Top 10 things to do on HHL, the shittop computer:
10.) Create an XLS document to calculate your chance of dying in a plane crash.
9.) Play Cave Story @ ~23 fps
8.) Play LagCraft
7.) Play Total Annihilation: See following top ten
6.) Stare at an animated gif of [REDACTED]
5.) (Pa)trol(l) the internet.
4.) Get on Gaia Towns and ask n00bs to cyber.
3.) Exploit your crappy network to cause OTHERS to crash.
2.) Forum it up!
1.) Make top 10 lists.
Top 10 TA ARM victories:
10.) Brawler Rush
9.) Off-shore Millennium Assault
8.) Atlas Abduction
7.) 21 Bertha Salute
6.) LOL Nuke (Countered easily by the WTF anti nuke)
5.) Flashspam
4.) Two-Headed Anaconda Blitz
3.) What's Mined is Mine
2.) Peewee Powah!
1.) 1,000,000 Flea March
Top 10 TA CORE victories:
10.) AK-47,000
9.) Poptart Toasters
8.) Vamp Triad of Death
7.) Buzzsaw Bombardment
6.) Airborne Can Corps.
5.) For the Swarm! (Hive carriers + Seaplane Torpedo Bombers)
4.) BLOD on Wheels
3.) Tactics and Transports (Works best with the hovercraft bulk transporter)
2.) Airborne BLOD on Wheels
1.) Naval Krogoth Brigade