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Want to play my edited game?

Feb 2, 2006 at 4:05 PM
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I too feel the annoyance of the 3rd behemoth jump, its a large pit, and if you miss the one jump, you have to wait quite some time before trying again. Waiting sucks, I can fix this quite easily by adding another plat form about half way across, just spaced so you can barely not make the jump while standing on the break away tiles.

As for the problem when u are with 2 behemoths and have to jump those spikes, there is the same problem of not having much time to attempt the jump. Adding another behemoth would effectivly give you a couple more tries, but... it might also make the timing harder. As Oatmeal stated when they overlap, its a lil harder to know when you need to time the jump. As if it weren't bad enough already.

Okay, soooooo this didn't get much talk, but I was considering making it easier to backtrack in atombombe to reach 1st cave and the door adjacent to it. I used to think that going up alot of sideways crushers (the instant kills guarding last cave) spaced a chess knights length apart was nigh impossible, however with booster 2 there is a way thru that isn't nearly as hard. So, I that part will stay.
Feb 2, 2006 at 6:46 PM
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Adding a couple of breakaway tiles on the floors every so often could lessen the wait time for how much time it takes for a behemoth to come back. Just a thought, and enough about that from me lol. I'll wait to see what you'll modify it to in the end ^^

I agree about the Atombombe map, it might end up being quite difficult, but there is probably a way. Also, are the sideways presses there invincible like when jetting up to the final cave?

What are your thoughts on redesigning Mimiga Village? Given it might end up being a tad useless, but let's say for shits and giggles I would want to change it, how hard do you think it would be to alter the events, such as where Quote ends up falling, where Toroko runs off to, etc.? I have a basic idea about how I would do it, but I havn't fiddled with trying yet. I just wanted thoughts on whether it would be worth it, or even if it is indeed a plausible idea, as far as using an editor and not recoding events as a whole.
Feb 3, 2006 at 3:20 AM
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Changing some small things like you said would not be very hard. You could probably find the line of code that determines where Quote falls, you can change the direction in which Toroko runs, and anyone can edit what the characters say easily.

The problem with event editing is that if you want to make something truly custom and not just a minor easy code change, you have to know how to use the ANP function. And the ANP function is extremely confusing. The first value is the entity to use it with, and the third is the direction, but the second is what stumps me. For example, when Jack runs off to tell King about Toroko after the scene at the Shack, the 2nd value is set to 0008. I tried setting it to other numbers (I tried 0000-0012) and only 0008 and 0009 worked. For the rest, Jack just stood there, then disappeared shortly after the door opened on its own. Also, the cutscenes seem to be heavily dependent on the WAI function (wait for X seconds). In the aforementioned Jack cutscene, rather than checking for Jack's collision with the door, it uses a perfectly timed WAI timer. This makes it rather hard to make cutscenes, since it requires a lot of testing and adjusting even if you figure out how to use ANP.
Feb 3, 2006 at 2:13 PM
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Yeah, I had a bit of a time trying to work that out. i had accidentally moved Toroko's sprite when you see her in the resevoir, and she walks over to the door. I had moved her 2 spaces closer to the door. When I ran the game and came across the event, she walked toward the door, passed it, hit the wall behind it, turned around, and went into the door. I thought it had something to do with how many units the character moves, but I guess it does use the WAI command. I'm still not sure though, the script for that event is pretty odd. As far as the ANP function, I like how it applies true physics to the situation. NPCs will (like I said) detect collisions with walls, falls, the ground, etc. It's pretty darn cool. I'll try to figure out how long units in the WAI command are. Seems like a pretty useful tool.

EDIT: Right after posting this, I remembered something that might contradict what I just wrote concerning ANP's physics. Well, maybe and maybe not. Remember the part in grasstown where you give Santa his house key back? He walks towards his house and passes a gap with a bridge tile. The bridge tiles don't work as actual ground during regular gameplay, but they seem to work for NPCs. Just thought that might be of interest to some. That bit of info might come in handy later ^^
Feb 11, 2006 at 5:56 PM
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Hey guys! here is a question. Who thinks the bubbler is better then polar star?

If you said "I don't... bubbler sucks, I always skip it" then here is a follow up question. How much ammo would the bubbler need to be better then polar star? Right now I'm in the mind set that bubbler is going to have unlimited ammo. If anyone thinks thats too good or anything lemme know.
Feb 14, 2006 at 4:38 PM
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Okay, I've manned up and now I'm starting to work on grass town. For anyone who is still interested I'm about to list the changes I've made to my game. In all the time delaying my inevitable work on grasstown there have been alot of changes.

1) You will start with the missle launcher and spur. But with only 1 shot each. Before leaving the start point you find a powerup that increases spur to 20, and missles to 10. Every other time in the game when you find another one of these power ups you will choose what to upgrade, missle + 5 or spur + 10.

2) New fun zone between start point and 1st cave.

3) New hard zone where you get the map system.

