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The Argon incident V0.2.4

Feb 12, 2017 at 4:34 PM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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So after a long period of doing absolutely nothing I have decided to bring back the little mod I have been working on called: The Argon Incident. Note that it is still a heavy WIP. (The dialog in particular is downright non-existent.)

New version 0.2.4! Color changes, and some bug fixes.

Anyways screenshots!
Lab Incident 2_12_2017 8_04_32 AM.png The Argon incident 2.0 2_18_2017 4_23_53 PM.png The Argon incident 2.0 2_18_2017 3_58_50 PM.png The Argon incident 2.0 2_18_2017 3_58_21 PM.png The Argon incident 2.0 2_18_2017 4_04_31 PM.png

Download links

Goerge Bobicles For the character sprite.
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Feb 12, 2017 at 6:40 PM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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So, we have a TSC error before we even make it to the title screen. This accurately describes things.
There is a complete overuse of the line break feature in this opening text
That was on purpose to make the lines short, does it really look that bad?
By god it is weird going back to 50FPS after being at 62 all the time.
-Ah, you seem to have given this door in the first "room" the correct top, but incorrect bottom tile.
Fixed. Can't believe I never noticed it
-The first critter on the far left of the second room starts in mid-air.
Oh THIS mod. Right. I see no great difference so far other than the mod seeming to be more polished
There's some mild texture changes, and its about twice as long, but I didn't put as much as I wanted to in.
The critters and EXP are actually very hard to see behind all the broken robot parts.
Removed some of the robot parts. Gonna look into coloring the EXP a color that is easier to see.
Gravekeepers have invisible walls next to them or something, and don't block your attacks from the front when they're next to some tiles... but nothing tells you that so I got raped by one. Also they take too long to kill.
Your supposed to stand under them and duke out when they attack. Never knew about the tiles things though, removing them and decreasing their hp.
Feb 18, 2017 at 9:41 PM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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Updated to version 0.2.3! Palette changes and fixed some bugs.

EDIT: Version 0.2.4, now with less bugs
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Feb 19, 2017 at 9:12 AM
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Okey doke

The maps are looking really good now with the updated tilesets. Couple of minor things in the Aqueduct, the crochead + bird can keep firing at you while activating the second switch, and there's a random water tile slope right near the top of the map near the Skullsteps. Is that as far as it goes now? It looked like there was only one path open and all that did was send me down and trap me where the skeleton was.
Feb 19, 2017 at 1:07 PM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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Is that as far as it goes now? It looked like there was only one path open and all that did was send me down and trap me where the skeleton was.
There is a door right there, but its obscured by a tile, ill removing it so its more visible.
Feb 19, 2017 at 6:47 PM
Soup Man
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Guess I'll try this out:
Why, hello there! Welcome to our third installment of vb's Reviews! We'll start off with our 3 sections, as normal.

Section 1: Before I played:
Not sure what to think. I got version 2.4 btw.

Section 2: While I played:
1. Folder includes some useless files. -1 point.
2. Intro cutscene is nice and smoothe. +1.
3. The Polar Star in my hand is orange, but it's the normal Polar Star in my inventory. -1.
4. When I die I have to read the transmission thing again. It should save directly after. -1.
5. In said intro cutscene, the word "The" is capitalized in "The Argon Facility". Shouldn't it be "the Argon Facility"? -1.
6. I like how everything is cyan. +5.
7. The stupid critter made me think the ground it was on was solid, and I fell through it. -1. -_-
8. Life Capsule is blue, but when I get it, it's red. -1.
9. I like the level design. It gives the critters the upper hand, since they can move where you cannot, and it makes you have to think about what you're gonna do. +5.
10. It took like 10 minutes to deactivate the forcefield because the terminal was being covered by the UI. -1.
11. I didn't notice the critters because they were the same color as the background. -1.
12. The doors work and play a sound. +3. Most mods don't do this.
13. Every critter in this game needs to be nerfed. -1.
14. Boss fight with Igor Carl was good. +5.
15. "Whos there?" should be "Who's there?". -1.
16. Kazuma is in his 70's now. OK.
17. Fire apparently restores health??? +1? -1? IDK.
18. Kazuma, no need to hide your identity. We all know it's you.
19. Attacked by pirates? Like Aar?
20. Oh boy a giant bouncy castle of Malcos. -1 for "Why didn't you just use a different map tile?".
21. After like a year, I finally escaped Malco. Here's my proof:
22. AAA the water spike parkour segment is hard. Please nerf spikes. They do 10 damage. -1.
23. I think I died a little inside when the current carried me away from the door. Please make this jump easier. -1.
24. The player's drowning sprite is still Quote's. -1.
25. Seriously, the jump to the door is insane. -1.
26. Oh so apparently I wasn't supposed to jump to it, but ride the upward current and jump??? That was confusing. -1.
27. I like the recolored enemies. +2.
28. There seems to be a lack of alternative weapons in this game. Even in Cave Story, you get the Missile Launcher before the first boss. -1.
29. I am VERY fond of this level design. The enemies and spikes are placed very well. +5.
30. The idea of changing the current is great, and works exceptionally well! +3.
31. AAAHH the save point is gone! Actually, this is a good fix to the changed tiling. +2.
32. Can you please be more forgiving with the pits? How about instead of falling into the inevitable spike current, why not have it lead to another place in the room?
33. On the slope with the skull things coming at you, one of the slope tiles is the one with water on it. -1.
34. Maybe put the save point in turbines closer to the door? I almost died like 3 times just trying to reach it. -1.
35. I like to colors you chose for the recolored enemies. +3.
36. There are WAY too many enemies in the turbine thing. I've died WAY to many times here. -1.
37. After hacking past all the enemies in the area, I got through. -1 for making me open Cave Editor on your mod.
38. The flow of the water is cool. +1.
42. Wow. You made me use Cave Editor AGAIN. On the SAME ROOM, no less.
43. There seem to be several save points and enemies stuck in the walls??? -1.
44. After years of trouble I finally found out some of the walls could be passed through??? Why not make them a different color or something so I know they are different in some way? -1.
45. The whole segment with the walls is entirely stupid. It just makes the mod longer because of how difficult it is, and I'm not very patient. -1.
46. When you fall through the floor that looks exactly like the floor you were literally just standing on. -1.
47. I had to use Cave Editor again. AGAIN. In the SAME room. AGHHH.
48. I did it. I got out of turbines. Now I'm in the gutter. Finally. I'm so relieved.
49. I got to the placeholder thing. OK?
50. OK I quit because the difficulty. -1 for making me quit early.

Section 3: After I played:
Points scored: 3 out of 50 possible.
Bonuses: Artwork Bonus: +10, First Mod Bonus: +10, Level Designer Bonus: +5.
Total Points: 28 out of 50 possible.

I liked this mod. I found it extremely hard in some area though. If the mod wasn't so hard, I think I'd like it a lot better. Try and tone down the difficulty a bit.

It was a good mod.