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Water Story

May 2, 2009 at 2:06 PM
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Zephryl said:
Ooh! Ooh! I know this one :D If it's a new map you're trying to link to make sure that 'No Special Boss' is selected. If that section is blank the game crashes.

*slaps self in the forehead* You're a lifesaver, mate. :(
Thanks to you and the others the game is going much quicker...
EDIT: Last problem for today (my today :p): When I enter my new room, it asks "Do you want to save [y/n]" even though there is now save disk in there or in the script, and it just appears all black until go back through the door to come out a waterfall in Mimiga Vilage. What do I do about the black room? (I don't mind the save thing)
May 2, 2009 at 8:44 PM
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ShellShocker said:
*slaps self in the forehead* You're a lifesaver, mate. :o
Thanks to you and the others the game is going much quicker...
EDIT: Last problem for today (my today :p): When I enter my new room, it asks "Do you want to save [y/n]" even though there is now save disk in there or in the script, and it just appears all black until go back through the door to come out a waterfall in Mimiga Vilage. What do I do about the black room? (I don't mind the save thing)

First let me refamiliarize you with <TRAxxxx:yyyy:zzzz:wwww, which is load map x, run event y, and transport to tile z (x-pos) w(y-pos). My guess is that you have y set to "0016", which is the "save game event". Even if you don't have an event 16 on your map, it is still in the Head.tsc, which was designed to handle events 0-100, so that a single event could always be used for saving. What I recommend doing is setting it to something other than 16, possibly like 500, and create an event that fades in and ends (EX. <FAI0000<END).

Have fun modding.
May 2, 2009 at 11:34 PM
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No Problem <3 Glad I could help! That problem took me hours to solve when it happened to me xD
May 3, 2009 at 12:09 AM
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Some things that you should be aware of about TSC:

The game treats every map script as though the "Head.tsc" script were appended to the beginning. Also, the script will not run correctly if your events are not in ascending order. For example, the script:

[insert code here]

[insert code here]

would not run correctly. To fix this, you'd need to put the #1000 code before the #2000 code.

Since Head.tsc is appended to the beginning of every map script, this means that every event number that you put in your map script must be greater than the largest event number in Head.tsc. What I suspect might be causing your problem with the saving upon entering a room is that whatever event number you are using to enter the room is less than 16. For example, if you were using event number 10 to enter the room, your script might look something like this:


However, remember that the game treats your script as though Head.tsc were appended to the beginning, so the game sees your script like this:

[various Head.tsc events]

[save game code]

[more Head.tsc events]


In the above code, your events are not in ascending order. The way the game finds events is it starts at the beginning of the script and reads until it finds an event number that is greater than or equal to the event number it is looking for. In this case, it is looking for event number 10, but it finds event number 16 first, so it runs event number 16 (the save game event) instead of number 10 (the map entry event).
May 3, 2009 at 12:16 AM
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wedge of cheese said:
Some things that you should be aware of about TSC:

The game treats every map script as though the "Head.tsc" script were appended to the beginning. Also, the script will not run correctly if your events are not in ascending order. For example, the script:

[insert code here]

[insert code here]

would not run correctly. To fix this, you'd need to put the #1000 code before the #2000 code.

Since Head.tsc is appended to the beginning of every map script, this means that every event number that you put in your map script must be greater than the largest event number in Head.tsc. What I suspect might be causing your problem with the saving upon entering a room is that whatever event number you are using to enter the room is less than 16. For example, if you were using event number 10 to enter the room, your script might look something like this:


However, remember that the game treats your script as though Head.tsc were appended to the beginning, so the game sees your script like this:

[various Head.tsc events]

[save game code]

[more Head.tsc events]


In the above code, your events are not in ascending order. The way the game finds events is it starts at the beginning of the script and reads until it finds an event number that is greater than or equal to the event number it is looking for. In this case, it is looking for event number 10, but it finds event number 16 first, so it runs event number 16 (the save game event) instead of number 10 (the map entry event).

If I may append to this, if an event is called but doesn't exist on the current map, or head.tsc, it'll seek the event in all subsequent maps.
Not sure if this is useful, but you might come up with a use for it.
You could, if Head.tsc exceed the maximum length, make a map at the end of the game with a number of events that are called from previous maps.
May 3, 2009 at 12:50 AM
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DragonBoots said:
if an event is called but doesn't exist on the current map, or head.tsc, it'll seek the event in all subsequent maps.
I tested that, and it didn't work.
May 3, 2009 at 12:56 AM
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First let me refamiliarize you with <TRAxxxx:yyyy:zzzz:wwww, which is load map x, run event y, and transport to tile z (x-pos) w(y-pos). My guess is that you have y set to "0016", which is the "save game event". Even if you don't have an event 16 on your map, it is still in the Head.tsc, which was designed to handle events 0-100, so that a single event could always be used for saving. What I recommend doing is setting it to something other than 16, possibly like 500, and create an event that fades in and ends (EX. <FAI0000<END).

Have fun modding.
It doesn't handle all of the first 100 events, I've been using events 90 and higher in every room of mine, so far, and there hasn't been a single problem with them...

EDIT: Oh, and don't forget to add <MNA and <CMUxxxx {Where the x's are different numbers} to show the map's name and change the music
May 3, 2009 at 7:55 AM
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Just make sure your scripts are above 0100 and go in ascending order. Generally I use 0091 to go into rooms and in the new room uner #0091 have <MNA<CMU00XX<FAI000X which shows the Map name, changes the music to music XX and Fades in using way X.