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Touhou Project

May 10, 2015 at 11:28 AM
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С. П. Гардэбитэр said:
No, it's the full game, the demo is already released. :P
I thought you meant 15, I don't care about fighting games :U Speaking of which, they're both out today. I just tried the demo and wooooaaaoaoaaaoa, it's a dedicated enemy wave shooter! :momo: With checkpoints! :momo: :momo: Sounds odd I know, but in practice it's quite fluid (and they can be turned off). I haven't played very much but I hope it gets properly polished because this sort of thing is right up my alley.
May 10, 2015 at 12:05 PM
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Yeah I think 15 will turn out nice, I actually tried the demo as well. The checkpoint system is a good replacement for spell practice in my opinion. Although it will probably attract filthy casual players. :P
May 19, 2015 at 8:14 PM
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Wow. I was just about to start up a thread just like this, but seems like you beat me to it!!
Just a warning to all that are considering buying their ticket to Gensokyo:

Once you are in, you won't leave.


I'm currently stuck on Mokou because of her "Honest Man's Death" spell card.
I know how to do it, but it just won't work for me...

(And no, I already had the Reimu Yukkuri avatar for a while. I didn't just get it now.)
May 22, 2015 at 11:00 PM
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I knew, it was you, who has started this conversation, when I've read Touhou! XD
But I think, a release outside of Japan would attract way more casual gamers than a lower difficulty. Though, it will definately have a big influence..

Let's say it that way. Once it gets on Steam, it will become mainstream. Just a matter of time.. :/
BUT! It would make the bullethell-genre more popular.

I don't know... I sure want to support the devs and official translations would be neat too! What do you think? =/
Nov 10, 2020 at 9:33 PM
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I haven't played any Touhou game in a while, I like to give it a try someday but I can't because I'm playing Metroid Prime on the gamecube.
Nov 10, 2020 at 9:57 PM
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I haven't played any Touhou game in a while, I like to give it a try someday but I can't because I'm playing Metroid Prime on the gamecube.
I hope you like death, dying, and hot anime girls.
Nov 14, 2020 at 6:11 PM
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i can only get to stage 3-4 on most touhou games
Nov 24, 2020 at 6:25 PM
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PC98 is based, I await the day when Zun will stop cowering behind the excuse of "I don't want to piss off pc98 fans by changing things" and just bring back Mima... or sword sakuya... or the objectively better reimu... or honestly all of the characters, Give Me Story Of Eastern Wonderland 2.
Nov 29, 2020 at 3:19 PM
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I've only played Touhou 1, at the expense of 100+ continues
Nov 29, 2020 at 8:28 PM
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As someone who started with PC98, they're... unique. I'd say 4 and 5 were the only genuinely good ones. The rest are weird novelties made of 10% moments of utter brilliance, 55% janky fun, and 35% stupid bullshit. The music's amazing across the board though.
Doesn't Highly Responsive to Prayers have like, infinite continues?
Nah, it's got 3 continues like normal. Though the game gives you a stupid amount of extra lives if you play your cards right.

EDIT: okay it's got infinite continues
i just replayed it

Give Me Story Of Eastern Wonderland 2
No. SOEW had fun ideas, but we need Highly Responsive to Prayers 2. This time there's minibosses in the levels, a lives/bombs/scoring system that doesn't turn the game into a complete joke, patterns a human being can react to, and the return of Meme-a, who shows up for five seconds in the background of one of the bad endings.

Still, it's really sad that PC98 is totally ignored. It's probably because the Touhou games are only a fraction of Touhou. So many people get into Touhou from the characters and setting and remixes/fangames/doujins, not from the games themselves. Windows has LOTS of popular characters and fanworks, especially with earlier games. Pretty much everything in Windows games gets expanded on in side materials and headcanons. Midbosses that never speak and don't even have an official name have more popularity and usage in fanworks than some final bosses. PC98 only has the games, so it gets left behind.

That said, I hate when people willingly ignore PC98 or talk about Embodiment of Scarlet Devil like it was the first good 2hu and made PC98 totally obsolete. EoSD signified a big shift in the setting and characters, but almost all of that was added in side materials after EoSD came out. The actual game is on par with 4 and 5, and actually worse in a lot of important ways. I dunno how you could look at EoSD, then Mystic Square, and say PC98 is too old. The Spellcard system's cool, but even that didn't really start in EoSD; Mystic Square's Extra stage uses Spellcards in all but name.

