Oh, hell yeah. It would be easy to do in VB if I knew how the format worked.
I might actually look into Midi format to see how it works - there might be some similarities.
I've been looking at an ORG I made of the FF3 battle music - it's only three instruments, and they don't vary in panning or volume, so it, in theory, should be easier to identify the notes. So far the only pattern I can find is what appears to be a header, and then three sections corresponding to each of the three used channels(I think).
Each of these sections is made up of two parts - first, a pattern split into four values a section, where the first value increases by 2 each repetition, and the latter three values are all either 00 00 00 or 01 00 00. The thing is, on my first instrument, which starts right off at the very beginning of the song, has a bunch of blanks and then a bunch of the 01 patterns. I can't find anything that really defines the note. Really, the only reason I know it's the first instrument is that I randomly changed one of the 00s to 01 00 00 (in the pattern) and when opened in Orgmaker it was all bugged - the notes didn't even display until you got to a certain bar, and when they did show up they dissappear if you go too far back again, and they, essentially, don't exist.
The second part of each instrument is a block of different values, then about two blocks of different values, then it moves on to the next instrument.
Woah. While reading this I just realized - the first block in the second part corresponds to the notes, and I assume the second and third blocks are volume and panning, although I'm not entirely sure. What I think it is is that the first part uses that 01 as part of a counter, because I just noticed the 01's start after the first counter (that increases by 2) hits F8.
Basically, I now know what defines notes, but not what the first part is. VICTORY!
Mebbe I'll be able to make that converter after all.