Sep 6, 2012 at 2:07 AM
Join Date: Dec 31, 2011
Location: United States
Posts: 2326
Age: 28
Pronouns: he/him
I'm thinking that the reason the other people voted for the third form is the reason I did- Not because it's hardest to fight or that it's easier to get hurt, but because it's the hardest to master doing the quickest. For me, I'm basing the difficulty on how hard it is to beat that form as quickly as possible. The other forms are really a breeze to defeat if you have the right strategy. For his first form, you can just stand below him, and button mash the fire button upward with the Nemesis, and you've beaten him quickly. In the second form, just get up to his eye, and unleash your missiles quickly, and you've beaten his second form even quicker than the first one. And for the fourth form, all you have to do is (take some damage,) get up to his eye, and spam your missiles a lot like for his second form. So if you have the right technique, you can easily beat his first, second and fourth forms effortlessly. Then there's the third form that takes a bit of skill to beat in a decent amount of time even when you know the proper strategy. The best hell runs show Quote beating his third form in one rotation, which is quite difficult to time properly. And beating the third form in one rotation is the biggest difficulty we (semi-)professional Hellrunners face, the failure of which jeopardizes our great time we were trying to make. The reason I voted for the third form is because when I'm Hellrunning, the third form is the easiest to mess up on. Not sure if that's why all these other people selected that, but that's why I chose the third form.Why is the third-form hard? I never take damage fighting it. You just stand between the rolling eyes and shoot conviniently...
The second form is hard as it is hard to shoot him right in the eye when jumping and it'll damagee you likely if you boost up to his eye.