If you had to have sex with two people whose ages add up to 20, what ages would you want them to be and why?
I guess 10 and 10 because that way I'm not you know, fucking someone under the age of 9 which would just be uncomfortable for everyone. I mean, two 10 year olds isn't great either but
god damn it
what is wrong with you?
1. Top 5 threads of all time on these forums?
that one joke thread lace made, named "fuck you noxid" or something similar.
notable moments in irc
the kanpachis
the thread where people made up x-rated fanfics about forum members
that thread where everyone made fanfics about cavestory
as a side note remember when the spot used to be cool?
this has a collection of a lot of great comics over time.
these two threads are by artists who I am really fond of.
it's nice to poke through the prequel suggestion box for a few laughs.
like, at how shitty the suggestions are.
that's pretty much all i can think of really other forums are pretty shitty
i've mentioned this before but ice is a bit of a turn on for me.
er, not ice per se but the sensation of ice melting on skin.
like in a previously sexual setting.
As a Canadian, what is your take on the folks over at Epic Meal Time?
i've seen a few of their vidoes, they're pretty funny I guess, but they're also kind of a one trick pony.
In the first post on this thread, you mentioned that cookie dough ice cream is your favorite. Not a bad choice! Have you ever had cake batter ice cream?
nope. sounds gross.
Favorite thing about yourself?
I have a pretty skinny body, which is great. I wouldn't want to be fat. no offense to fat people
Would you rather wear mauve and beige argyle or mauve and beige plaid?
i think mauve would look better with that paticular colour combination.
although frankly nothing really would look good in mauve and beige.
Do you find religion entertaining? Why/whynot?
not really, I've had to go to chapel at my school for the past 5 years so I've just become increadibly apathetic/ cynical towards religion in general.
If you could magically have any talent, what would it be?
creating illusions, like a magician. that's pretty cool. either that or drawing really well. because I can't draw that well tbqh.
Rather be able to grant other people's wishes or have someone grant yours?
grant other's wishes, as long as I can be selective as to which whishes that I choose. i.e. I wouldn't wnat to be fufilling selfish wishes all the time.
Favorite flavor of noxid?
pie flavor.
Personal hell? Personal heaven?
my own hell would be thousands of people yelling constantly at me, flashing bright lights in my face, all of that stuff. like, sensory overload, all the time. how fucking uncomfortable would that be jesus christ.
my own heaven would be having the time to do anything, never having the urge to sleep.like, hey, wanna play video games for thousands of hours? cool. want to learn a skill? that's cool too. etc.
What's your best/favourite dance move?
the septuple headspin
Favourite decade that isn't nowadays nor the 2000s?
god I don't know. the 80s I guess.
Would you like that thread to stay open longer?
eh, not really. answering questions is exhausting.
Would you like someone who has already got his time in the well to go back in?
cpt was only in for two days >
and yet he got more questions than anyone else. he truely is the most popular girl in school.
anyway, yeah, cpt, cult, dasu, or noxid.
Have you ever found out that your way of thinking about something was completely different from everyone else's?
not really. I mean, everyone has different perspectives, but I've never met anyone who had a drastically different view.
Favourite kind of wordplay?
alliteration I suppose. euphemisms can be pretty funny if used correctly.
And that will be all I guess :/
Okay, I guess that's it for this well, than. :>