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Surface: The Discarded Tools

Jun 11, 2015 at 2:12 AM
Its dark in here
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SuperJaws100 said:
Alright, I don't know why people keep saying this is all amazing and such.
I don't recall anyone saying this was amazing.
SuperJaws100 said:
Not to rain on your daisy parade,
thats ok, I'm holding the parade for when I'm finished.
SuperJaws100 said:
I got as far as the area with the horizontal and vertical blocks (so far). However, I don't have time to waste going through the same area OVER and OVER again with RIDICULOUS physics. The physics are really, really bad and irritating and it makes for an unenjoyable gameplay experience.
Do you find the physics too slippery or stiff?
SuperJaws100 said:
The interface at the top left of the screen clashes with the backgrounds that are in place.
I assume you mean the weapon icons, correct?
SuperJaws100 said:
The tiling and backgrounds themselves clash among themselves and make the maps look cluttered rather than smooth and well designed.
yeah, the foreground is too colorful and the background is too little is what you're saying right?
SuperJaws100 said:
The mod is ridiculously difficult, which is not fun. The fact that you can die in about two and a half hits from the Butes only adds on to the really terrible physics and all the platforming and precision jumping you need to do with said physics.
precision jumping? I pretty sure that I made a decent margin for error, I suppose I'll make it bigger then. I may nerf the butes in the next update, but I may not need to.

SuperJaws100 said:
Two bosses in a row, with no save points or health regen, and even if you use all that nice XP that the Halberd Spammer leaves to use the MG to jump up to the Save Point, there's no flag that stops the Halberd Spammer from coming back when you reload! That's just poor TSC and foresight.
ok, I checked my quickfix and realized that it didn't have a save at the 2nd boss room like it should have.

SuperJaws100 said:
Also, I lose two of my weapons in the process of entering the door? How does that work?
both the speedster and the "gift have the ability to pass through the ceilings and floors making the only challenge from the 2nd boss be the last wave. the only reason I had the other weapons in the second room is so that you got a chance to use them through a level

thank you for your advise
Jun 15, 2015 at 2:16 PM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
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Goerge Bobicles said:
I don't recall anyone saying this was amazing.
thats ok, I'm holding the parade for when I'm finished.
Do you find the physics too slippery or stiff?
I assume you mean the weapon icons, correct?
yeah, the foreground is too colorful and the background is too little is what you're saying right?
precision jumping? I pretty sure that I made a decent margin for error, I suppose I'll make it bigger then. I may nerf the butes in the next update, but I may not need to.

ok, I checked my quickfix and realized that it didn't have a save at the 2nd boss room like it should have.

both the speedster and the "gift have the ability to pass through the ceilings and floors making the only challenge from the 2nd boss be the last wave. the only reason I had the other weapons in the second room is so that you got a chance to use them through a level

thank you for your advise
The physics are too slippery. I'm not sure what you mean by stiff. I did some tests. Simply tapping the left or right arrow keys sends you 1-2 blocks in any direction. That's insane.

Yes, the weapon icons. They're hard to look at.

When I say they clash, I mean the combination of many colors and complex patterns makes it confusing. If you discarded EITHER the patterns OR the colors, it'd be better.

Yeah, the precision jumping is really painful with the slippery physics, because sometimes you slide right into things that take off all your health simply from sliding on your landing.

Your comments about the weapons make sense, and I knew that those weapons would be OP in the 2nd Boss Room, but what I was saying is that you should add a reason WHY they do that. Something like "The Speedster and the Gift dissolve in your hands." or something.
Jun 16, 2015 at 12:03 AM
Its dark in here
"Deaths: 4000"
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SuperJaws100 said:
The physics are too slippery. I'm not sure what you mean by stiff. I did some tests. Simply tapping the left or right arrow keys sends you 1-2 blocks in any direction. That's insane.
I tested this my self, and tapping the arrows doesn't do that. achieving max speed and letting go does cause you to drift quite a bit though.
SuperJaws100 said:
Your comments about the weapons make sense, and I knew that those weapons would be OP in the 2nd Boss Room, but what I was saying is that you should add a reason WHY they do that. Something like "The Speedster and the Gift dissolve in your hands." or something.
this demo's purpose was to get players used to the gameplay. I'm sure even if I put in something like "you threw your speedster and the gift away" people would still be confused either way.
Jul 30, 2015 at 8:55 PM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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I just finally got around to playing this mod and I have to say the I did not see that moonsetter coming <3

also the physics werent that bad it took a sec to get used to but I actually thought it made the mod more fun =P