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Show off your org music...

Apr 5, 2023 at 10:13 PM
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Son of an Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan that last one sounds good-- O_O

Ditto for the Contra Force one. ^_^

I did not know there was a DBZ: Attack of the Saiyans game for the NES too; I'm only familiar with the DS one.
Nonetheless, I think it sounds neat~
Apr 12, 2023 at 2:10 PM
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i'm very sure you already got bored of me not quadruple posting, but i decided to hold myself from posting for a while longer this time to make more orgs, have a bigger batch to share at once

anxiety, the theme. i'm not alone in thinking that this theme, along with the intro theme from the same game, is creepy. still a cool game, great characters, shame the stages were kinda eeeeeh, and you really had to grind power crystals to be able to defeat later bosses without too much trouble (unless you're a speedrunner, in that case it does not count because i said so)
as for the org itself, i can't say much except that i wish orgmaker had a few more "clean" waves that resembled the nes ones

more from the same game because it had good music. hawkeye felt kinda meh compared to captain himself, at least up until he got explosive arrows, but cap still had the dash and more damage overall... i still liked hawkeye because i liked ranged characters in nes games, felt the same way about that one power rangers game where i think either yellow or pink ranger had a ranged weapon... or both? i remember a gun and a bow
the org is fine, i think, i really don't know what to say about these two : P i went for faithful recreations and i don't think i could have done anything in a different way

la-mulana ♥
one of my very favourite themes from both the original game and the remake, even if they had to get rid of one part of the song. but it is here! it is here in the org! there are no stupid fish though. thank god.
as with the tower of the goddess theme, i could not replicate the "eh" instruments, the one with that deep sound, so it's somewhat different, but i still think i did well enough, otherwise i wouldn't be posting the results here ( :
*do* tell me what i could have done better with this one, please!

mt. blaze theme, but with no choir and no flute sounds. and no cool drums. it pales in comparison to the original, but i had to give a tribute to the game in one way or another, and this is one of the few ways i know how to do so : P
i, uh, i don't know. after dealing with nes so much it feels weird to move on to music that isn't just... chiptune-y? you just feel the limitations of orgmaker when you do these... but then you overcome the difficulties and *poetic speech*

a few days ago i remember that this game existed, i haven't played it on the actual console but i have listened to its soundtrack a lot. naturally, this led to me trying to recreate some of the music in org format, because i'm super 1-dimensional and this is all i do lately : P (not really, i played a lot of la-mulana 2 and it completely derailed my progress on orgs but the game was pretty okay so it's all good, it was all in good faith)
i had a few themes in my crosshairs but i started with a simple one, because that's a good path to take; and here it is, the boss theme

so instead of this song, i wanted to do the gold mines theme, but i ran into a problem i have not really encountered before; i ran out of notes in a single melody channel??? i hit the 4096 mark somehow and i didn't know how to deal with it (there's a really simple solution that i failed to see at first, but you're free to make fun of me for that)
so, no goldmines for you, but you get a stork instead; fair trade? absolutely not. cool theme? yes.
i'm just giving @Reddie a reason to come back and update the ORGanized list ( :
Apr 15, 2023 at 8:16 PM
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Whoops, it's been a while since I posted in this thread.

miniboss / ambush theme: That remix sounds remarkably similar to the original, so pretty accurate, both from the standpoint of transcription, and instrument choice. Not a very complicated song, but a fiathful transcription nonetheless. Definitely preserves that sort of creepy-ish feeling.

Hawkeye's theme: Once again, this is a pretty faithful transcription. This song is a bit more lively than the other one, so a bit more enjoyable to listen to. In this case, some of those NES instruments are a bit harder to faithfully synthesize with ORGMaker, but this is still a good transcription nonetheless.

Iron Pipe: So, first off, not a bad transcription, and with this being a more sophisticated song, it can be harder to really do it justice. But you asked for feedback on what you could have done better, so I'll give some feedback on that. If I had to think of one area where this could be improved, that main instrument track at the beginning seemed a bit high-pitched compared to the original, and it just didn't come off as strong as in the original. The original just has a stronger and more vibrant introduction to show that it means business, and I feel as if this ORG could be improved to better capture that. Maybe something that can be changed more broadly is that the original conveys this with sort of an "electric buzz" kind of sound in some of its instrumentation, and that's something that seemed kind of lacking in this ORG.

Mt. Blaze: Yeah, I feel you, making a chiptune remix of non-chiptune music can feel awkward. At the opening, it did sound a bit weird and sparse, but once it progressed some more, it started to sound pretty nice once more instruments started blending together. I feel as if more could have been done with ORGMaker to synthesize some of the background instrument sounds, but again, I know that remixing non-chiptune music can feel weird.

Smurfs (NES) Boss theme: Pretty simple song, so naturally, simple transcription. The instruments and tune sound pretty similar, so not much to say. It's a pretty faithful transcription.

