Firstly, it's totally ridiculous that you start arguing with me over how realistic my game is, since it's only a game. O: It could have it's own reality and physicial laws. Plus I have absolutly no joy in starting a 10 pages long discussion in my own thread, that's about a total absurd topic.
Lace said:
You don't know much about genetics, do you?
While you're only using a counter-question, I'm going to really answer you, your question. I have read up some info on Wikipedia, Websites and Youtube. And I read some books about biological topics that have to do with Genetics.
Lace said:
humans do not have the capacity to create complex creatures. Right now, scientists are struggling to code a bacteria's genome, let alone an entirely new artificial monster. The most impressive things that have been done with genetic engineering have nothing to do with creating new genetic code - as would have to be done in this instance - but rather taking snippets from other organisms and inserting them into new ones (ie, jellyfish gene + cat = glow, flounder gene + tomato = antifreeze tomato). As far as scientists are concerned, creating a completely new organism like this one is impossible, or, at the least, insanely implausible.
You should read everything, before starting assuming something.
S. P. Gardebiter said:
Sturmfaust II is set in the 24th century.
The enemies can mutate within your progress of the game.
It's not entirely your fault though, there are some story elements you don't know and I don't want to spoiler them. o: But let me say that there is EVERYTHING possible in Sturmfaust II, even if that creature would weigh 1000 KG.
Lace said:
Furthermore, that creature does violate the laws of physics, unless it is absurdly light, but if that was the case it would be a really weak enemy.
How do you know, that it isn't absurdly light? Again you're starting assuming something, who said that you're right? Maybe it's even hollow in the inside. Also the gravity could have been altered on Earth. Or it takes places in a own universe, with own physicial laws.
Lace said:
Lastly, that thing must have absurd abs to stay in that position forever.
Dude wtf? I'm not going to answer to this, because this wasn't the question in this discussion. You want to start another ridiculous discussion over an argument? O:
wedge of cheese said:
Exactly. So therefore not everything is possible.
In Sturmfaust II it is, because of a certain story element, plus: Who said that our physicial laws are correct? : >