, I'm glad that you keep finding cute things. I need that stuff to survive. ^_^
The koopa youtube video on your profile has been taken down
i hate weeaboos
Then why are you using Otacon as your avatar?
Goerge Bobicles
Goerge Bobicles
I agree, anyone who throws away who they are to be someththing they aren't are just terrible
rennis tacket cancelled because corrupt files
Decided to change some stuff, and this meanth I had to empty my friend list, sorry for everybody in it.
Hey Aar, is it possible to run the Windows 10 Installer but skip the shitty downloading bit because I had to spend an entire fucking afternoon doing that (I start about 6PM and finished at like 1 in the morning) and the bloody thing gave me an error and I can't start again. All tutorials for it use a folder and exe I don't even have on my PC and I'm just generally pissed.
Your going to need an 8GB stick just to be safe
Windows 10 is like 3 gigs
I'm sure he'll be fine
Reddeh Le Steddeh
Reddeh Le Steddeh
I'm buying a 16GB stick just for the fact I can store tons of memes on there as well.
Hina reminded me to give Terraria another try the other day. I didn't care for it the first time I played (several months ago), but I think I'm really starting to like it now. :3
Hardmode != Hardcore, just in case
I just started a Hardcore character on Expert world mode... I bet I won't survive to reach Hard mode.
Confusing xD But, I'm worried I'll lose the character at the first boulder trap I encounter...
Please excuse the late replies, I'm never sure of what I have to say.

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Monster X-Calibar"><p>It was like that for me too Polaris. My first time involved wandering and eventually getting lost in the dark, deep earth! I had little clue of how to play, so it was just kind of weird... Fast-forward to much later, I ended up playing again and got addicted. There's SO much to find. And if you have a pal to discover it with, it's that much more fun <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

I played on my own too though, spent a lot of time building... Never did finish the floating island and tower...</p></blockquote>"Weird" is the best way to describe my first impression of Terraria, yeah. It does grow on you! I'm too much of a social wreck to try multiplayer, but I might give it a go sometime...I guess it depends. I'm not into building myself, more of an adventuring type, and yes the boulder traps are the worst <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':muscledoc:' />
(Good luck with Hardcore AND Expert enabled! You're gonna need it! D: )
<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Intel from blonde partner suggests that custom scout robot 'Quote' has been compromised"><p>You can get bacon now. It gives you the well fed buff for 35 irl minutes.</p></blockquote>Bacon's okay in theory, but...
<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Hina Press"><p>Pumpkin Pie is better~</p></blockquote>...I'm a much bigger fan of pumpkin pie :3
<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="The Seasoning On My Donuts of Destiny"><p>Not to mention you can actually craft it, unlike the bacon</p></blockquote>This is a plus, too!
<template id="ireq_steinsgate" notes="Standard information request to find if someone knows Steins;Gate.">Information suggests that you would understand the name "Hououin Kyouma."</template>
I made sure the XML wouldn't do anything, it would be against the point if it were invisible
Oh, right, that makes sense. But what was it supposed to look like? I didn't quite get it.
The point was to specify that I was making an information request relating to Steins;Gate.
Also to imply that I have some form of template system for information requests(which I don't <em class='bbc'>yet</em>... *adds to neverending TODO list*.)