New profile posts

Writing is the one thing that doesn't abandon me in my darkest times, times very few know of. Writing is there with an outlet and consolation.
Hmm... Aren't Amiibos supposed to learn your fighting style? Or do they plan against it? If they are to learn your style, then my Shulk Amiibo is doing very poorly. If they are to learn against it... Well, fuck, I'll never get my Shulk Amiibo to play as I want him to.
I also have a Shulk amiibo which likes to use Monado Jump a lot, though I guess it's so it can jump off the edge and reliably make it back to the ledge. The purpose for that, though, is beyond me. I've also heard that at some point in the training it helps to do mirror matches, which in this case would be you playing as Shulk against your amiibo.
I've only played as Shulk versus my Amiibo.
Though one time I did pit him against my other Amiibos, that may have been part of it...
Wow, I had no idea that Amiibo training can be so advanced. Technology's gotten really cool :3
Kinda wish that I knew someone who was fluent in Japanese as well. (Including the romaji.)
I'm so inactive that I wasn't here to congrats on the day.
But I hope you (have/had) an awesomazing birth-week, you gem of a person.
You're way too nice, Enlightened, I can't thank you sufficiently. c:
It has been a pretty nice week, in fact :>
Glad to hear it.
what is shakin' in bacon, my main man
The Insanely Late Obligatory Gamemanj Technologies Polaris's Birthday And Another Year Of Polaris's Home For Lost Nothingnesses Post......I need to write a bot to look at IPBoard profile feeds for stuff involving birthdays, a 2-day delay is too long...*sigh*...
No, no, it's fine. I really appreciate it, thank you ^.^