4) The map system lets you save when ever and where ever you want. Be carefull not to save with very low hp, never know exactaly where the enemys spawn. You also can't save durring boss fights.

5) Life up at the end of 1st cave is harder and more interesting to get.

6) Resevoir is no longer glitched up, because there are only sand zone monsters now. Getting to the life up requires fly jumping instead of spitting fish jumping.

7) New zone the Alter of water, here you can trade polar star, fireball, machine gun, and snake for the bubbler. There will be an alter like this for each of these weapons except polar star (maybe). Bubbler has unlimited ammo. I'd prefer to make bubbler require more energy from lvl 3 to max instead of unlimited ammo, but untill I know how to do it, this is bubbler.

8) Labrynth H (from graveyard), and Egg corridor changed slightly. When you fight Igor you must contend with 2 basils, one right above you, and the other is at the peak of your jump. The blue robot tells you that behemoths are nice, and warns you not to save here if you have the map system. Getting the goodies at the end of Labryth H takes a lil more work.

9) Added a dialog where you can get fireball before grasstown, and a new dialog with the fishing mimiga (forget his name).

10) Finished the part of grasstown where you will be getting the jelly fish juice, but you will only need to get it once. (I've always thought backtracking for the jelly juice was the worst part of the game.)

I think thats it for now... as always, I'd appreciate any feed back.
Feb 14, 2006 at 8:07 PM
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What the heck? How do I destroy the destructible blocks in First Cave (in the area full of spikes where you fall)? Because I can't jump and hit them.
Feb 15, 2006 at 12:34 AM
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Yes you can, it just takes good timing. Or... if you are playing on keyboard, just hit shoot and jump at the same time, that should make it easier.
Feb 15, 2006 at 3:17 AM
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Question about the first Heart Capsule, which I have already found and gotten...

SeriousFace, isn't that first Heart Capsule physically impossible? You go through solid walls to get it. How else could you jump up through a block and land on it too? There are no jump-through platforms in CS that I know of.
Feb 15, 2006 at 3:23 AM
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No, getting to it, and getting out of it exploits a bug. You can play with the bug in start point on the little platform where you jump left. When there is a 1/3 ramp with a solid block above it you run on the ramp square then jump, and viola! you pop right past the solid block.

I think this only works going right. Haven't tested it much tho.
Feb 15, 2006 at 3:37 AM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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How does one find such a glitch in the first place? It's not like that would ever come up in normal level design or anything.
Feb 15, 2006 at 4:37 AM
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I just kind of stumbled on it, and liked it. AFAIK glitches arn't really something that you can go through a process of finding, just experiment with alot of stuff and either you find em, or you don't.
Mar 4, 2006 at 3:20 AM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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I really like the edit so far. I had a LOT of fun in Labyrinth, getting the missle launcher. I hope you're going to take out the behemoth jumps, though, or at least lessen them. I like riding them, I like the concept of using behemoths as platforms to reach things, but the bouncing makes the jumps basically impossible in a lot of places, even when I can see my feet.

I also wonder if you have any plans to try to modify the bosses at all, or if that's just beyond your abilities? I'm having fun with the harder levels, but now all the bosses are pushovers in comparison.

ALSO, I really like the idea of being able to save anywhere with the map system, but how are you going to deal with hell?
Mar 4, 2006 at 5:54 AM
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upthorn said:
I really like the edit so far. I had a LOT of fun in Labyrinth, getting the missle launcher. I hope you're going to take out the behemoth jumps, though, or at least lessen them. I like riding them, I like the concept of using behemoths as platforms to reach things, but the bouncing makes the jumps basically impossible in a lot of places, even when I can see my feet.

I also wonder if you have any plans to try to modify the bosses at all, or if that's just beyond your abilities? I'm having fun with the harder levels, but now all the bosses are pushovers in comparison.

ALSO, I really like the idea of being able to save anywhere with the map system, but how are you going to deal with hell?
Yea behemoth jumping gets less and less fun the more I do / think about it, next update will have less jumping, more just riding.

Currently boss editing is beyond my ability, best I can do is make hard stuff leading to the boss, and change the boss room to the boss's favor. Hopefully I'll be able to do at least something, maybe spawn 2 bosses at once, fighting a bunch of balrog clones would be serious. But that isn't really high on my list of priorities. Oh... durring Igor there are 2 basils running back and forth, so watch your jumps.

In terms of saving in hell that isn't a problem you just wount be able to do it, same way your not going to be able to save durring a boss fight. By the time I get to hell hopefully there will be a way to have a variety of enemy mixing and matching fight dragons, ghosts, armor roaches, and brutes all at once, mmm sexy. If this isn't possible I'll probably have hell be highly multi roomed allowing a wide varity of jump puzzles and enemy combinations. Tho for the most part I'm taking this step by step, and hell is a long way off.

