The sickeningly cheerful say hello, introduce yourself; now where's my cookie? topic.

Jun 15, 2020 at 9:40 PM
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"Fresh from the Bakery"
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Oh wow... I think I'll have mischievous robot stuck in my head now for the day.
That was great!! Thanks taking my whimsical request! *and nice choice!

Of course, I'm glad you liked it.

I still hear that laugh echo in my ears all these years later... :muscledoc:

That's cuz Kefka is the leading candidate for Video Gaming's Most Massive Donger.
Nov 23, 2020 at 2:50 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
"No! Don't OPEN that DOOR!"
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heya, name's yoshifenix, i love cave story, i've been stuck in my basement for about 5 years replaying it over and my modded psp, please send help.

jokes aside it's a pleasure to meet y'all and i hope i can get along with people here.

oh wait the last post in this thread is kind of old is this necrobumping am i already getting in trouble ohgodohgodohgodohgod
Nov 23, 2020 at 3:03 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Age: 29
heya, name's yoshifenix, i love cave story, i've been stuck in my basement for about 5 years replaying it over and my modded psp, please send help.

jokes aside it's a pleasure to meet y'all and i hope i can get along with people here.

oh wait the last post in this thread is kind of old is this necrobumping am i already getting in trouble ohgodohgodohgodohgod
Hello Ewan
Dec 1, 2020 at 2:46 AM
Lurking in the Shadows
"No! Don't OPEN that DOOR!"
Join Date: Nov 15, 2020
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Age: 20
hi im emerald jam, idk what to say about myself
Dec 20, 2020 at 2:40 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
"No! Don't OPEN that DOOR!"
Join Date: Dec 20, 2020
Posts: 0
Hiya. I'm a person who found this place by complete chance because I was looking for stories in the setting of Cave Story. I hope we can be friends :)
Dec 21, 2020 at 4:10 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Jun 27, 2013
Posts: 2798
Age: 29
So wait, are you a returning veteran? Cuz of your other post
Dec 26, 2020 at 4:31 PM
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"Officially Worth 1 Rupee"
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Hello MASTERS OF THE INTERNET. I am THE fake Curly Brace, and I am totally into HOT ROBOT BOYS.

I have been playing Cave Story mods for QUITE A BIT and to the advice of my good friend SANTA CLAUS I have decided to create an account here to review your NEWEST ELOQUENT MODS whenever they come out. Expect POSSIBLY BIASED RATINGS soon!
Dec 26, 2020 at 4:58 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Jun 27, 2013
Posts: 2798
Age: 29
Oh boy, another roleplayer
Jan 6, 2021 at 12:27 PM
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Whoa! it's the real Curly Brace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mar 14, 2021 at 9:00 AM
Lurking in the Shadows
"No! Don't OPEN that DOOR!"
Join Date: Mar 14, 2021
Posts: 0
i've kinda lurked here for several years and finally started on a mod and decided to make an account
call me broche
you will never find out what i derived it from
you will never find out who i am
i am broche
Mar 14, 2021 at 4:58 PM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Cool, nice to meet you broche. I've been finding it harder to keep track of new users for some reason lately, so let's see if I can get better at this.

Interesting that you held out for several years before joining, most people only take a few months (I myself lurked for 4-and-a-half months). Hope your mod goes well.
Jun 20, 2021 at 5:34 AM
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"Fresh from the Bakery"
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I'm here, and that's kinda it. I might visit this place every few months. Cave Story's not my favorite game, but I still find it fun and Pixel is a big inspiration for me. I've made games before, and learning that Cave Story was made mainly by one guy was the reason why I got started with that in the first place.
Jun 20, 2021 at 5:35 AM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Cool, nice to still see new people joining once in a while. Welcome to the CSTSF.
Aug 20, 2021 at 8:09 PM
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"Officially Worth 1 Rupee"
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my name is yellow toxic, I was on these forums for a while until in short I just disappeared (I WILL NOT SAY MY FORMER ACCOUNT) ... anyway, that's it, it's good to be back.

I love you all, and I hope I can contribute to this community, either with some mod or so, or directly to make my own game inspired by cave story, which is something I've always wanted to do, and I have so many in my head that I don't know how to order them, maybe if you ask me for a demo I'll pass you some of the... 10 or 9 demos talking about complete but that didn't convince me... so that's it, there's not much more.

SAIONARA!! see you later.
Oct 18, 2021 at 2:05 AM
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"Fresh from the Bakery"
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Posts: 14
Hello all! I joined up a while back, maybe almost a year ago, I think...could have been longer?

I'm that long haired guy who plays guitar and is bad at Cave Story, hi again, haven't logged in for some time here
Dec 2, 2021 at 6:55 PM
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"It's dangerous to go alone!"
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Hello everyone. I'm here to keep the once-in-a-month or so post frequency for this thread. I'm a recent fan of cave story and decided to hop on in here while I'm still fond of the game. I can't provide much for the community right now, but I want to make a mod at some point. Only a graphical one, so here's hoping to that.

I hope to get to know you all for the time being, however many that still linger these forums.
Dec 2, 2021 at 7:39 PM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Cool, nice to meet you Orbit. I hope you enjoy your stay here, and I hope you end up being successful in making a mod.
Dec 2, 2021 at 8:16 PM
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"It's dangerous to go alone!"
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Location: the Pillars of Creation
Posts: 32
Thank you. I will certainly try my best.