Omega said:Well i admit the dust could be a trap. I say one team walks along while another one follows along in hiding.
Pigaro said:You guys go where ever.
I'm taking the Barren one.
Do any of you guys play Guitar or Bass?
Orange said:I played guitar for a year but stopped and started playing piano.
I still like to play bass any time I come across a bass guitar though. o:
LunarSoul said:So...
Dust: Orange, omega
Barren: Pigaro?
Omega said:Well maybe we should make 2 teams. Team 1 goes on the barren path hoping to find felix. Team 2 goes through the path with dust to try and locate megami
LunarSoul said:25 minute decision 0.o
And felix is with you.
Pigaro goes off to the barren path, while Orange and Omega follow the dark dust road.
The trails seem to go on for hours. It doesn't help that Orange keeps waving to Pigaro like it's so cool that they can see each other.
Eventually Orange and Omega meet up with a strange witch floating in the sky. This wasn't a trail to the town at all! It must've been a hunting method! The witch attacks!
Piggy, will you leave the path to help fight? You might not find it again.