Jun 20, 2021 at 5:35 PM
Join Date: May 27, 2021
Location: Wales
Posts: 31
Age: 21
Pronouns: he/him
Not to be confused with Reverse Boss Rush from Cave Story 3D.
So like you had all your weapons and you could go do best ending or something but instead you'd find Booster there filling out a log. I'd imagine there would be lore reasons for it all as well but you could also just make a functioning version where you just got everything in reverse and progressed in reverse.
First of all, THATS BORING!
What you'd do is discard anything you know from the cave story timeline and only use what you learn from playing the game. You start on the Balcony, go down through Last Cave (up for interpretation), explore the Plantation and then you could either use the teleporter to grass town (but the door would be locked unfortunately) or go down the Outer Wall. While that's happening, the events of normal Cave Story would be happening, so Sue would turn into a Mimiga (the amount of time between all of this does not apply), Kazuma would get trapped in Grasstown and all that, so you could circumvent what happens to Sue with Igor by seeing what the heck he was up to and then stopping Sue going that way. If you want to do a return type thing like in the vanilla game then you could you could redo "Egg Corridor?" With hardly any enemies, all eggs in pristine condition, but not hatched (because he will not let anyone "TOUCH MASTER'S EGGS" or something like that, preventing the "Sisters" dragon boss fight.). I could go on, but there is a lot to dissect if the events of Cave Story happened in reverse. You could've even seen the Doctor when he got the crown and tried to circumvent it in some way! But before we talk about the implications of that, we need to talk about parallel universes. Who would've *CCRRRRT* the previ-s cr-zzrrt ho-
All in all I would love to hear more theories and explanations for the events occurring in reverse
So like you had all your weapons and you could go do best ending or something but instead you'd find Booster there filling out a log. I'd imagine there would be lore reasons for it all as well but you could also just make a functioning version where you just got everything in reverse and progressed in reverse.
First of all, THATS BORING!
What you'd do is discard anything you know from the cave story timeline and only use what you learn from playing the game. You start on the Balcony, go down through Last Cave (up for interpretation), explore the Plantation and then you could either use the teleporter to grass town (but the door would be locked unfortunately) or go down the Outer Wall. While that's happening, the events of normal Cave Story would be happening, so Sue would turn into a Mimiga (the amount of time between all of this does not apply), Kazuma would get trapped in Grasstown and all that, so you could circumvent what happens to Sue with Igor by seeing what the heck he was up to and then stopping Sue going that way. If you want to do a return type thing like in the vanilla game then you could you could redo "Egg Corridor?" With hardly any enemies, all eggs in pristine condition, but not hatched (because he will not let anyone "TOUCH MASTER'S EGGS" or something like that, preventing the "Sisters" dragon boss fight.). I could go on, but there is a lot to dissect if the events of Cave Story happened in reverse. You could've even seen the Doctor when he got the crown and tried to circumvent it in some way! But before we talk about the implications of that, we need to talk about parallel universes. Who would've *CCRRRRT* the previ-s cr-zzrrt ho-
All in all I would love to hear more theories and explanations for the events occurring in reverse
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