ok actually yeah forcing yourself to clear SoEW (especially Extra) is hell
speaking from experience, I forced myself to clear the 2nd game's Extra stage and would not play any games afterward beforehand. Every few weeks I would stumble upon the game in my Games folder, do attempts for a couple hours, and then give up. Rinse and repeat for
3 years. I can do it fine now, but oh my god do not do what i did.
HRtP [1] is beans. But it's charming beans with an epik soundtrack.
For SoEW [2], just put it on Easy and bring the lives and bombs all the way up. You wanna git gud, but the 2nd game isn't really worth gitting gud at IMO.
PoDD [3] isn't the type of game you "get through." It's story has no bearing on anything (which goes for all over PC98 but even more so here) and it's mostly a VS. game anyways. Also you get the good ending even with Continues, so...
LLS [4] is actually good. If you wanna skip SoEW, skip to this one. LLS introduces a lot of things people consider staples (EoSD steals so much this game that its almost a remake) and it's the easiest game in the series (out of what I've played so far).
MS [5] should be played after LLS. It builds on LLS' mechanics and is way harder too.
And after that... I dunno, you do you. I'm personally trying to do
everything in order of release, aside from some spinoffs that are out of chronological order anyways. But that might result in getting caught up in side materials or spinoffs you don't enjoy.
i absolutely despise playing any other pc98 aside from lls
my dude what is your problem with mystic square?
tho youre kinda right
The stages (and sometimes bosses) can have shitty memorization going on, some of the backgrounds get distracting as hell, and Mima is 50 times better than everyone else, it's ridiculous. Tho honestly that's fine except you don't have enough lives. Like seriously the final 2 bosses are so evil that you gotta have like 6 lives in stock by the time you get to them, but (with default settings) you can only get a total of 9 lives in the whole game, and even that requires zipzooming around to collect hundreds of quickly-falling point items. Because of this, having your second death right before the stage 4 boss feels just as painful as dying 3 times in a row to the same nonspell. It's the only Touhou game so far (aside from 2) to consistently make me angry. if you wanna have fun, up the lives counter (5 or 6) and lower the bomb count to 2.
and also Mystic Square is the first game to have deathbombing, u just gotta git gud
"Deathbombing is not bombing after you get hit; deathbombing is pressing the X key too late, and being mercifully saved from your mistake."
bombing sucks ass as a mechanic most of the time
I second that.
i recommend autobomb patches
I unsecond that. With autobomb (you automatically bomb when getting hit), you're basically quadrupling your lives. I'm not a fan of managing bombs and autobomb is prob'ly cool in some situations, but like... that's kinda cheating, no?