Translating "Hacker 9" to English?

Oct 28, 2009 at 9:54 AM
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Re: Translating "Hack 9" to English?

So, you're inserting the machine translation into the game? Sweet! Just for the sake of hilarity, don't get rid of that version after you're done.
Oct 28, 2009 at 2:26 PM
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Re: Translating "Hack 9" to English?

I'll probably keep it somewhere anyways, just as an archived backup.

I think I get an upgrade now.
Oct 31, 2009 at 8:38 PM
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Re: Translating "Hack 9" to English?

thanks for the script its a good excuse for me to learn japanese :)
Nov 6, 2009 at 12:40 AM
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Re: Translating "Hack 9" to English?

UPDATE: andwhyisit has finished making a program to re-insert text into the game. It won't be long now before we have the "Beta" version with the computer translations.
Nov 6, 2009 at 1:24 AM
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Re: Translating "Hack 9" to English?

excuse me but im making (terribly/horribly) slow progress on the human translations too ...
but i know i can do it

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セーブしますか -- Save?
**セーブしました** -- **Saved**
LIFE、MPかいふくしました -- LIFE,MP restored
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edit: emphasis on the slow part of the progress
Nov 6, 2009 at 1:27 AM
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Nov 6, 2009 at 1:30 AM
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Re: Translating "Hack 9" to English?

That's good, too. The reason we're using the computer translations first is, well, *points*

brianbdm said:
Hey, you know what would work well? We should put the computer translations into the game to replace the Japanese text, and then play through. We'd have the context, AND we'd be able to sift through the text in the document using the ctrl+f thing. That would make it way easier! Is there anyone who can patch this in there?

It will be much easier to start the human translations after that.
Nov 6, 2009 at 6:04 AM
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Re: Translating "Hack 9" to English?

a thought
shouldnt we contact black bastard first before we translate his game
i tried his website but it showed up gibberish for some reason and made it difficult to navigate
other japanese sites are fine..
anyway so yeah.
Nov 6, 2009 at 6:36 PM
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Re: Translating "Hack 9" to English?

Do you guys mind if I intrude with a rather rude question?...actually, I don't entirely understand the context of what you are doing with the hacking...Your not finding out things like where certain items can be obtained from are you? *My impression about this was a no but...*

Its just that I've played through the game MANY times now, and I believe I have found all but 2 of the rare items...*which I believe are a grappling hook weapon, and some kind of armor, judging from this website which I was running through google since I CAN'T read Japanese*

I mean I found LOTS of weird things in the game too! like the chest that appears in the 2nd area only after you've reached a certain point, the alternate ending, the ninja suit you can wear, and the hidden SUPER powerful sword weapon in the first area thats inside a pipe.
Anyway, if this is being rude, dis-regard this. >_>;
Nov 6, 2009 at 8:27 PM
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Re: Translating "Hack 9" to English?

We're not talking about hacking the game like that. We're translating it to English, nothing else for now. It's a cool idea to hack the game like you can with SW, but that's not what we're doing right now, and that would be in the distant future if it was ever accomplished.


I've already sent him an e-mail. He hasn't responded, but we're doing okay without his help so far.
Nov 6, 2009 at 11:19 PM
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Re: Translating "Hack 9" to English?

Poppy said:
Do you guys mind if I intrude with a rather rude question?...actually, I don't entirely understand the context of what you are doing with the hacking...Your not finding out things like where certain items can be obtained from are you? *My impression about this was a no but...*

Its just that I've played through the game MANY times now, and I believe I have found all but 2 of the rare items...*which I believe are a grappling hook weapon, and some kind of armor, judging from this website which I was running through google since I CAN'T read Japanese*

I mean I found LOTS of weird things in the game too! like the chest that appears in the 2nd area only after you've reached a certain point, the alternate ending, the ninja suit you can wear, and the hidden SUPER powerful sword weapon in the first area thats inside a pipe.

Anyway, if this is being rude, dis-regard this. >_>;
no spoilers or anything
yes im bitter
Nov 7, 2009 at 1:17 AM
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Re: Translating "Hack 9" to English?

Wait if you played it that many times...
Are you able to understand stuff that is going on?
Nov 8, 2009 at 2:06 AM
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Re: Translating "Hack 9" to English?

Understand what? The story? Not at all, I found instructions on how to get through the game at various places on the internet. >_>;

The rest of it was just guessing, and trial and error.

Oh, and I put spoiler tags on that last post if it makes any difference to you now. X_X
Nov 8, 2009 at 5:16 AM
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>_> <_<


so by the "grappling hook weapon" did you mean the shisakakutsuta

Nov 8, 2009 at 5:25 AM
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Orangedawg said:
>_> <_<


so by the "grappling hook weapon" did you mean the shisakakutsuta



I have no clue what it means for definition, but the fact that it's written in katakana seperates from normal words (if katakana is used, it's often used for SFX, foreign words, or words with emphasis).
Nov 8, 2009 at 6:07 AM
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Re: Translating "Hack 9" to English?

What is SFX?...But yeah, thats the kind of weapon I meant, apparently its a type that does 6 damage, but its location was listed as a "?"

I IMAGINE its still weaker than another weapon I found though...

Again, anything I read on that page, I ran through GOOGLE, as tedious as it was. X_X;
Nov 8, 2009 at 3:23 PM
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Re: Translating "Hack 9" to English?


thanks for correcting me ( no offense meant )
i'm still learning kana :)
Nov 8, 2009 at 8:09 PM
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Re: Translating "Hack 9" to English?

i get the impression that the game is still in development and will be released as doujinsoft

so there is the possibility we may not be able to translate it
Nov 8, 2009 at 11:47 PM
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Re: Translating "Hack 9" to English?

It has something to do with the existing game? And its not just a sequel?...(Not that I'd know)

Wait, whats that got to do with not being able to translate it? O_o;

DAMN, why is this game so unheard of? What made RosenkreuzStillete so SPECIAL?

*Did I kill this topic? Sorry!* -_-;
Nov 12, 2009 at 12:54 AM
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Re: Translating "Hack 9" to English?

According to the blog, it would appear to be further development to Hack 9, or as it would now appear he titled it, "Hacker 9." I assume this will either be an add-on to the released version of Hack 9 making it longer, or it will be another stand-alone game, being a sequel.

I must say, those 3D works are quite stunning!