Then again, I dunno. I'm trying to play them in chronological order, and haven't even gotten to Imperishable Night.
at least windows doesn't trace artwork from a hentai game...
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Jan 13, 2021 at 7:38 AM
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I literally made an account here just to talk about Touhou.

Anyways as someone who started out with the PC98 games (and in Lunatic mode no less just to torture myself. Though I did manage to get decent at Lunatic relatively quick.), the Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream had always been my favorite despite it feeling very experimental. I'd say it's the first genuinely fun Touhou game from ZUN, and I wish the PC98 emulation scene added some netplay feature so I could play it competitively against other online players. Though then again, there's not many people playing PoFV despite there being a fanmade netcode that does just that extremely well, and it's the only other Touhou game that's gone back to the style of tPoD.M. (btw if anyone wanna play against me, hit me up. I main Marisa and I'm always up for a good challenge.)

Also can we take a moment to get even more obscure and talk about the Seihou Project? Fuck it, lets get into an even more obscure topic. Can someone tell me how the hell have people managed to pull two of the unused midi files from the protoype which hasn't even been released to the public?
Jan 13, 2021 at 10:50 AM
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Does anyone have advice for beating Touhou 2, or just Touhou in general? I've only made it slightly past the second boss,̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶i̶ ̶a̶i̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶n̶o̶ ̶f̶i̶l̶t̶h̶y̶ ̶c̶a̶s̶u̶a̶l̶.
Jan 13, 2021 at 11:21 AM
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i will go out of lurking just to talk about touhou
didn't start out with pc98, started with th15 which is a good one because of pointdevice, a mechanic that should be in every past present and future touhou game
@Snessy you right podd is really good. i absolutely despise playing any other pc98 aside from lls but podd has some nice pixels and neat to play against human or cpu. mystic square is like a good game but no deathbombing and the stuff with yuki and mai just make it a pain
pc98 netcode isn't something you can count on, but you can try parsec. it's kinda like steam remote play but for anything and studiodixel and i have tried it, seemed to work alright
aeon#2682 if you wanna have some matches on that or pofv

and you wanna hear obscure stuff? don't even think about seihou, len'en is getting a bit closer but nah you gotta check out stuff like nansei project for the super obscure touhou vibes
touhou wandering souls is a pretty good absolutely unknown one

don't even do touhou 2 my guy skip to six, ten, or basically any integer game that is greater than 6 and isn't 9 to start
actual advice though: get a good trigger finger for that x key, bombs are the only way of hopin to survive until you're super comfortable and can start beating the game with a quarter of the resources
dont play on hard or lunatic until you're good for normal and never force yourself to beat extra before moving to the next game unless you're already legit with clearing extra. you would be doing the game right but doing yourself a wrong
if you can find em i recommend autobomb patches because bombing sucks ass as a mechanic most of the time and its vaguely balanced if you play hard or lunatic

you're right about the spellcard stuff in pc98, i would say you can even find some of the stuff as far back as lls or even podd. the naming convention didn't really overhaul the concept of "pretty patterns > boring patterns" and "shoot until you win"
wait shit you posted that in november and im part of a bump. oops
Jan 13, 2021 at 2:35 PM
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Does anyone have advice for beating Touhou 2
ok so unlike mr filthy casual here imma give you some epik 1337 G4m0r advice that doesnt tell you to skip parts
ok actually yeah forcing yourself to clear SoEW (especially Extra) is hell
speaking from experience, I forced myself to clear the 2nd game's Extra stage and would not play any games afterward beforehand. Every few weeks I would stumble upon the game in my Games folder, do attempts for a couple hours, and then give up. Rinse and repeat for 3 years. I can do it fine now, but oh my god do not do what i did.

HRtP [1] is beans. But it's charming beans with an epik soundtrack.
For SoEW [2], just put it on Easy and bring the lives and bombs all the way up. You wanna git gud, but the 2nd game isn't really worth gitting gud at IMO.
PoDD [3] isn't the type of game you "get through." It's story has no bearing on anything (which goes for all over PC98 but even more so here) and it's mostly a VS. game anyways. Also you get the good ending even with Continues, so...
LLS [4] is actually good. If you wanna skip SoEW, skip to this one. LLS introduces a lot of things people consider staples (EoSD steals so much this game that its almost a remake) and it's the easiest game in the series (out of what I've played so far).
MS [5] should be played after LLS. It builds on LLS' mechanics and is way harder too.