I just finished lower grasstown, so my next update will probably be within the week with alot of new and tweeked stuff.
Mar 7, 2006 at 6:55 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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SeriousFace said:
Yea behemoth jumping gets less and less fun the more I do / think about it, next update will have less jumping, more just riding.
Awesome. I did really like the concept of having to use enemies as platforms. I just didn't like the way jumping off behemoths turned out.

Currently boss editing is beyond my ability, best I can do is make hard stuff leading to the boss, and change the boss room to the boss's favor. Hopefully I'll be able to do at least something, maybe spawn 2 bosses at once, fighting a bunch of balrog clones would be serious. But that isn't really high on my list of priorities. Oh... durring Igor there are 2 basils running back and forth, so watch your jumps.
Igor requires jumping?
By that time I have the level 3 missle launcher and bubbler.

In terms of saving in hell that isn't a problem you just wount be able to do it, same way your not going to be able to save durring a boss fight. By the time I get to hell hopefully there will be a way to have a variety of enemy mixing and matching fight dragons, ghosts, armor roaches, and brutes all at once, mmm sexy. If this isn't possible I'll probably have hell be highly multi roomed allowing a wide varity of jump puzzles and enemy combinations. Tho for the most part I'm taking this step by step, and hell is a long way off.
I like the idea of enemy mixing. I hope there's a way to do it that works better.

I just finished lower grasstown, so my next update will probably be within the week with alot of new and tweeked stuff.
I (im)patiently await the new version.
Mar 15, 2006 at 11:10 PM
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See First Post!

stuff patched AFTER this version:

Changed the "you have died, restart??" message to turbo. So its faster.

The heart in the first cave map was in the wrong spot.

Evil door leading to mimiga village fixed, and door from mimiga village to 1st cave goes where it should. Sorry bout silly oversights like that...

Resevoir hp up dosn't respawn.

Also discovered that the event with toroko in the resevoir gets skiped if you zone in any way (including saving) before it happens. Fixed.

Labyrinth H power ups don't respawn anymore either... sigh how'd i miss these things before... O well its getting fixed. Can't use map system there.

Altar of water now works. (If you really want bubbler in this game use sue's workshop open up the map Altar of water, change event #0201 where it says <FLJ1651 change that 5 to a 4. Thats it.) Thanks to Upthorn for making this better. Good stuff.

Fixed 1st behemoth ride ledges so you can bounce to them. Door to egg observation room dosn't just take you to check point.

It seems I forgot to put in the crack where you talk to kaz in grasstown. Changed diolog with kaz.

Bah... there shouldn't be upward wind in between grasstown and lowergrasstown. Added a sign pointing out lower grasstown.

Moved a swich closer to you to make up for random run speeds of the green guys.

Before hitting an access switch then dying before saving or esc f2 restarting would undo what the switch did AND make it so you can't rehit the switch with out first exiting the game entirely. This has been fixed. Thx upthorn for pointing that out, I probably wouldn't have caught it myself.

The screen doesn't fade in multiple times after beating balrog 2, and leaving the power room.

In lower grasstown no matter which swiches are fliped, the up wind should work...
Mar 22, 2006 at 1:59 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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Since all of our contact on AIM has been about bugs and fixes, I thought I'd let you know that I really like your new level designs. I'm really looking forward to seeing Grasstown (and all the rooms in it) completed. You've done really good work so far. Keep it up.
I can't wait to see "Last Cave", Hell, and the other two Altars.
Grasstown after the power room fans is brilliant. And Jelly territory is awesome.

Mar 23, 2006 at 2:23 AM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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Okay, I've been trying to get this latest version for over a week now (in case you renewed the download) and Rapidshare keeps saying the download-session is invalid. While a re-upload lasting for a few days is all I'd need, I don't see why everyone should have to suffer going through Rapidshare. Is there a reason? If you just need a better alternative, there is always http://www.filespace.org/...
Mar 23, 2006 at 4:01 AM
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I really appreciate all the help you've giving me with this. Especially about the bosses, I never would have solved that problem by myself. I figured you wouldn't take the time to do so if you didn't enjoy the game... tho it's still good to hear you do. Glad you like it still (I too am pleased with how grasstown came out) and again, much thx with the help.

Well, by my last post you can see there is ALOT wrong with the current version. Soon we'll have a new one with all those problems fixed. I've never had prob's with rapidshare, but I'll try and find better hosting.
Mar 29, 2006 at 6:05 AM
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It's over when you beat balfrog. But now you can fight him, thanks to some nice ghetto rigging by upthorn. Anyway get it here...


If someone wants me to put it somewhere else thats free, just ask.

So everyone knows you are 100% done with this edit when you have the following.
Mimiga mask, whimsical star, 2 weapon ups (excluding the one in start point), p-star, bubbler, fireball, and max life is 35. Have fun with it everyone! (oops sorry 1 of the rooms with a heart up doesn't show it on the map... should i say which room it is?...)
Don't open Boss.exe with sue's workshop, or it woun't let u play any of the glitched bosses.

PLEASE can I get some more user feed back this time. Unless no one is playing it, then don't bother.