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the big list of "what can ruin your mod"

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Apr 17, 2009 at 1:17 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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whyme said:
This looks like a helpful thread.

Dead thread is long dead.
Apr 17, 2009 at 1:18 AM
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Apr 17, 2009 at 1:31 AM
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Is "Making an awesome mod and never finishing it" on the list?
Apr 17, 2009 at 7:09 PM
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whyme said:
not anymore.
Just because something is bumped doesn't mean it's alive again. That's like digging up the corpse of your grandmother after a year and expecting her to give you presents for Christmas. It's not going to fucking happen.

MetaSeraphim said:
Is "Making an awesome mod and never finishing it" on the list?
Not finishing a mod is derived from multiple things, one of which I should like to add to the topic, if it didn't contradict my above statement of a thread. But I suppose in being ticked off enough to respond to two stupid posts in a row, I may as well explain it before some other idiot finishes your Three-Stooges act.

The Primary fault of a mod is it's story. Cave Story had a story of it's own, it was great, well thought out, and coherent enough for a bunch of idiots to debate on wither or not Sue's of age to be gang-raped. However, as the story is, an extent to the original story is the first problem with a mod's story.

Jenka's Nightmare, uber-mod number one, is an extension of the original game's story, as a means to explain a few other things in series. However, in itself by explaining it's own contents, it, in itself, blew everything way out of proportion for no adequate reason other than to give itself a hairline to walk on. As it's own tools of story begin to contradict themselves, eventually the mod collapsed, leaving several things open for debate, and even still people dwell on it, asking the same questions about the mod at least once every page in it's topic.
While the mod had a compelling extension to the story, duly note that if it's worthy of fan fiction, by no means is it going to match someone else's idea of what "could" happen. Even so, with everything explained a third into the mod, there was nothing more but a paved path to follow, generally ruining any sense of mystery that Cave Story had left every player with from the time they began their first game. So, why would this be abandoned? The Pressure of it all. As soon as you create something, everyone's own opinions will instantly stab away at you like daggers, until there's nothing left of your own ideas, simply because a bunch of pricks wanted in on the glory, wanting to re-write what could happen. Contradictorily, Maybe the mod was being made up as it went along? Or hell, maybe the author died. Idiot.

Next in line, my own mods. All of these share the same problem of my usual first creations when I get my hands on things: They were all merely to test what Cave Story was capable of. Simply out of a proud "Look what I did, mommy" sense of progress, I released the mods wanting to see how people thought of them. As it turns out, all replies and thoughts on them were generally positive, expectant of progress. However, because there was no flaws or input on the mods or their story, I had no place to go off of people's ideas. Sort of an exact opposite of the above Jenka "What if", assuming the creator is still alive.
Another shared similarity between all my mods is how I pieced the story together. Rather than drawing the storyline before hand, I did, in fact, make it all up as I went along -- to a certain extent. I had the beginning point, and the characters were based off people I knew in chat rooms, to which I merely used their personal-fantasy characters as portrayal. In my second mod, "That one starting with an air ship", The story was again, just 'made up as I went along', to which my own character didn't even have any form of back story, while almost all others did. In this sense, it was nothing but a blind walk in the darkness until I hit a dead-end. In every manner of opinion, my second mod had NO story, and NO motivation.
In my third mod, I developed my own character and other characters some more, as my own life went on, and my own relationships with the past people on IRC changed. This time, I had a sense of a vague beginning, and a vague ending, to which I merely needed to connect the dots. Again, however, my motivation ran thin; this time not so much for what I had told, but what I hadn't told. Too many things in this mod were shrouded in mystery, and almost all the dialog was short, sweet lines of words to keep things going. I tried to involve several characters I didn't need, and in the end it resulted in a pointless, cliche plot. Pandimonium was evil, looked like Zarro, wanted to take-over-the-world. Nothing behind this was told, and looking at what it is, there was no past, no future, and no reason for this sort of plot. Mod 3: Abandoned, just like the rest.

Several other mods dot the path, but all share similar problems to the plot, either derived entirely from the original game without any sense of originality, or just a waste of space accompanied by bad and broken ideas. Of the mods on the forums, do you REALLY want to see them all finished? Do you REALLY think they can even BE finished? Schism aside, the only figment of hope on this forum left, I fear everyone is doomed from the start, simply because nobody can hold down a storyline, everybody's an overzealous idiot, and there are too many obstructions from progress.
Apr 18, 2009 at 5:52 AM
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ZarroTsu said:
I may as well explain it before some other idiot finishes your Three-Stooges act.

