Jul 29, 2011 at 9:43 PM
Join Date: Jun 2, 2011
Location: ancient history
Posts: 397
Age: 26
Pronouns: she/her
Omega said:im back. i browsed amazon and ebay and made a plan to use my allowance. first ill ask for early allowance ill waste some of it on the humble indie bundle ill clean a car for the extra 5 so i can buy this :long link 1
then ill wait ALOT of time to buy this: long link 2
Wut.Omega said:im back. i browsed amazon and ebay and made a plan to use my allowance. first ill ask for early allowance ill waste some of it on the humble indie bundle ill clean a car for the extra 5 so i can buy this :http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0030J5BZW/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_3?pf_rd_p=1278548962&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B00009VE2N&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0PTK925T7G6BYJ6E30VV
then ill wait ALOT of time to buy this: http://cgi.ebay.com/Yu-Gi-Oh-Light-Up-Duel-Disk-Launcher-Yugioh-/230653678542?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35b407d3ce#ht_500wt_949
Omega said:*ready's duel disk* game on (i seem to find a quote for everything) i summon dark magician in attack mode. and no i get 5 dollars weekly so i get 5 bucks i waste a bit of it on the humble indie bundle then by cleaning the car i get the other 5 so i can buy the silver deck box and then after a while ill get the duel disk.
LunarSoul said:Wow, you're kinda obsessed.
So, um, what are we doing?