Super Luigi's World!

Jun 25, 2009 at 5:53 AM
Level 73 Procrastinator
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Before my Cave Story mod, LMAP, or before I even knew of these forums, I was workin' on a Super Mario ROM hax called {For lack of a better name} Super Luigi World!
It was mostly because I wanted to mod something, and SMW's already a super popular game, even today. Plus, I had to show up SpacePirateKhan on his SMW hack.
I stopped workin' on it, though, shortly after finding Cave Story....
{Funny story how I even found the game. Every time I went to find more music for the hack, I'd always see tons of songs from Cave Story, and everyone seemed to love them, so I decided to figure out what was so great about it, and....}
Anyways, with LMAP's final update, until the next release, almost finished, I felt like getting back to work on the ROM....

So, the reason{s} for this thread came from when I was chatting with GIR a few days ago. While trying to figure out some stuff on Cave Story, I ran across some more SMW stuff, and even found a huge thread the people at SMWCentral {Where 99% of all SMW rom hacks start/finish are at} made to weed out bad hacks.
At first, they pulled out the crappiest of the crap, things that made your eyes bleed, crazy hard stuff that would be 5 minutes long if you didn't keep die, and some that weren't even playable....
But as the ROM's kept pouring in, they start pulling out ROMs for the smallest details, little graphical or grammatical errors and such...
Already doubting how many people would play my hack {At least, compared to the Assembly hacking freak's mods T.T}, I now grew doubts if it'd even get accepted at SMWCentral...
{Khan's isn't accepted, for all of the above reasons {Unless you can really play something that hard without rewind or save states} plus it's instant ban if your hack has floating chompers, XD}

So I thought up other places to show it off at, and this was one of the ones that came up first!
But certain people *Cough*GIR*Cough* don't think anyone at these forums would be interested in any sort of SMW ROM hack...
So that's why I created this :D

As of now, there's no real demo, because I plan on releasing it just like LMAP, in chunks of complete areas.
SLW is going to take a lot longer than LMAP, though, because of how hard it is to do any good hacking to SMW...
When it's done, though, the demo will include all of the levels up to and including the first Castle, along with the first Switch Palace, the first Secret Shop, and the first Secret Castle {Gotta beat all of the Secret Castles to unlock the secret world, equivalent to the Special World in the original SMW}.
So far, I've got only 3 3/4 levels to go and 2 castles to finish. I just need more enemies and stuff to keep things lively. {Boss fights might take awhile, though....No one likes fighting the Koopa Kids for the 1,000,000,000th time...}

But, even if there's not a demo, I'd like to show off screenshots of what's done, to see who's interested in it and see if I can't recieve feedback before any release :D

So, here's some shots:

This be the Title Screen, set in the Luigi's Mansion tileset.
This'll probably be what the Secret levels will be using. {They'll be really hard, too :D}

OMG, did that Birdo just fire a Bullet Billl at me!?

It's got sickeningly happy music playing in the background, too.
Drives you nuts.
Look, those guys are permanently frowning because Bowser's had them stay there for so long!!

Yes, Luigi does fire straight fireballs!!
What the hell is that frog thing? I dunno.
But Luigi fires straight fireballs!

Oh hey, it's Dimentio! {From Super Paper Mario, for you ignorant fools}
I had to make this from scratch, and it shows XD The palette was a complete ass to set, thanks to how SMW works....
Anyways, he governs most of the special stages. This one involves going through a short obstacle of "cannons" that shoot you in all directions at super fast speeds, which brings me to my next pic...

Yes. I died. I died by being shot at a wall at 462 Mph.
Dimentio is still a dark bastard.....

This should be clear to everyone here.
Curly Brace owns the first Secret Shop {Had to hand-make her sprite, too, but because of how SMW displays sprites, half her pixels are fatter than the others, and they switch back and forth... -.-"}, which can only be reached after finding the first Switch Palace...
You also need the Koopa sold here to reach the first Secret Castle.
Heheh, who else will show up? :D

One of my favorite levels so far, this is Geno's Forest {Actually, in SMRPG it's Rawst Forest, but no one knows what the hell that means...}
This whole level revolves around dodging evil mushrooms, and the screen auto-scrolls, too. {It get's super fast near the end, to the point where it's pushing you past the point of a top-speed run, so it gets pretty crazy}
The secret exit here leads to the Secret Castle, but getting there isn't easy....

OMG, is that a good mushroom that I see here?


This is the current level that I'm working on, where the secret exit in Geno's Forest leads.
Wanna take a guess at where you're at?
Wanna hint? See the next pic.

Still can't figure it out?
You were eaten by a Piranha plant!!!

