New profile posts

Hello Friend, SafuSaka and Me are big fans of Hamburger Gaming. Please contact SafuSaka, as he wants to give you his updated "BURGER" Sprite for your use. He would appreciate it.
Hey, it's been awhile... I see the MODCON 2015 competition hasn't been resolved yet. Oh well, It's happened before...
Okay, I have a new plan, to keep this practical. In future, I'll look at the "All Statuses" and look for "birth" or "birthday" on there, so when other people say "birthday" to someone I know and I can then say it myself. This plan probably won't work though, considering my luck.
Yet another Late Birthday Post...*sigh* this is impossible... I can't keep up with this...
...another Late Birthday Post... there's "this is getting late" and then there's this... sorry about how late it is... how do I seem to be missing every birthday on the CSTSF???
Ah its ok dude we all can't be on time all the time owo/. Well you're not the only one to miss stuff. I didn't even see this and it was posted back on tuesday. Although maybe part of it was because Paths flooded my status box.
There. Just did a round of L-B-Ps, and bookmarked a few pages I'm going to need later... I'm probably going to stop this at the end of the year(can't do it earlier, won't be fair)...
Although I might be taking this too seriously...
Another Late Birthday Post...okay, how am I missing these by SO LONG??? It's getting to the point where I worry that people aren't going to be happy because I took so long...
Never thought I'd be getting a belated birthday message in May! : o
And now for another Late Birthday Post... okay, this is getting ridiculous! 2 MONTHS??? ...why am I even trying...
At the end of the year just send out a message on your feed saying "and to all those who have had a birthday this year."
And it's time for another Late Birthday Post...oh dear... I *still* need to write that bot... I may have to give up on these altogether, at this rate...
yeah uh
mine was in march
unless you're talking about something else but i wouldn't know
I married Cordeilia in fire emblem. Shes adorable i luv
well yeah that's what I meant that it makes sense for Sumia
from her point of view it's really sweet but on the other hand Chrom literally says that he's marrying her to make her happy because she made good pies
i mean it could've been pulled off better but it was just badly written to the point that I couldn't take it seriously
almost all of the S supports are ridiculous or badly written (I liked Inigo and Noire's supports but their S support was so bad I wish I didn't get them married)
but I felt like they should make the ones that tons of people are going to read like this one feel like the characters are actually bonding
although it's not as bad as some other ones, like Gaius and Panne
Well tbh this is like the first time they even added this type of mechanic in. Not to mention this would actually be their last fire emblem game if it didn't sell well so going by that i'm sure they had to cut a few edges with the money they had. While it does have its place in gameplay I don't think it was one of their MAIN focuses when making the game. They were probably were more focused on working on the plot and overall make it feel like a fire emblem game.
Also going by what we know so far for the next fire emblem game, the marriage system will probably not come back and I kind of say this because the character you play as is related to the hoshido tribe so yea marrying your own family members would probably be a no, and nohr tribe you literally grew up in so that also kind of makes them non-blood related family.
technically it wasn't the first one to have the whole children system thing there was another and it was actually probably pulled off better there since the children were actually the main characters of part of the game but I wouldn't know since I didn't get that far in that game it's dumb and difficult and too many people died even though in that same chapter you can bring people back to life apparently but you need to kill these dragon guys first and i don't know if I could've beaten them without those people but whatever
but yeah I kinda didn't take into account that part since it was the first one in the series I played (yes I am a terrible person) so I wasn't really aware of how unsuccessful it was. still I feel like they probably should've made that part more developed since they clearly didn't put too much into the plot past around chapter 10
but yeah the marriage system will probably not return but I feel like they will probably bring back those endings where the main lord ends up getting married to one of certain characters if they have A support with them it would make sense since the avatar person is also the lord this time
even though you start off with your family I doubt they'll be your entire team I mean in literally every Fire Emblem game I've played you recruit random people on the battlefield by talking to them and also occasionally people just randomly join your army at the beginning of a chapter
I bet this guy has left to make amazing games :,)
3+ years later, and I just now saw this. :,)

Your comment really makes me wish I had an amazing game to show, but all I have to show from recent years are some jam games and various prototypes and test projects, which are all pretty far from amazing.
I finally beat the computer at Kado AI! One of my biggest achievements.
It has simple rules but it can be pretty tough at times, like you have to look ahead a few steps and plan a lot before you play. You should probably try it out.
Oh, I see. I've always been kind of awful at strategic games that require planning ahead, but I guess I'll give it a try all the same! ^_^;
Good luck, hope you have fun!