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Which is the hardest boss in Cave Story?

Feb 7, 2014 at 3:40 AM
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The hardest for me was the final Balrog battle in the Labyrinth, because I'm all messed up because of Monster X and low on HP, so he can kill me pretty easily.
Feb 7, 2014 at 3:58 AM
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You can keep going back to kill the Gaudis for health.
Mar 1, 2014 at 11:50 AM
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Random-storykeeper said:
The Machine Gun isn't terrible for everyone; the experience is just different for each user, as with all other weapons. It's actually a lot easier battling bosses with the Machine Gun than the Snake, in my opinion. If I get the Booster v.8 I'd go for the Machine Gun too because that one isn't very good at precise navigation the way 2.0 is.
IdioticBaka1824 said:
The Machine Gun is a great weapon! How can you say it's terrible?
I love the machine gun, sure I don't use it during the regular game, but it is SURE DANG helpful during hard mode....oh so many more deaths that would be without it.
Mar 17, 2014 at 11:37 PM
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The Hardest Bosses for me ranked from 1 to 7 with 1 being the hardest:
1. Ballos Phase 1 (Killed me more than both (all three?) of his other forms combined...)
2. Ballos Phase 2
3. Core
4. Heavy Press (because of hitbox size, the fact that there are two ways for it to kill you after it dies, and the sadistic level before it.)
5. Monster X
6. Sisters (Incredibly annoying, they are much harder than they look.)
7. Muscle Doctor (Only on this list because of the damn bat-spam attack that seems very out of place amongst the rest of his attacks)
Apr 2, 2014 at 1:08 AM
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For me, it's monster X. Seriously, It took me about 3 tries until I gave the controller to my brother and he beat it in one try...
He hasn't beaten that boss since, like, 2011.
I didn't say Ballos because I've sadly never fought him.
Apr 2, 2014 at 4:44 AM
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How to beat Monster X: A guide.

Step one: Get the Blade to Lvl 2.
Step two: ???
Step three: You've now beaten Monster X.
Apr 2, 2014 at 9:19 AM
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If you're on 3hp, lvl 3 can actually be more useful. Normally, though,
(Step 2:) The main thing is that there's a lot of tricky jumping, but you can just stay in one place waiting for it to come towards you, then jump over it. When it opens, jump between his treads and fire upwards like crazy. When it closes, jump over one tread and wait there. Repeat. That's pretty much it, even after the first phase.
Apr 10, 2014 at 4:07 AM
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Here is how the battle goes. Oh this will be easy since I have my missile launcher, oh he de-leveled that. I still have my blade, oh, he de-leveled that too. Well I can get some exp from these gaudis, oh, he ran me over and I died. :(
Apr 10, 2014 at 10:07 AM
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Missile Launcher, to tell the truth, isn't all that useful with Monster X. Stick to the Blade, even if it de-levels.
Apr 10, 2014 at 12:24 PM
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uhh missile launcher is good idk what you're talking about
just don't use it on the first phase because they can miss or overkill
Apr 16, 2014 at 5:18 PM
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The Hardest boss is obviusly Ballos, I died 14931624871364812345172645|12764683274 times fighting with him.
Apr 25, 2014 at 6:53 PM
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Igor. I died twice before I finally defeated him.
I was a first time Cave Story player at that time though.
Apr 25, 2014 at 7:26 PM
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I think Muscle Doctor is hard. Yt can teleport in a split-second and is extremly fast, i think he's the fastest boss.
May 2, 2014 at 6:59 PM
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Hmm, I'll say The Core. On hard though. The undead core was way easier.
If on normal, them I don't have a idea.
May 7, 2014 at 12:03 AM
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Balrog, Omega, and Monster X are all made of metal. The rest of the bosses are made of weaker materials. Which of these 3 is hardest? Balrog tends to fall from large distances a lot; we don't know so much about the others. Maybe we can find clues as to the composition of their metals.
May 7, 2014 at 2:26 AM
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Balrog can fall, yes, but his metal is weak. Monster X and Omega are both invincible when only their armoured metal is showing. This would imply they are equal in strength, but in the game (not technically, but in-universe) there are more weapons that X is immune to than there are for Omega. The Blade and Snake, namely. In-universe, there is no evidence that Omega is immune to these weapons, but there is evidence that X is. As there is more evidence in its favour, one can reasonably assume that X is harder.
May 10, 2014 at 4:20 PM
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My opinion on each boss, along with a score on difficulty, factoring in what you have to do to get to the boss:

Balrog (1):
Difficulty nonexistent.