Anyways, what does everyone think of this, so far?
Oh, wait, I guess I should give the basic story.
Luigi's tired of being in Mario's shadow constantly, and so he's going to surpass him once and for all, by stealing Bowser's Time Machine and going back in time to switch the order of the brothers, making him the older one.
How he does it is only revealed when you beat the secret world >=)

{Yeah, one reason I decided to work on LMAP over SLW was because of Story. You dun have much in SMW hacks ^.^;}

I'd also like everyone's opinion on a title for the ROM hack.
All of the ones that I can think of sound pretty cheesy {Thinking about "Super Luigi World: The Bro Swap" right now...}, and you can already see I have a hard time with these kinds of things {LMAP}....

Still, does everyone like what's shown so far? :D
You guys gotta help me prove GIR some people wrong!

Oh hey, forgot to mention the custom music, too XD
All of the music is new!
So far it includes, but is not limited to, Final Fantasy, Cave Story, Paper Mario, Sonic, Original Pieces {as in, not a remake of another song}, Megaman, M&L Partners in Time, Castlevania, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Zelda, Mario 64, and a lot more. {Songs from games I've never even heard from before}
..I'd give you samples, but you'd need Winamp and a special pluggin to play .SPCs......

EDIT 4/23/10:
Ah, should probably add a link to the first demo, shouldn't I....
Here it is.
Jun 25, 2009 at 7:01 AM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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This does not look like any fun whatsoever. Like, at all.
Jun 28, 2009 at 1:16 PM
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Is no one else going to say anything positive about this?

Well, since I haven't played it (Of course, there's no demo, yet!), I might not be able to vouch for the fun factor, but I do like what I've seen of this romhack so far. It looks like Luigi's "scream" in the wallsplat death picture shows a bit of transparency around the mouth, however. I don't know if you've fixed that or not, but I figured I should at least mention it.

And yes, let there be lots of green. Coincidentally enough, my favorite color is also green... Oh wait, wrong thread.

Anyway, is the upcoming demo going to be a standalone release, or would I have to patch a SMW ROM to play? (I heard it used to be easy to locate downloads for ROMs of SMW, but I guess those times have passed...)
Jun 28, 2009 at 8:53 PM
graters gonna grate
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Eh, I figure I'll wait until a demo release before I say much, 'specially since I don't really feel like reading everything Lowell wrote ;). But yeah, from what little I did read, I think this should be cool and I look forward to the demo release.
Jul 9, 2009 at 5:28 AM
Level 73 Procrastinator
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Bad Beholder said:
It looks like Luigi's "scream" in the wallsplat death picture shows a bit of transparency around the mouth, however. I don't know if you've fixed that or not, but I figured I should at least mention it.
Oh yeah, actually his mouth is always green :p;
I didn't make the sprite, but the palette screwed up majorly and I had to set it all myself, so that might be the problem...
I might go edit the sprite to fix it, but editing sprites in SMW is hell, specially when you don't even get a set palette to compare everything with {There's one for each level, they're all separate...}
Bad Beholder said:
And yes, let there be lots of green. Coincidentally enough, my favorite color is also green... Oh wait, wrong thread.
Green, green, green!! Who doesn't leave green!
Bad Beholder said:
Anyway, is the upcoming demo going to be a standalone release, or would I have to patch a SMW ROM to play? (I heard it used to be easy to locate downloads for ROMs of SMW, but I guess those times have passed...)
Well, it probably depends on where I upload it, which will probably be multiable places...
Technically, uploading the full ROM, even edited, is *Cough*illegal*Cough* and thus strictly forbidden.
I doubt I'll be allowed to here, so you'll probably only get a patch {and I'll include a patcher if anyone needs one}.

And thanks for the nice comments so far!
{Something went buggy and I missed a lot of stuff that went on with the forums when I disappeared for a bit, so I thought no one had commented on this, besides fire XD}
Anyways, I'll see if I can't post a quicker demo, if I can just find this one song that I just absolutely need....
Jul 9, 2009 at 5:52 AM
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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Looks more like slapping all patch ressources of SMW-Central together in to 1 ROM-Hack :/
More is less.
More is less.
More is less
is l
Jul 9, 2009 at 5:58 AM
Level 73 Procrastinator
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There was only one patch ever used, and that was the Luigi one {Less gravity, less traction, straight fireballs, etc. Sprite didn't come with it...}, which I then had to go and fix with Translhextion because you flew off the screen every time you bounced off an enemy...
Everything else was either put in with the sprite tool, block tool, Lunar Magic, or just Hex edited {Amazing what you can do, solely using Hex edits}