And after that... I dunno, you do you. I'm personally trying to do everything in order of release, aside from some spinoffs that are out of chronological order anyways. But that might result in getting caught up in side materials or spinoffs you don't enjoy.
i absolutely despise playing any other pc98 aside from lls
my dude what is your problem with mystic square?
tho youre kinda right
The stages (and sometimes bosses) can have shitty memorization going on, some of the backgrounds get distracting as hell, and Mima is 50 times better than everyone else, it's ridiculous. Tho honestly that's fine except you don't have enough lives. Like seriously the final 2 bosses are so evil that you gotta have like 6 lives in stock by the time you get to them, but (with default settings) you can only get a total of 9 lives in the whole game, and even that requires zipzooming around to collect hundreds of quickly-falling point items. Because of this, having your second death right before the stage 4 boss feels just as painful as dying 3 times in a row to the same nonspell. It's the only Touhou game so far (aside from 2) to consistently make me angry. if you wanna have fun, up the lives counter (5 or 6) and lower the bomb count to 2.

and also Mystic Square is the first game to have deathbombing, u just gotta git gud
"Deathbombing is not bombing after you get hit; deathbombing is pressing the X key too late, and being mercifully saved from your mistake."
bombing sucks ass as a mechanic most of the time
I second that.
i recommend autobomb patches
I unsecond that. With autobomb (you automatically bomb when getting hit), you're basically quadrupling your lives. I'm not a fan of managing bombs and autobomb is prob'ly cool in some situations, but like... that's kinda cheating, no?
But no matter what I say, just do what you want. You can even be like Mr. Filthy Casual Partskipping PC98-Hating "My Difficulty Level Is Lunatic With Autobomb" Espeon78. Because if it's not fun, why bother?
Jan 14, 2021 at 12:55 AM
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But no matter what I say, just do what you want. You can even be like Mr. Filthy Casual Partskipping PC98-Hating "My Difficulty Level Is Lunatic With Autobomb" Espeon78. Because if it's not fun, why bother?
you fiend i worked hard to get to this point ive got no autobomb hard 1cc on every windows game
tell me if you still think its better to play without autobomb when you get to ultra and absurdly extra difficulty

my dude what is your problem with mystic square?
resources are fine for me but your entire arsenal can just be emptied out by some nonsense and theres just short of nothin for invincibility after death. lls has some nonsense but i haven't been emptied by the same attack by anyone the same way i have been for every single non-yumeko boss in mystic square

"Deathbombing is not bombing after you get hit; deathbombing is pressing the X key too late, and being mercifully saved from your mistake."
"deathbombing is not bombing after you make a mistake; deathbombing is the only use of a bomb that isn't a mistake"
- me
if it isn't used at the point you've already gotten hit, you haven't even tried the pattern as much as you could have, ya know?

I unsecond that. With autobomb (you automatically bomb when getting hit), you're basically quadrupling your lives. I'm not a fan of managing bombs and autobomb is prob'ly cool in some situations, but like... that's kinda cheating, no?
running autobomb with a shot type that has four or five bombs is kinda fucked up but it doesn't change the amount of patterns you're able to essentially skip per run
ideally you put it on two bombs or something. now that i think about it though probably best to start off without it and once you're able to 1cc normal consistently it would be a good idea to check it out since you've built up skill to the point that it wouldn't just bruteforce you to stage 3 where you die

damn i spent nearly the entire post advocating autobomb lemme think of something of substance
awesome touhou fact by aeon: the only officially localized touhou is 15.5 on steam and forbidden scrollery the manga which i happened upon in a barnes and noble once
Jan 14, 2021 at 1:14 AM
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Touhou 6 was a great game. I've enjoyed that game. I was trying to beat Sakuya izayoi on easy mode and it took me 3 continues to finally beat her. Finally beat her and it was a big accomplishment.
Jan 14, 2021 at 4:37 PM
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Touhou 6 wasn't that good imho it was less feature complete than Touhou 5 and marked when zun decided to switch to an objectively worse artstyle.

Atleast it ended the oh too present micrododging.
Jan 14, 2021 at 6:34 PM
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Maybe Touhou 5 is better than Touhou 6.