New profile posts

hi you (you)
hope this message finds you well
take care of yourself ok? it can be a scary world out there
thinking of you cstsf
oh hello, it's you
haven't seen you in a long, long time
are you doing alright?
hii hina, ya it has been a while hasn't it... almost five years since my last visit i think goodness
im doing well, thank you for asking!! living a new life, new place of living, new place of work, same me though ive just grown up a bit ^^
how are you and how have you been doing??
The Eaglebones Falconhawk arc has concluded.
i will never get over it
At best I only remember your pfp being either Eaglebones Falconhawk or Shotbot
Hello Sasuke Enlight and Brameconn
the development of HHsR might be a little on and off, but i'm making a lot of progress recently! while i don't want to make any spoilers, the existing content got a ton of fixes and small changes + i'm currently in progress of making all the new things. with how well the whole package is coming along at the moment, there's a big chance i will have the next update ready before halloween
thanks, i will absolutely need it
there's so much i've improved, i really hope people who still care about the mod like all the changes
i've been a bit out of the loop, is haunted house story getting a remake? i have vague but fond memories of playing it ages and ages ago, this is exciting to hear
@IdioticBaka1824 the remake is not new, it's still the 2014 version (so, reinforced), but i woke it up from hibernation last year and released an update so technically it's in active development again since then. i've just put it into hyperactive development lately and started actively working on it almost every day to push out an update in the near future
if you haven't played the last year's update, you might want to, but it would probably be better to wait for me to release the new version
glad you still remember the mod
drippy like a hippy yeah yeah dripping my quest rn yeah yeah really DXing my DripQuest right about now oh yeah baby
in the dripped club. straight up "dripping it" and by "it", haha, well. let's justr say. My quest
my headphones are breaking and i can't really do anything about it yet
its less physical destruction and more there's almost constantly a faint staticky noise that wont stop, along with the fact that sometimes the right ear cuts out entirely and i have to wiggle the wire just so it comes back
oh yeah that's the cable/plug giving out, there's not much you can do about that
I would recommend V-Moda headsets, I use one of those. I don't know if they still offer faceplate customization or not but their headsets are good for hearing shit "as the producers heard it", so it's not overly-tuned or anything.