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Tale of Dale - version 0.4 "Bloody Update" [updated 28/04/14]

Dec 21, 2013 at 7:46 AM
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You didn't have to delete your posts. I only noticed you posted two times.

PS. Shoot, I have the new version ready, I just need to upload it now!
Dec 22, 2013 at 12:29 AM
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thank you, I will remember that in the future
Dec 22, 2013 at 5:32 PM
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Update, I believe.

The new version contains two new areas, one boss level, fixes, and of course new assembly hacks. I will include more maps in the next version, because I'm not planning to do as much hacks.
Dec 22, 2013 at 6:27 PM
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for the new demo, the level designs are amazing,

but lyron seems a little to much under powered, and the last 2 bosses can be easly beat using Duncan's explosion attack
Dec 22, 2013 at 6:37 PM
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Actually, I'm thinking about changing Duncan's secondary attack to something else. No idea what yet.

And please tell me, in which way is Lyron underpowered?
Dec 22, 2013 at 8:08 PM
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his axe doesn't really do much damage, I understand he is soppose to be for mainly speed and not nessecerarly power, but its just a huge pain to kill literally anything with lyron's axe or boomerang.
Dec 22, 2013 at 8:28 PM
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Axe is only good at distance. The damage increases with speed. It's doing 20 damage after falling some distance.

Boomerang was too OP when its damage was higher, I think. I'll just wait for others' opinions, OK?
Dec 23, 2013 at 2:52 AM
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I found a bug: I used Alita for the first stage and the Lyron boss, and for the next stage I chose Lyron as my character. When the stage started I was Lyron and I had his weapons but I still also had Alita's spells. Also, I could still become invincible by pressing W.
EDIT: Oh, and I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but because of Lyron's defensive ability, if he touches lava with full health he'll still survive.
Jan 22, 2014 at 1:23 PM
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Thanks for finding this bug. I haven't played with that combo yet, I must have missed that.

Lyron & lava is not a bug, same applies to Duncan with Resistance.
Spoiler ahoy!
If you want to know the beginning, watch it!
Jan 23, 2014 at 8:02 AM
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Wow, I'm going to sound kind of like a jerk in comparison to the others.

As far as what I think of the mod... I guess just "unfinished" which is O.K. cause it is unfinished.

None of Duncan's and Alita's attacks really feel straightforward. I mean, that's not to say they aren't REALLY cool, but still... For some strange reason, you opted out the ability to attack up and down. It's your mod and you can do what you want, and you might be going somewhere else with it, but it seems kind of strange to omit that. Also as has already been stated, Duncan's secondary kinda breaks the boss battles for me, Lyron was easy, and the phoenix-thing took like 30 seconds, so you might want to change that. It took me a bit to figure out Lyron's axe thing, once I did, it was actually really nice. The boomerang was pretty fun to play around with, and I was impressed you fit more than two characters, so you obviously did some cool assembly work.

Now the music. Oh the music. I really shouldn't talk since I can't make org's for crud, and someone is helping me with mine, but the music, although good, felt like it was grating at my ears. After a while, it kind of hurt to listen to. I know that sounds kind of mean, but it did feel a little grating. The graphics are pretty bright and all in all nice setting and mood. As far as assembly goes, you hit it out of the park. Very nice, very well done. It's an ambitious project and if I were to take it JUST by the current demo, I would call it "broken" and "unfinished". But it's not finished, so thats not fair of me. Generally really fun, had some tough spots where things constantly pushed me off, but the important thing is that I was enjoying the experience and had FUN. A lot of times a mod can have a lot of polish, but just isn't "fun". This felt unpolished, but was one of the more fun mods I've played, through the problems it has, it has a certain charm to it.
Jan 23, 2014 at 9:05 AM
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It is unfinished, and work in PROGRESS, and stuff. So yeah.

1. No one of the current characters is going to be able to shoot upwards. The reason? It's unnecessary in this mod. I didn't make a bunch of flying enemies to deal with, and jumping ones don't need that. And Duncan's Toxic Ball would look really weird.

2. I know it is too OP. I will replace it with something less powerful, but still good.

3. Lyron's Silver Axes weapon is going to be slightly more useful, because I found out it is kinda useless most of the time.

4. I thought I finally got better at music... No, I'm not going to change the music. Unless there are more people who dislike it.

5. Thank you
Jan 23, 2014 at 10:41 PM
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Hey it's just an opinion. Thanks for listening though. Helps us become better modder's (is that a word?). Anyway, yeah, I don't know what to say, maybe it's just me. Again the music isn't *bad* per say. I would even call it good, it's just... grating. I'm not sure how else to describe it.
Feb 14, 2014 at 3:07 PM
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Update, guys and gals!

<link removed>

Changes since 0.2:
- Lyron's physics have been slightly changed
- replaced Duncan's Toxplosion with Poison Fang
- HUD improved
- added cash system
- added potions
- lots of other stuff

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Feb 14, 2014 at 9:34 PM
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Found a glitch where when I bought one potion from the seller, declined when he asked me again, and it brought me to the next boss (after asking me if I wanted to play as Duncan). Also, I really like the Boomerang. That's a very unique weapon.
Feb 14, 2014 at 11:37 PM
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I also found something, after playing as Alita and choosing Lyron when I obtained him, I got Alita's weapons while being Lyron and when I played as Duncan after using the glitch Tpcool found, I had his, Alita's AND Lyron's weapons! This was fixed once I got to the dark woods, where upon choosing Lyron I had only his weapons.
Apr 29, 2014 at 12:58 PM
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OK, I found that glitch myself too... It's in the area with spiky blocks riding everywhere, right?


I'll fix those bugs in the next version.

So far, slow progress...
<link removed>

* * * * *
Version 0.4 - "Bloody Update"
* * * * *
Changes since 0.3:
- Edwin has been added as a playable character
- reduced the invinciblity period after player gets hit (Alita's Invinciblity skill is more useful now)
- slightly lowered most enemies' damage
- killing enemies no longer gives money automatically; enemies now drop gold coins that you can collect - 10$ per coin; there are also small golden cups which give you 200$
- blood appears after being hurt
- when HP is 20 or less, player's sprite change to a bloody one, blood drips from player's character, and there is also blood on the entire screen
- fixed a bug allowing to skip the level before Phoenix by talking to Nick the Potion Seller
- fixed jumping Character Choose screen when tapping shoot key
- the "Q" key is now used to drink potions instead of opening inventory
- minor tweaks
* * * * *

Enjoy! ^^

<link removed>
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Apr 29, 2014 at 2:26 PM
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Uh... Randolf, I hope you know that ToD.exe has a virus on it.
Because it did. It was a serious one, too.
Apr 29, 2014 at 2:31 PM
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I swear I scanned it twice, and it said that the file is clean!

What the heck, I say?


I will scan it again to ensure that it's been cleaned of everything, because either the antivirus failed, or I failer at some point.

Sorry about the trouble...
By the way, which download did you choose?
Apr 29, 2014 at 2:34 PM
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I chose Mediafire, since it's always safe. Unless this is a re-occurrence of a problem I had a while ago where viruses where latching onto random things and this one just so happened to latch onto ToD.exe, I dunno what happened.
Are you using AVG to scan it? If no, AVG may do better at scanning the .exe then whatever you're using, since AVG is what caught the virus in the first place.