Very, very, very easy.
Difficulty: 1/10

Balrog (2):
I used to have a small amount of trouble here. It's pretty easy, though, and you can save and heal right before the fight.
Difficulty: 3.5/10

Balrog (Frog):
Very easy with the fireball. You might take a small amount of damage, but you definitely won't die.
Difficulty: 2/10

The machine does a lot of damage, but fireball kills her fast enough.
Difficulty: 3/10

Very similar to Balfrog.
Difficulty: 2.5/10

Machine gun makes this fight easy. With the polar star, it's a bit of a pain. If you get hit your gun levels down, making you try to shoot flowers, making you get hit MORE times... If you get hit once, it's going to be tricky.
Difficulty (no machine gun): 7.5/10
Difficulty (Machine gun): 4.5/10

Pooh (Puu) Black:
If he stomps you, you get hurt. A lot. THankfully if you move he probably won't stomp you.
Difficulty: 4.5/10

Monster X:
This guy is tough. For starters, you have to fight a bunch of Gaudi first, then you can't heal, THEN you fight the boss. There are... Problems when you get hit by the treads. If you know a strategy, it's doable enough, though.
Difficulty: 8.5/10

Balrog (3):
If you have the booster or the machine gun, this fight is really, really, really easy because you can heal beforehand. If not you're straight out of Monster X, probably almost dead. He isn't THAT bad, but if you're low on health...
Difficulty (No booster or machine gun): 7.5/10
Difficulty (Booster/MG): 3/10

The Core:
This guy can be a bit of a pain, but really, he mostly just shoots projectiles at you that you can destroy by spamming polar star/machine gun/snake. Still not super-easy, especially without the booster.
Difficulty (Booster): 5/10
Difficulty (No booster): 7/10

An interesting battle, but not a hard one at all.
Difficulty: 3/10

If you get hit it does some damage, but really they don't attack that much.
Difficulty: 4/10

Ma Pignon:
You can do a ton of damage easily. If he hits you it hurts, but again, he doesn't hit enough.
Difficulty: 4/10

Red Demon/Ogre:
This guy is very easy, except you fight him at the end of the hidden Last Cave. THAT increases difficulty drastically.
Difficulty: 7/10

You can take a lot of random hits here. She isn't really that bad, though.
Difficulty: 6/10

Doctor: (Including both forms)
THe second form is really, really easy. The first, though, can be difficult - Particularly the burst of red circles that bounce around. You'll take damage, probably not die.
Difficulty: 4.5/10

Undead Core:
Can't compare to the normal core. After Misery and the Doctor, it's a BIT harder, though.
Difficulty: 5.5/10

Heavy Press:
Spam Missiles upwards. You'll still have enough to glitch Ballos if you got the 24-missile expansion, and Curly uses her nemesis.
Difficulty: 3.5/10

There's a pretty easy strategy for each phase. The hardest part is ironically the first, but he's really only hard because he comes after sacred grounds - The fourth phase is really, really easy to glitch. THat said, it's after sacred grounds. That's a bunch of difficulty points anyway.
Difficulty: 8/10
Jun 2, 2014 at 2:51 AM
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Definately Core without booster or machine gun, I CAN'T EVEN HIT IT!
Jun 2, 2014 at 3:27 AM
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I can only assume that xNinty's "no Booster" score for the Core was done with the Lv3 Machine Gun. Without either you are either dying repeatedly from drowning or being shot at by nigh undodgeable light balls that take out half of your health.
Jun 2, 2014 at 3:47 AM
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It's not that hard to do if you know what you're doing, even without a MG or a booster:
