New profile posts

I've tried registering a Give A Damn account, and I didn't receive a registration email.
And before you ask, yes, I've tried (SEVERAL TIMES, MIND YOU) to send a password recovery email to ALL THREE of my emails, and so far, none of them have come in.
It's pissing me off. Can you tell me what the hell is happening?
1. Have you tried checking the junk email folder? I sent a test email via AdminCP and had no trouble receiving it. What email client and/or service are you using?
2. Alt accounts are against the rules, just fyi.
1. Yes, several times. Gmail is the client/service I always use.
2. I never made any alt accounts; I just sent the confirmation email to all of my emails under the same username.
Oh wait... I thought you meant that you couldn't register on this site. Whoops.

Yeah it looks like rather than this being an issue with receiving emails the Give A Damn site just isn't sending emails altogether. Maybe the hosting provider is blocking port 25?
Can one ever have enough games…?
There are a great many games in my Steam library that I have purchased but haven't played, so my guess would likely be "yes", even if the answer feels like it should be "no"
I kinda have like a thousand games and only finished like (approximately) 1/4th of 'em, haha.
Not to mention the few games I can't update because of my lousy mobile devices. T_T
I find I have largely enough games personally if we count all the platforms I own.
Nowadays I read more books than play games so I might should sell some with how easy it is to get them nowadays on modern platform, legally or illegaly.
So because of how much Bluebot Requisition's changed since its original demo, should I bump and rename the old thread or just make a new one? Pretty much everything with the exception of the introductory area and MC sprites have been completely reworked to the point of barely resembling the original, and of the course overall idea and story's been entirely re-written as well. I'm not anywhere close to releasing it yet, I just thought I'd ask ahead of time.
Some people have done it differently, but I would probably revamp/rename and bump the existing thread. It may be significantly changed, but it's still a progression from the existing posts in the thread, so I see no reason not to continue the existing thread.
ratatouille 2: the last pasta coming out this christmas!!!!!

i am so excited, this game is gonna be the BEST (there is a game and movie coming out don't worry)
I wanna see what version of blasterball 2 you were using because I dont know what version i was using since I got the bb2r installer from another old computer my family was using into my personal computer. The one I bought from wildtangent is not starting up the game and Im running on windows 10. If you know how to fix it do let me know asap. Im almost done with 0.2.0 but I want it to be compatable with the latest version of bb2r.

I bought it from the WildTangent store here:
I also had to install the "WildTangent Games" client on my computer. After I did that, I'm pretty sure it ran normally, I don't remember having to change any compatibility settings to make it work. It's possible that some other people have run into the same issue you're running into, and have posted about it somewhere else on the internet.

Also, in the future, just go ahead and respond to your thread instead of posting on my profile. I read all of the new content on these forums whenever I log in, so I'm not going to see a new message on my profile much sooner than I'm going to see a reply to a thread that I've posted in.
In the event that anyone was still relying on the links in my signature for anything, be advised: My server's dead. Probably permanently. If anyone has reason to rehost the files, I've put their hashes in the signature and can transfer them over... something, I don't care. Just make sure to stick them on something more durable than Mediafire or something, since otherwise they'll just break and get forgotten about.
This would have been unthinkable back in 2012, but believe it or not, it's been almost a year now since the last time a user got banned (and that's counting tempbans). Given how significantly more quiet things are these days, and given that drama and rule breaking is very infrequent, how has this impacted your thought process on whether or not to infract a user when you notice a minor offense? For example, within the last few months, whenever you've seen a rapid double post, or a necrobump in bad taste, do you tend to be more lenient, since there isn't an overwhelming amount of chaos that needs to be quickly quelled? Or does the quietness make it easier to focus and give more attention to these minor offenses, thereby making it more likely than before that someone who breaks these rules will receive a warning? Or is it pretty much the same thought process as before, there just aren't as many cases to adjudicate? Do you ever find yourself thinking "well, if this forum was more active, maybe I'd give him a warning for this, but at this point it doesn't really matter, so I'm just gonna let it slide."?
Honestly the biggest change was probably when we moved to XenForo, it made it so much easier to merge posts that I don't throw out infractions for that as frequently anymore. I'm a bit more lenient on thread bumps too, with how old the forum's getting sometimes I'd rather keep the chance for the discussion to pick up again. Otherwise it's mostly the same with not as much of it to do.
… Never fun having any form of artist's block or writer's block or whatever other blockheaded blocks exist. Could probably be worse, though.
greetings - pilotredsun
It's obviously still in its early phases but gameplay wise I'm going a completely different direction and the technicality of it all is just means for me to make the game how i envision it! it's going to have a full party cast of 4 characters and story wise its supposed to be a little more focused on worldbuilding rather than dialogue? dialogue wise I'm still going to be trying to make it as engaging and interesting as I can, having unique side characters with their own stories and with their own quirks and things. It's all supposed to be wrapped together in one big semi-linear open world package, a stark contrast to the first game's linear level progression structure. I won't hate you if you don't like where it's going, but do note that everything you've played so far is subject to change, and everything everywhere is still being polished.
tldr; it's just a demo! don't expect it to be the perfect headman sequel you dreamed of until i finish it hopefully
i think i noticed something interesting about headman 2
headman 2 is way more nuanced than headman 1 if you're talking about how weird these mods are
headman 1 has trippy dreams, a tennis racket that shoots tennis balls that go through walls, and a door that requires you to use a pizza that's probably not a pizza to complete the game
the only weird thing i noticed about headman 2 was that headman looked weird and really big but that makes sense if you have seen one of the endings
its definitely not as in your face weird as the first game but i think as an overall theme everything is just sort of strange/bizarre or uncanny in the sequel