Do you guys mind if I intrude with a rather rude question?...actually, I don't entirely understand the context of what you are doing with the hacking...Your not finding out things like where certain items can be obtained from are you? *My impression about this was a no but...*
Its just that I've played through the game MANY times now, and I believe I have found all but 2 of the rare items...*which I believe are a grappling hook weapon, and some kind of armor, judging from this website which I was running through google since I CAN'T read Japanese*
I mean I found LOTS of weird things in the game too! like the chest that appears in the 2nd area only after you've reached a certain point, the alternate ending, the ninja suit you can wear, and the hidden SUPER powerful sword weapon in the first area thats inside a pipe.
Anyway, if this is being rude, dis-regard this. >_>;