Besides, applying more than one patch usually kills your ROM :p
Jul 9, 2009 at 6:06 AM
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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I'am sorry for using the term 'patch'.
I mean't to say "Sprites, Effects, GFX, SFX(maybe not)" and all that stuff :p
Jul 9, 2009 at 6:11 AM
Level 73 Procrastinator
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There's also new obstacles {Like fast side-scrolling while dodging poison mushrooms}, new enemies galore {that means AI too, not just the looks}, new story {even if it sucks}, and several new twists {Mini-games like Dimentio's being one of them}.
And aren't we counting the new levels?
If you're looking for something like Brutal Mario, I can't do the super heavy assembly hacking required for that kinda stuff =/
{Yet, anyways}
Jul 9, 2009 at 6:15 AM
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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All I'm looking for is a demo :p
Maybe my bad words would vanish.
Sep 19, 2009 at 7:50 AM
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Alrighty, here's 'o bit of the mod....

This here be just the intro level that'll be playin' on the menu screen.
Bettur then screenshots, eh?

Also, you can see I decided on a slightly better name. :D;
Oct 10, 2009 at 1:15 AM
Level 73 Procrastinator
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Almost there.

Well, almost got the first demo complete, just need to work on this last level {last level for the demo, not the game :rolleyes:} and the secret boss.
You don't want to fight the Koopa Kids for the up-teenth time, do you? :rolleyes: {Or the Reznors, for that matter}
Just because, I thought this would be pretty funny to go with the hack:
It fits the theme pretty well :D;
Oct 12, 2009 at 5:01 AM
Level 73 Procrastinator
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First release!!

Whew, finally got the first demo done.
It goes up all the way to the secret fortress. {Which means the first switch palace and secret shop are in it too}
Since I'm not sure how the Admins would react to me uploading the hacked ROM, I'll just play it safe for now and upload the patch, patcher, and maybe a link to an emulator.
Tomorrow or some other time I'll see if it's alright to upload the entire ROM.
Patch {Mediafire version}
ZSNES {The emulator}
Original SMW ROM sold separately {Unless I get permission from the Admins :)}

To play, use the Lunar ISP patcher to get the patch onto the original ROM. {Make sure it's expanded first, but if you're having weird problems just ask me and I'll double check for you}
Then just load the now hacked ROM in ZSNES and play. :D

The first few levels are pretty easy, especially since I hardly knew what I was doing, but the later ones are much better and pretty challenging.
If you're going for Gold and gonna try beating that Secret Fortress, you're going to have your work cut out for you.
I recommend learning how to use Savestates.

Good luck and have fun :D

{If you have any issues with playing it or get stuck in a certain area, please use screenshots if you want to ask for help. It's not impossible, as I've beaten all the levels dozens of times in testing :rolleyes:}
Oct 12, 2009 at 5:34 AM
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Sweet! I shall try it when time allows!

One question though, what, exactly, do I use to expand the ROM? I've done it before, but I just wanna make sure before I kill the ROM about 150 times trying to do so.
Oct 12, 2009 at 2:15 PM
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When's tha demo comin' out?
Oct 12, 2009 at 5:23 PM
graters gonna grate
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It's already out, which you would know if you had actually readLowell's most recent post.

And Lowell, I look forward to playing this/commenting on it when I have more free time.
Oct 12, 2009 at 10:45 PM
Level 73 Procrastinator
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Ok, now that I've got some more time..

Cyowolf1122 said:
One question though, what, exactly, do I use to expand the ROM? I've done it before, but I just wanna make sure before I kill the ROM about 150 times trying to do so.
Sorry, I was in such a hurry to get that post out and go to bed I used the wrong term :D; {I think I was confusing myself with a different hack}
You want a ROM with a Header. {Actually, it's got to match the original modified ROM that the patch came from, but mine has a Header too, so that means you need to find a ROM with the same}
Here's a detailed F.A.Q. on applying ISP patches, and there's even a tool to identify if it's Header-ed or not.

I can probably help with any problems getting the ROM to work, so just ask.

And I was in such a rush last night to get that post out that I forgot to mention credit, as vague as it'll be.
Practically all the new graphics, sprites, and music are from the great guys at SMWCentral, I only did some edits and custom palettes. {Though, one of them came over to our forums, Red Chameleon, for a short period of time. I used one of his songs in the final boss fight in the first secret fortress}
Though I'm sure you could figure that out yourself :)
I found some neat tutorials on how to use Assembly in creating sprites in SMW, though, so just wait for some more awesomeness. {Mabbe even a Balrog boss fight?}

Comments are always appreciated, so thanks in advance.