Too late, you've already done that quite well yourself. Why don't you stop making posts after your bedtime when you're all cranky you insipid child?
Apr 18, 2009 at 7:14 AM
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MetaSeraphim said:
Too late, you've already done that quite well yourself. Why don't you stop making posts after your bedtime when you're all cranky you insipid child?

Leave Zarro alone! LEAVE HIM ALONE!
Apr 18, 2009 at 9:18 AM
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I'll add to the list. But it might be already on there anyway but I'm too lazy to look.
I've encountered this in two mods I've played...
Where at the beginning, there are already a dozen things that can kill you in one hit. Even worse if there are a lack of save points. Quite a lack of balance.
Apr 18, 2009 at 1:05 PM
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uh, cave story has those.
they're called spikes...
Apr 18, 2009 at 1:10 PM
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and they're called hard mods.

I think somebody needs to post a guide on howtomakeyourmoddifficultwhileplayable. For people like.... me. And maybe.. Jake. No offense, and also.. Orangedawg.
Apr 18, 2009 at 4:19 PM
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Lace said:
uh, cave story has those.
they're called spikes...

You didn't understand. I talking about mods who throws many, many spikes while throwing enemies who can kill you with one hit while you still have 3 HP and a polar star. These mods often don't provide a good number of life capsules. And while they are at it, lacking in a good amount of save points.
And worst of all, these mods don't even advertise as being difficult. So I just download obliviously.
Cave Story itself had an excellent balance between amount of life capsules found and save points given while still throwing difficult obstacles at you without being frustrating. These mods don't have that balance.
What I'm asking... is give a goddamn warning if these mods are meant to piss you off!
Apr 20, 2009 at 12:19 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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M-Warrior said:
You didn't understand. I talking about mods who throws many, many spikes while throwing enemies who can kill you with one hit while you still have 3 HP and a polar star. These mods often don't provide a good number of life capsules. And while they are at it, lacking in a good amount of save points.
And worst of all, these mods don't even advertise as being difficult. So I just download obliviously.
Cave Story itself had an excellent balance between amount of life capsules found and save points given while still throwing difficult obstacles at you without being frustrating. These mods don't have that balance.
What I'm asking... is give a goddamn warning if these mods are meant to piss you off!

My mod is designed to piss you off if you're looking for all the secrets.

But I agree, a severe lack of save points/life capsules, hell, even armaments, can be a tragic detriment to an otherwise solid mod.

I propose that all mods be subjected to the "Lesley Test".
This test entails finding a friend who's never played Cave Story or any of it's mods, and using them to test your mod.
Based on their reaction, you can label it as "Hard", "Medium" or "Easy".
Apr 20, 2009 at 6:00 AM
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freezit4 said:
No offense, and also.. Orangedawg.

My hack is technically playable! D=
Apr 20, 2009 at 7:35 AM
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DragonBoots said:
My mod is designed to piss you off if you're looking for all the secrets.

But I agree, a severe lack of save points/life capsules, hell, even armaments, can be a tragic detriment to an otherwise solid mod.

I propose that all mods be subjected to the "Lesley Test".
This test entails finding a friend who's never played Cave Story or any of it's mods, and using them to test your mod.
Based on their reaction, you can label it as "Hard", "Medium" or "Easy".
I've played your mod. It is actually one of my favorite mods.
Apr 20, 2009 at 7:56 PM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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M-Warrior said:
I've played your mod. It is actually one of my favorite mods.

Then you must have the DragonBoots Logical Complex.
May 29, 2010 at 2:32 AM
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Giving the player character the jetpack at the beginning of the story unless it breaks later on. A good example of a solution would be in WTF Story by GIRAKACheezer.
May 29, 2010 at 3:25 AM
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RHF64 said:
Giving the player character the jetpack at the beginning of the story unless it breaks later on. A good example of a solution would be in WTF Story by GIRAKACheezer.
Bumping threads from a year ago.
May 29, 2010 at 3:19 PM
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ZarroTsu said:
- Any use of the Spur or Nemisis during the story - these can be secret weapons, but don't make getting them easy, unless you'd lose them later on.

What if your mod is designed to be hell-like in its difficulty? :3

And this thread was probably kind of hastily made...
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