Oct 10, 2008 at 12:57 AM
Join Date: Sep 14, 2008
Location: Walrus World
Posts: 321
The Japanese png is inside めがね.app, and the English one is inside Megane.app.
What would I need to do to test this?innocent.bystander said:(Chikuwa screws up in the English version for you, right?)
You can fill the rest in the English one with dummy information at the end of the file, it will still work fine. (see Chikuwa2.png)Celtic Minstrel said:Well, it seems the English one is significantly smaller... I'm not sure if that's to do with the png compression or what. The English one is 863 bytes, while the Japanese one is 1202 bytes.
I'll wait til' I get home to fix it. But it is useful to note that the Japanese version had 5 colours and was an 8-bit png, the English version contained useless palette entries.Celtic Minstrel said:In the what I assume is the header of the file, the Japanese version has two extra fields. One is 'gAMA', which presumably specifies the gamma of the image. Try saving your image with gamma settings?
It just specifies the program that created the file, like a signature, nothing important really. Though when I get home I'll try to re-save the image in ImageReady.Celtic Minstrel said:The other is probably not important, but I wouldn't know for sure. It's a 'tEXt' field with the value "Software.Adobe ImageReady", where the "." represents a null character (depending how the string is stored, that may actually be the end of the field.)
They are both the same resolution.Celtic Minstrel said:It's smaller in the English version. I suspect the problem lies in the resolution setting of the English image.
Well I will have to start working on my ideas tonight and see where they lead.Celtic Minstrel said:That's why I suggested resolution could be the problem... but apparently not?
Yep, knew that. Thanks for the info though.Celtic Minstrel said:Also, innocent-bystander, did you know you can take a screenshot of just a specific window by pressing shift-command-4, then space? And without pressing space, you can select a specific area of the screeb.