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What is your LEAST favorite track in Cave Story?

Dec 23, 2021 at 7:08 AM
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For me its White, it just doesn't sound that well to me in my honest opinion.
Dec 23, 2021 at 9:19 AM
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The amount of times I've seen that opening cutscene is way too high :greydroll:
Dec 23, 2021 at 10:06 AM
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Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I've never liked Oppression. Meltdown 2 and Jenka 2 were also pretty meh.
Dec 23, 2021 at 11:23 AM
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definitely access as well, for the same reasons as bray.
also not a huge fan of the title/plantation theme, but specifically because of the harshness of the opening melody's 'instruments'. the remastered/CS3D version fixed my issues with it, though, so idk if it counts.
Dec 23, 2021 at 5:34 PM
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This is an interesting thread idea. We've discussed to death our favorite songs in the soundtrack, but I don't think we've ever talked about our least favorites.

I'm gonna have to go with Access as well for my least favorite. Not that it's bad, it's just that the rest of the soundtrack is so good, and there's not a whole lot of interesting substance to the song. It's very repetitive and simple, which isn't always bad, but in this case that makes it not as good as most songs in the soundtrack. Next after that, I'd probably say "Charge" (the music when fighting Muscle Doctor). Again, not bad, but very short and repetitive, and not particularly catchy, and only applicable for a very short period of the game's time.

Although I really like Oppression, I can understand why some people might not like it, since it does kind of have that rough and grinding sound to it that some might find unpleasant.

I'm a little bit surprised to hear that Eli isn't too fond of the title/Plantation theme. I always felt as if the strongness of the opening melody is what grabs your attention early on. I still remember on my first playthrough, when things were looking grim and getting ready for the bad ending, going back to the main menu, and being greeted by Quote (whose name I didn't know at the time), and that music starting. And that experience helped solidify that feeling I had of "Oh man, things are not looking good, how on earth am I even going to stop the Doctor? Is there any hope?"
Dec 24, 2021 at 1:30 AM
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Agreed on Access, it's just white noise at this point. Also agree with Eli on the title theme; the first few notes are way too harsh. It also feels... too upbeat for the Plantation. I honestly think Plant would work better. It's calm, reflecting the overall lack of danger in the area, and simultaneously comfy & somber in a way that reflects your current situation. Sure, it could feel kinda cheap to re-use an earlygame track, but... well, it's already re-used from the title screen.

I think Charge is fine, since you hear it for less than a minute. Works well for what it is. On the flipside, Kero Blaster's rendition of Zombie retroactively makes the original feel very underwhelming.

Gestation is weird. Depending on how closely I'm listening to it, it can either be one of my favorite themes or one of my least favorite. It's repetitive and almost annoying when actually playing the game. But when you stop moving for a minute and just listen to it, it becomes utterly magical.
Dec 24, 2021 at 1:33 AM
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Like most of the people here, Access would probably be my least favorite track.
Dec 24, 2021 at 11:41 AM
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The doctor theme is definitly my least favorite, it wasn't intimidating at all nor did I ever bop to it, the other versions of the track fix it somewhat.
New made it more remarkable with track that is more nice to listen and a bass and sound effects that give a feeling of power flowing, 3D made it sound pretty good to listen, it's still the same, boring but still cool.
Famitracker didn't fix it that much(I could say it definitly made it worst too, the bass was way too loud for a thing that literally just does the same thing for 20 seconds) and Ridiculon absolutely enhanced it.

Plus it's such a forgettable track that nobody mentionned it.
Atleast Access was remembered.
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Dec 24, 2021 at 12:31 PM
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"Access" denied. :p

Silliness aside, my least favourite CS songs are: Access, Tyrant, Cemetery, On to Grasstown, Seal Chamber, Zombie (CS version), Gestation, and Labyrinth Fight.
Dec 24, 2021 at 1:05 PM
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"Access" denied. :p

Silliness aside, my least favourite CS songs are: Access, Tyrant, Cemetery, On to Grasstown, Seal Chamber, Zombie (CS version), Gestation, and Labyrinth Fight.
Zombie on its own isn't anything remarkable, but I felt as if it fit the tone of that cutscene in the black space very well, which made it feel very intimidating. Similar thing with Seal Chamber.

What don't you like about On to Grasstown and Labyrinth Fight?
Dec 24, 2021 at 2:43 PM
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Labyrinth Fight's just a bit too upbeat for me.

On to Grasstown... I'm not exactly sure what or why, but something about it annoys me. Maybe the loudness of some parts, I dunno.
Dec 24, 2021 at 4:09 PM
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Man, I'm surprised by just how many people don't like Access. There was a point where I hated it too due to hearing it constantly just trying to get the game running on an old PC running XP, but nowadays I don't think there's a single song in the game I outright dislike. Too much nostalgia maybe?
Dec 25, 2021 at 10:25 PM
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Access doesn't count as a song to me, I don't like Remastered Geothermal ._.
I think it all has to do with it just not fitting the overall environment
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Dec 26, 2021 at 5:52 PM
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You can only play through that cutscene so many times
Dec 27, 2021 at 12:36 PM
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I'm in camp Charge. Access does suffer from overexposure but it's never become actively annoying to me, whereas Charge was really not designed to loop more than a few times outside of the one place that it's used, regardless of situation. I've also never taken much to Plant, especially once that high instrument kicks in, it's just too loud and repetitive to be relaxing. Seal Chamber isn't wonderful extended listening material either.
Dec 27, 2021 at 7:21 PM
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Worst track? Silly, the entire soundtrack is trash bit tune music!

I'm kidding. Break Down feels underwhelming and Toroko's Theme reminds me of a kids cartoon. Really, lots of the songs in the game don't really stand out. I don't think I've ever deliberately wanted to listen to any tracks outside of the game. Only tracks I really dig are Last Cave and Last Battle. Everything else is very utilitarian and doesn't wow me. It works in setting the tone of the area or event, it just doesn't do too much outside of that. Maybe it's because I played the game so many times, all the tracks just kind of bleed together.
So Break Down,Living Waterway, Toroko's Theme,Seal Chamber, and Mischievous Robot are my least favorite. It's more of which tracks I like instead of which tracks I dislike.
Dec 28, 2021 at 12:16 AM
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im just gonna leave access out of the question because it doesn't even sound like music
Mischievous Robot just isn't good. It infuriates me. Moonsong comes at a very far second.
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Dec 31, 2021 at 1:23 AM
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like most here, my least favorite is Access, this track shows up very little during the game and definitely not one of the most inspiring ones, but I don't think it's a horrible thing.
just disappointing and it could be exchanged for another more memorable song that for me wouldn't make a difference.
Oct 25, 2022 at 2:07 AM
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my opinion is outdated. hate me if you want, but, in my humble opinion, labyrinth fight fucking sucks. mischievous robot actually works very well (but not for the credits!), and moonsong is now one of my favorites.
Oct 25, 2022 at 3:19 AM
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my opinion is outdated. hate me if you want, but, in my humble opinion, labyrinth fight fucking sucks. mischievous robot actually works very well (but not for the credits!), and moonsong is now one of my favorites.
Don't hate you, but will call out the "contrarian" card.