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Show off your org music...

Jul 14, 2022 at 12:00 PM
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<snip 'cause embed>
Since I've been listening to this on loop for at least 30 min (probably longer), I feel obligated to make a post:
This is a banger

EDIT: so I made this post and then didn't turn the loop off and now I've been listening for at least an hour :balrog:
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Jul 14, 2022 at 10:44 PM
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Ah, Launch Base Zone! I recognized this song immediately. Launch Base Zone Act 2, PC version. Good song indeed, and also a pretty good transcription with a bit of pizzazz in one of the background tracks.
Jul 16, 2022 at 6:43 PM
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It's technically based off the leaked prototype version, that's where all the extra parts come from.
Jul 29, 2022 at 11:56 PM
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Hi all,
I've been using OrgMaker 2.1.0 since around 2018-ish, though I've only shown my music to friends.
My more recent works are based off of an artist by the name of "inabakumori".
I am wondering what opinions the internet people have. I call this song "Devoid of Focus". (I am quite the newbie: I do not know how to embed, sorry.)
Jul 30, 2022 at 12:18 AM
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Not bad. It has an up-beat, urgent feel to it, and the instrument choice and usage of the drum tacks helps feed into that up-beat sense of urgency. The way the instruments fit together with each other was decent at times, but there were other times where it could have felt a bit more crisp, and the song just felt a bit busy.

The song starts to feel like the same old thing after about the 78th measure or so, and the bridges in between don't do much for me. Sometimes less is more, and at that point I would try to make it seamlessly loop instead of adding more content to it.
Jul 30, 2022 at 1:07 AM
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I see,
I made the song based off of rock-like instruments that some VOCALOID producers make. Sometimes the song was made busy on purpose to enforce the feeling of being overwhelmed. I do feel the same about the exact repetitiveness throughout the later parts of the song.

Thank you for the criticism.
Aug 4, 2022 at 3:37 AM
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The notes seem accurate, but the instruments used feel a bit off. For instance, the main melody track sounds a lot more ringy than the original.
Aug 9, 2022 at 3:23 AM
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Hayden, sometimes I edit my ORGs to sound a bit better instrument-wise.

However, I needed a break from Sonic music and decided to rearrange The main theme of the NAMCO arcade "classic" Metro-Cross. Will go back and fix the SBZ ORG soon. EDIT: Replaced almost every prior Sonic 1 ORG to sound a bit better. Check them a bit after shoving this underrated arcade game's music down your listen-holes.

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Aug 10, 2022 at 1:24 AM
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Sounds not too bad. A bit different from the effect of the original, but this rendition still sounds good.

I listened back again to your new version of Scrap-Brain Zone, and I think it sounds a little bit better than before, but I can't remember vividly enough what all the others sounded like before, so I guess I can't judge if there's been much improvement there.
Aug 20, 2022 at 8:41 PM
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OK so i went ahead and tried making a completely custom song using orgmaker, and I came up with a song I call "Wham-Bom". It has a sort of jazzy feel, and has that sort of early DG music feel, with an AABB melody in a C Minor Blues scale.

Probably fits with the aesthetics of like a casino or some sort of sleazy bar.

Aug 28, 2022 at 1:39 AM
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Fell a bit behind on this thread, but here's my input.

@dg125 Not bad for an original composition. I wouldn't say it really fits the aesthetics of a sleazy bar, but presumably a casino. It has a consistent tone, and things blend together okay.

@Raymundo That's a pretty good transcription. While it doesn't sound exactly like the original, it does a really good job of capturing that same spirit, and definitely feels like a an "ORG Rendition" of Upper Brinstar.
Sep 12, 2022 at 5:10 AM
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Here's another original, more ambient sort of track. I call it Anberon.

Sep 12, 2022 at 11:08 PM
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Not bad, it has kind of a hallowed, foreshadowing tone to it. The first several seconds remind me of Courtroom Lounge from Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney.
I like what you're trying to do with the "zingyness" that you add in, and it sounds okay, but something about it doesn't quite fit in as seamlessly as it could. But overall, decent composition.
Sep 25, 2022 at 6:35 PM
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Gerudo Valley from The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time

Sep 26, 2022 at 2:09 AM
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That's a pretty good transcription. The instruments and everything sound solid, and it all blends together pretty well. I feel as if it captures the spirit of the original quite well.
Nov 2, 2022 at 6:47 AM
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oh boy this ones probably gonna be controversial

Here's my latest ORG, a remake/remix of OPPOSITION (instrumental) by Maevings, a well known/semi-controversial Friday Night Funkin' VS. Dave and Bambi fantrack which pioneered the style of "spamtracks," as they're called.
My version, however, is less Wii Crash Sound and more of an ambient track for like, I dunno, calmer areas like gardens, or underwater. I dunno.

tl;dr i made an org of a dave and bambi fantrack lel

Nov 4, 2022 at 2:16 AM
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Made this a while ago, but it's an original theme for Su- from teh beta :)
also tried my best to get it to sound as pixel-like as possible

Nov 5, 2022 at 8:07 PM
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Heh, I don't have much context about the whole controversy surrounding the original song, but I must say, that ORG remix sounds a lot smoother than the song you linked to, so I like it.

I tried playing that ORG in the plugin, but for some reason it wasn't working, so I had to download the ORG and play it locally in ORGMaker. Not bad for an original composition. It has somewhat of a familiar sound to Toroko's theme, but with a bit less of a "playful and innocent" feel to it, which is kind of more fitting for Sue's character, which I guess I kind of project onto Su from the beta concept art. The tune also sounds believably like "Cave Story music" in a way.