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why am i shipping shulk with his monado. what is wrong with me.
I find it easier to visualize the monado as
"El Monadó"
A suave hispanic sword with a very sterotypically racist mustache
shove the monado up your ass, shulk
he'd definitely feel that
Watching Teen Titans Go and their mini show (Pretty little Pegasus) is better than the show itself. (At least from the view of my eyes)
I guess I'm the only one who says "the view of my eyes" But yeah Paths is correct about all of that. I'm not sure how I made it look that confusing. I guess I'm good at writing stuff that sounds overly confusing.
you said "Watching Teen Titans Go and their mini show is better than the show itself"
That implies that Watching Teen Titans go is better than the show itself due to the use of "and"
it should be like
"Watching Teen Titans Go's mini show is better than watching the show itself"
Hm.....Never thought that one through enough then. Thanks for correcting it.
Just so you guys know, I was dead serious <a href='' class='bbc_url' title=''>when I said that I don't still plan on making CBSR</a>. Everything that I said in that post is 100% true to the best of my knowledge. The April Fool's joke was tricking you guys into thinking it was a joke based on my track record when in fact I was legitimately making an announcement regarding the future of my projects. So yeah, sorry for those of you who were looking forward to it.
Got mewtwo code and got Advanced Wars as my free reward for being Gold on Nintendo. Mewtwo is cool I like up but I feel like his up throw is pretty strong.
wasn't it already like his best attack
I'm not sure because I didnt get to play mewtwo much in melee and I havent played melee since back like in 2013 due to my gamecube breaking. But i wouldn't be surprised if it was. His down be is pretty useful to get a stun off I like it a lot.
video games
But it's not 4:20 where I'm at yet.
Video games? I like video games! <span style='font-size: 12px'>I refuse to associate with you if you don't. </span>
Why do I end up watching anime that isn't actually real anime all the damn time
Goerge Bobicles
Goerge Bobicles
it kinda has a bit of a reputation, not exactly the best of kinds.
Language? Sattirical Racism? Sattirical homophobia?
Can you elaborate on that?
It has a reputation for being great and Goerge just doens't know what he's talking about.
Hey, just thought I'd let you know I left a comment on your channel the other day. Not sure if YouTube notifies you for that, but I thought it was the most appropriate place to put it. : p
Oh I guess it doesn't notify me, thanks for the help! I'm switching to OBS
I can't keep The Doobie Brothers as a status forever and I have nothing better to say at the moment, so here's a depressingly long to-do list for my recollection and your potential insight. =o
<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Kim"><p>Those... certainly are a lot of stuff. =o

Aren't Spira and River and Fiel the characters you thought up for Project Vresun last year?</p></blockquote>...the ones I barred Shane from using, yes.

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Anuken"><p>I... seem to have the opposite problem, at least with computer-related stuff. I have a big project going, but don't know what I should do first...</p></blockquote>No, we're in about the same spot. I have too many things I want to do and I'm not sure where to start or how to make myself do things. ^_^;

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Thatnamelessguy"><p>Huh. Quite a nice list you have there.
This list reminds me that despite procrastinating on actual schoolwork, I've also been completely ignoring things I want to do that actually matter</p></blockquote>Yeah, that's a terrible issue I have in particular. I didn't even know it was <em class='bbc'>possible</em> to be distracted from things you like when I was younger. :<

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Captain Fabulous"><p>That was a fascinating read. I hope you get to check all that shit off, even the weird one.</p></blockquote>Thank you! I hope so too. Taking over the world would be a hassle for little benefit, so just pretend that one doesn't exist.

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="ShinyElectricBlueTiger"><p>hmm yes dasu is the connoisseur of anime. she probably asked you to watch garzey's wing and that is the one anime i can 100% recommend</p></blockquote>I don't think she mentioned Garzey's Wing, but I'll add it to the list anyway. Why not! It's already so ludicrously long that I'm guaranteed to die young of Stage 9 Kawaiibetes. D:
<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' ><p>★Buy an actual sword</p></blockquote>I need goals like this. All I have is get a job, choose a college, and other important things.
<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' ><p>I need goals like this. All I have is get a job, choose a college, and other important things.</p></blockquote>Well, they're important goals for a reason! <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

It's really good to get your priorities straight! Of course, once you have an idea of what those important goals are, I see no harm in branching out to recreational dreams.~
Visiting the forums while at school? Such rebellion. Also I think I may try to learn how to properly draw with graphite pencils thanks to Advanced Art. Anyone have any tips in particular?
Oh gosh, you signed up for this forum exactly one year after I did.
Happy late B-day.
It's really hard to check that I am spelling this corectly. I'm going to have to use IE6 at this rate in order to actually see I am not even sure if I finished that sentence please why did you do this Noxid heeeelp
i'm not sorry
git gud at speling and gramar