New profile posts

'hm i wonder how long it's been since the last major evergreen update'

> december last year

'ah fuck'

...yeah, all i really have is the usual excuses - work's been taking up a lot of my energy and i can't wrangle my brain into being interested in modding at the moment, so even though i'm almost done with this next big update i haven't been making any progress and it's really frustrating!!! gah!!!

hum, i guess i did redraw caret's portraits recently, there's that...

they honestly look worse imo, but i do think they show more personality and identity.
Still looking forward to it :D Both look good to me. New ones are closer to anime standard? (Nice!) Also seems to mostly not meet your gaze leading to a different impression vs the old ones. Which have more of a piercing stare.
im worried about actually posting on the forum so idk im just sticking to profile posts. what should I actually talk about
so... cave story amirite? pretty epic and cool!
Booster's Lab feels foreign to me still.
Learning any editor basically involves just messing around and trying things without worrying about the final product. Modding comes with experience so don't worry about the quality of your first mod, you're learning how it all works.
Yeah, messing around and figuring out how everything functions can be a lot of fun. Finding new tools to apply to your mods is always such a joyous feeling.
> ColdCallerLoopy
true! That's why i've been messing with apoplexy for Prince of Persia. making things is just fun :)
> EnlighenedOne
Main issue is that I never get ideas that are decent, and even then I just never get the time to do it because something else dangles a shiny pair of keys in front of me.
October already, huh… just one more month and a few weeks before a certain DOOM another age-up…
Another day, another Steam "Next Fest"... Time to look through more indies!
Yes even more! Alas, there's no way I'll get around to playing all these games... Huh, interesting. I hadn't seen that one! Don't think it had a demo, so wasn't in NEXT fest. I'm adding it high up in the 1k+ game wishlist though :D
Btw it wasn't clear; if you want me to post more, I'll do it! (Maybe I'll do it anyways in a few days... ;) ) Many of these might end up just average... But there are some great ones occasionally.

Oh, and I'm not sure?
I know HiMyNameIsMatt and one other is working on it...
Sometimes there be hidden gems among them many games, and learning about more would be intriguing.
(And then end up on my own wishlist, haha~)

Immortality would likely come in handy here, being able to play all these games (and more). Assuming the computer can last that long--
I wish we had all the time in the world! I certainly act like it D:
But alas,

And your wish is my command! (Though I was inspired to pull these from outside my NEXT fest picks since I hadn't seen Rune Fencer Illyia before~)
You might have seen some of these already, but enjoy :D
... Now I must collapse into a deep sleep... before the sun comes up in a hour or two lol
there was once a person on the mossmouth person who thought it was worth their time to start a discussion about whether they should play spelunky or cave story and kept being a devil's advocate for both sides. that isn't even the worst/best of it.
they argued that cave story had replay value because of its awesome music when THE GAME LITERALLY COMES WITH ITS OWN MUSIC PLAYER
Some days are just harder to get through than others…
I hope you'll make it through, Cibryll
gotta love how throughout the entirety of the story the doctor just keeps winning in every situation until quote just fucking shoots him and literally erases him from existence
Doctor did nothing wrong
just finished weird and unfortunate things are happening on nightmare mode
i couldn't get past the progress nautilus and i didn't feel like going any further because the last parts of the mayko dungeon were extremely painful. the progress nautilus is also just not a fun boss, but maybe that's because i was extremely underleveled, considering that the enemies in the final circle were just ridiculous (especially the robots, the triple threat, and hellion) and even when i turned daydream mode on the boss still got me killed.
If anything this looks more like the barely-a-forum Reddit model that's designed to bury things

My standpoint has always been that people who want to use forums and/or chatrooms are looking for different types of things when they go there
@DoubleThink Fair assessment, and while I don't truly see a big benefit to stuff like Likes or whatever and I think they can do a better job making older threads more accessible this already looks better than Reddit to me in the sense that threads are just threads and not a topic tree full of comment branches and I hope that that's what they will stick to.

I think forums will still be better at...being forums but that's just because of more proper layouts and allowing more well made posts (link text and images between text lines to name some).
Wouldn't be surprised though if Discord still assumes everyone makes one-line posts.
Tfw people still do multiposts, as if they're still in discord xd