What did you assume when you first started playing Cave Story?

Jun 6, 2008 at 4:58 PM
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Well, first I thought it was about a caveman that ran around hitting people with snakes. When I started playing it, I walked a bit and thought that Quote was a girl. I did watch the opening thing and the guy looked evil, so I saw the guy at the computer and started wondering stuff.... I played through up to the Mimiga Village and when King was talking about Sue I thought I was sue... What? I was the same color as them. So when I got up to Balrog and Misery I thought the Doctor was the guy at the computer (Kazuma).

I was way off.
Jun 6, 2008 at 5:08 PM
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DimJim said:
Well, first I thought it was about a caveman that ran around hitting people with snakes. When I started playing it, I walked a bit and thought that Quote was a girl. I did watch the opening thing and the guy looked evil, so I saw the guy at the computer and started wondering stuff.... I played through up to the Mimiga Village and when King was talking about Sue I thought I was sue... What? I was the same color as them. So when I got up to Balrog and Misery I thought the Doctor was the guy at the computer (Kazuma).

I was way off.
I thought Quote was an Ash Ketchum-edit. :eek:

But otherwise I followed the stuff almost the same as Deceased Crab says in his Let's Play.
Jun 6, 2008 at 5:39 PM
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I pretty much understood all the stuff going on in the game, story wise I didn't really assume anything before playing the game. I had heard about it elsewhere, so I had an idea of how it worked, not completely, just the basic gist of it. What I didn't count on, was it being so much fun!... Or so short... :eek:
Jun 6, 2008 at 6:03 PM
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I'm kinda a simple guy who'd not want to think much. So, just go along with the game... just play even though I don't fully understand.... feel like crying after defeating the core the first time..... lol
Jun 6, 2008 at 6:17 PM
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For me it seemed like the game ended too soon.

Then I learned about Hell because I had no idea you could save Curly and thought it was a part of the storyline. lol
Jun 6, 2008 at 6:28 PM
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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Yea, like I said, I felt like crying when Curly dies...
Jun 6, 2008 at 6:28 PM
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freezit4 said:
I'm kinda a simple guy who'd not want to think much. So, just go along with the game... just play even though I don't fully understand.... feel like crying after defeating the core the first time..... lol
Me too. Then after returning to the Mimiga Village the 'Quiet' music got me all emo, and when I entered The Egg Corridor my mind was full of the vengeance the track 'Scorching Back' offered.
Jun 6, 2008 at 9:28 PM
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After beating the Core the first time, I referred to the Cave Story FAQ on GameFAQs, and saw this part:

If you have the
Tow Rope at this point, you can take her along with you. If not, well... you
just killed her. Way to go.

And I said: "... Oops..." :eek:
Jun 6, 2008 at 9:33 PM
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I too confused Kazuma and the Doctor at first...

Didn't make many assumptions so I had no clue what to expect of Sue, only I thought it'd be someone... a bit older... :eek:

After the initial part the rest was straightforward and all.
Jun 6, 2008 at 10:29 PM
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I'm glad to see that I am not the only one who killed Curly on their first playthru. haha
Jun 6, 2008 at 11:21 PM
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I noticed the "ooh shiny" at the bottom-right corner so I was lucky enough to save curly. And I kept trying until I got to the waterway cabin.

Though when I first played it (looking at the first room) I thought it would be a dungeon crawler puzzle game, I was sooo wrong.
Jun 6, 2008 at 11:25 PM
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I assumed that the beginning of the game was the Plantation (I watched a friend play that part, not seeing the earlier parts.) and when I started in It was all "WTF?!".
Then I thought my controls were broken, cause I'm used to a Mario-style primary jump config...
Jun 7, 2008 at 6:22 AM
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I Wiki'd Cave Story before playing it (which is actually bad since I kinda spoiled myself :<). Well, since I Wiki'd it and only looked at bits of the article, I didn't completely know the whole story, but I did read that it was a highly respected game even to the point of it being comparable to games like Metroid and Castlevania.

That basically urged me to try it, and so I did. On that same day, I finished it.

So you can guess what I assumed when I first played Cave Story. XD
Jun 7, 2008 at 8:07 AM
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Cave Man. Dinosaurs. Lol.
Jun 7, 2008 at 1:00 PM
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rtnario said:
I Wiki'd Cave Story before playing it (which is actually bad since I kinda spoiled myself :<). Well, since I Wiki'd it and only looked at bits of the article, I didn't completely know the whole story, but I did read that it was a highly respected game even to the point of it being comparable to games like Metroid and Castlevania.

That basically urged me to try it, and so I did. On that same day, I finished it.

So you can guess what I assumed when I first played Cave Story. XD

The only problem I have with comparing CaveStory to Metroid and Castlevania is that it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too short even if you go thru hell. :eek:
Jun 8, 2008 at 5:18 AM
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The only problem I have with comparing CaveStory to Metroid and Castlevania is that it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too short even if you go thru hell.
Seriously. It's so incredible yet so short, but then again, Daisuke "Pixel" Amaya made all this by himself...the 8-bit style graphics, the smooth gameplay and the awesome OST. Of course it wouldn't be really lengthy, but he's still great as a one man army. ^_^

The part I really was like "WTF?" was when Kazuma's sis was revealed to be a Mimiga. Then, when I met Itoh, I was like "OMFG!! So that was it!".
I quote a user from another forum: "Why must you make me lol so?"
Jun 8, 2008 at 7:43 AM
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If you can link to it it exists.