New profile posts

Sorry to bother you over something so minor, but in the forum rules, under the section about ragequit threads, there's a typo: "...indeterminably long period of absen*s*e."
Done. Also I fixed "surprised" missing an "r" while I was there.
Those old "Cave Story OST Extended" videos by LotDW2007 sound like they were ripped from the DSIware version of Cave Story
Nice job!
I think it would be nice to add the unused songs, too.
I didn't even realize how bad the YouTube tracks were until you posted this. I kinda just passively told myself it was probably just YouTube compression shenanigans
Staying up past 4 AM (GMT+2) just to work with ORGs… probably not the best idea I've had lately, but I guess it was worth it, in the end?

... Aaaaaaaaand tomorrow's Friday -again-. Feels to me like it was Friday yesterday. :s
Probably not, but who doesn't enjoy pulling the occasional all-nighter to work on something enjoyable?
"Occasional", I'm alright with…

"Three nights in a row", not so much. :-/

Hopefully the new year'll change that.
idea for a cs mod: a prequel based on quote dreaming or whatever during his ten year nap and he somehow only has 10 dreams which somehow last 1 year
can we just appreciate that king's theme is a real thing
White isn't a track I normally think of when I think about the Cave Story soundtrack, but yeah, it's a really great song
Really happy to see the response I got on the Cave Story Memories thread. It was very fun to read through the posts, everyone has really great stories.
I was going to respond to everything but at this point my post would just be a wall of text.
Hope you all had a great Christmas
this account is just here so that i can play cs mods because of that annoying sign up thing
What CS mods require an account for you to play? Most of them should be off-site links, not attachments...
and then i realized that did me almost no good at all so i made a dokustu club account
at least i can say random stuff in some really small forum
lol. You shouldn't even need a doukutsu club account unless you want to upload your own mods or make reviews. Welcome to the forums anyways though! :p
im back simpletons and this time i have my latest weapon: the YELLOW FLOWER! It makes the Mimiga PISS ON COMMAND when they eat it! WE CAN FINALLY PISS ON THE MOON!
This year can't end soon enough… but then, somehow someone got around CE's map issues. Time'll tell if it'll be of any use or not, haha.

So 2021 was a mixed bag of "terrible" and "potentially great", I guess.
Last night was rough...I knew you could get hungover but fuck me man
The main thing I remember is that I had a very long conversation about Harry Potter and then one of my friends mentioned J.K Rowling and we all collectively started shitting on J.K Rowling
Woddles is now an adult, not because he drank but because he shitted on J.K. Rowling lol
Thank you Cold
So I was browsing through some old stuff and happened to come across a profile post ~9 years ago where you mentioned that your dream is to become a mechanical engineer. Just curious, what became of that? Where are you in life now?
Ah yes, I remember that conversation with GoldenBlade. A little over a year after I wrote that post, I ended up changing my mind and deciding that I wanted to be a software engineer instead. I graduated high school in May 2015, went to college and majored in Computer Science, graduated in May 2019, and then soon after landed a job as a software engineer for a cybersecurity company. I've been working that job for almost 2 1/2 years now.
I see. Glad to hear that you've achieved what you wanted to!