where did balrog origionate from and was he not in the form as you see him in the events of cavestor

Sep 19, 2012 at 1:49 PM
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yeah another of the where series of theory topics I have made. This time on balrog the one antagonist we know as the toaster/lunch box that can fly and usually yells "huzzah" upon his entrance.this topic also is looking at the origins of balrog and the question of was balrog not in the form as we see him in the events of cave story and was he transform from another state possibly human?
Sep 19, 2012 at 2:17 PM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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Already a topic on this one, I think.

My vote is for either:

- A member of a race native to the island, and a magical entity closer to a golem, because he clearly isn't "organic" and if Nicalis is to be taken as canon, he's made of metal, not flesh or soap (as many forum members would have you believe). Where all the other ones are is a mystery, but the fact that there are more creatures like him is implied by the Beta version and by Puu Black's existence.


- An "ascended" (e.g. capable of feelings and free will) robot similar to Quote and Curly, but far more primitive in design (which makes sense when you think about how old he would have to be compared to them). The whole "missiles in his body" seems to suggest this, although it would be possible with magic as well if the previous theory is to be believed.

EDIT: By the way, I forgot to mention that the creator of that robot Balrog shirt suspects that it may be canon based on the way Pixel reacted to it. Pixel apparently wholeheartedly condoned the design and liked the robotic-appearing half of the cross section, but wasn't pleased with his face in any of the multiple iterations the graphic designer produced. Take all of that as you will.
Sep 19, 2012 at 7:04 PM
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Heh. Funny you should mention that 'cause, like 43501 said, theres already a topic for this

That being said, this was my theory
Heres my theory: Balrog was not only Misery's cousin, but he was a normal person training to perform in the magic arts(like Jenka and Misery). One day he was trying to cast a spell, but it backfired and turned him into a lunckbox/toaster/suitcase/bar-o-soap hybrid(thats my theory and I'm sticking to it).
Sep 19, 2012 at 8:03 PM
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Seeing that Balrog could shoot missiles, maybe he was sent to the island as a support unit. Then somehow got cursed by the Demon Crown
Sep 20, 2012 at 1:56 AM
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The Nicalis translation is more accurate than the AGTP one. AGTP's is the better written of the two though.

I suspect that Balrog came with the human residents between the second (Halda?) and third (Miakid) bearers' reigns. Plus I agree that he is most likely a robot.
Sep 20, 2012 at 2:58 AM
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I always thought Misery made him.
Sep 20, 2012 at 3:58 AM
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I think He was a killer robot who's progaming went wrong and gained the ability to think himself and then misery manipulated him easily and got cursed by misery's magic and was forced to obey the demon crown wearers
Sep 20, 2012 at 6:15 AM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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The Nicalis translation is more accurate than the AGTP one. AGTP's is the better written of the two though.

I suspect that Balrog came with the human residents between the second (Halda?) and third (Miakid) bearers' reigns. Plus I agree that he is most likely a robot.

He would have had to have been involved with Jenka/Misery prior to the creation of the demon crown in order to obtain that level of familiarity/affection with Jenka, though.

Your theory still works if you suppose that he showed up and Misery was already cursed by the crown, and he got roped into it later on. I just thought that his apparent familiarity with Jenka and his lines in the best ending imply that he was there before the crown was made, and that he was there for all four of the crown bearers. Like, how he said "we asked for it" (in regard to Misery having the crown made) strongly implies that Misery and he were in on it together.

I always thought Misery made him.

Then where did Puu Black come from.
Oct 13, 2012 at 4:05 PM
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I think that he was either a healing unit for other robots or who piloted a vehicle in the war, and later was defeated by the third crown bearer and developed an attraction for the crown.
Oct 13, 2012 at 8:17 PM
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He was created from animal fats because he is a bar of soap. Now when did he appear, between one era of crown bearers and the next...
Oct 13, 2012 at 10:58 PM
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My (possibly weird) theory is that Balrog was accidentally summoned by Misery when she was still learning to cast spells.
Since then Balrog was Misery's familiar.
Oct 14, 2012 at 3:16 AM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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I think that he was either a healing unit for other robots or who piloted a vehicle in the war, and later was defeated by the third crown bearer and developed an attraction for the crown.

To bolded: Makes sense, since he was seen working as a nurse in the normal/neutral ending.
Oct 14, 2012 at 6:35 PM
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To bolded: Makes sense, since he was seen working as a nurse in the normal/neutral ending.

I second this, mainly since it's the only one that makes sense to me.