Act 05 The Flight on a Stork: A bit more of a lengthy song than the previous. This one also is a pretty faithful transcription, both from the standpoint of tune and instrument choice. Sorry to hear that the gold mines transcription attempt didn't work out.
Apr 23, 2023 at 9:31 AM
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Iron Pipe: So, first off, not a bad transcription, and with this being a more sophisticated song, it can be harder to really do it justice. But you asked for feedback on what you could have done better, so I'll give some feedback on that. If I had to think of one area where this could be improved, that main instrument track at the beginning seemed a bit high-pitched compared to the original, and it just didn't come off as strong as in the original. The original just has a stronger and more vibrant introduction to show that it means business, and I feel as if this ORG could be improved to better capture that. Maybe something that can be changed more broadly is that the original conveys this with sort of an "electric buzz" kind of sound in some of its instrumentation, and that's something that seemed kind of lacking in this ORG.
all i want to say is that i *did* read this, several times in fact, and i will do my best to use all this advice in my future orgs, but i do not think i have the energy to work on this one again to try and "fix" it :p i hope you understand!
the problem i have with la-mulana in particular is that the instruments seem to translate very badly into orgs and i can't replicate the same full, buzzy sound they have, and it really pains me every time... it really shows in "sky tower" in particular, in my opinion. maybe experimenting with low frequencies could help me..? i'll have to make some sort of a playground for myself and try to replicate the usual instruments they use and then i can try and make another version of this OR try something new altogether. wish me luck!
oh, and thank you for all your other feedback ( : love getting your opinion, partially because of your way with words : P or maybe i just like reading your posts because you always have something good to say. either way, noted, and i hope to hear more from you, especially considering...

..that i have more stuff to post here ( :

as per usual, if there's any clicking, just get the orgs into your local org player and all your worries will vanish and you'll be left with crippling ear damage, but in high quality
i asked around and found out that people don't care about music theory that much and other orgmakers that i look up to aren't experts on it, and that gave me some confidence to try composing again, and here's result #1
i wanted to make something spooky, HHsR style, but something went sideways and i ended up with a really cool beat instead

after finishing ghost party i was FAR from done and i tried making something slower and sad sounding, and this time i reached the goal. i also learned that stacking notes on top of each other with a small offset and volume differences gives off a nice echo-y effect and i absolutely did not abuse that in this org, no way

here's a familiar tune for you. i think the volume is not done perfectly and i have notes decaying slightly wrong, but then again this org has already been heard by tpcool and he liked it and since he's our local megaman expert i have no shame posting it anymore

codemasters games were pretty popular here when i was a kid, and i've played several, so this is the reason why i keep making orgs based on their music
ultimate stuntman was a strange but cool game, in someone's words "more james bond than james bond"
i enjoyed making this and remembering playing it as a kid; a side effect of making all these orgs is that i can dive deep into the memory lane

alternatively i should have called it quick man's stage, but who cares, you know what i meant and there is no universal way of naming the spoilers. why am i like this
this felt GOOD to make because i was afraid i wouldn't do the theme justice considering how good it is (despite its simplicity), but the fear washed off as i worked on the org. we need more megaman, aye?
Apr 28, 2023 at 4:04 PM
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hey, it's me with a double post. again. against my better judgement
but i just don't want to dump like 10 at once so i'd rather double post with 4-6 orgs in a batch. anyway

i am going backwards with the megaman titles, so obviously the next megaman org should be from megaman 0 (is that a thing? doesn't matter, it's not happening : P )
it's simple, i like the bass and the bzzzt-y noise that reminds me of quick man's theme
not much to say, enjoy it ( :

so first of all, if you know this game, good for you. it's a really neat platformer with a cool soundtrack
anyway this is the theme where i finally use Per01 to imitate clock ticking of all things. never expected that to happen but it did, and i might use it in my original orgs now because i'm a thief for good ideas
also the synth part does not exactly resemble the original, call it my artistic choice or something

heyyy hayden, i did it, i did it
so my original attempt failed because i ran out of notes in a channel, and for whatever reason my brain told me it was a failure not meant to be... instead of telling me that i could have just moved the notes between channels. sometimes the simplest things just escape my mind
either way, this turned out fairly well, every smurfs theme i recreate contains more and more arps though, and that leads me to the final boss of all arps... down below

one of the greatest tunes to come out of the NES, in my humble opinion. plus jeroen tel is a super cool guy and you should totally check him out
this org is the biggest one (both in regards to the size and the amount of notes used) i've ever made, it kept crashing orgmaker, it kept crashing my brain, and it's the closest i've ever got to experiencing physical pain while making an org
was it worth it? absolutely. it's not exactly pretty because i missed some necessary open hihats at first and i had to place them down later and i didn't feel like adding trails to the notes so now it looks a bit weird when looked at in the orgmaker, with holes where note trails should be. but orgmaker isn't about the visuals, it's about what sounds come out of it, and that part i think i did fairly well

i think i'll take a few days off from making orgs now, if you have any comments please don't hesitate to share them with me, even outside of the thread
May 5, 2023 at 9:49 PM
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Aww, thanks Hina, I'm glad that my posts bring you joy. And that's understandable, I don't blame you for the fact that you'd prefer to move onto other ORGs. Speaking of which...

Ghost Party: That does sound pretty cool. I especially like the echo-y effect for that base beat, it sounds pretty groovy. The song overall has a nice fast-paced, but nonetheless fun and exciting "Haunted House" kind of vibe to it.

Memory: True to what you said, this one does have a calmer tone to it. This is the kind of song I would picture in a game as sort of a "calm after the storm" level that has a somewhat somber tone and would serve as a bridge between the game's midway point and its final act.

Wily Guardian Battle (Megaman 3 NES): I guess I didn't quite notice the discrepancies, but this sounds like a pretty faithful transcription to me, felt like it captured the same spirit as the original.

Ground Microlight Pursuit: This song sounds pretty jammin', and I think this ORG transcription reflects that. I really like the way that you were able to mimic the audio effects from the original, that was really good. There was one instrument that had an echo-y, gargling type effect, and that was cool how you replicated that in ORG maker.

Quick Man stage: Hadn't heard this one before, but the song is pretty good, and your transcription sounds remarkably similar to it, seems to really capture that same spirit.

Don't worry, you waited 5 days, I think we reached a consensus a while ago that it's okay to double-post if it's been 48 hours or longer since your last post.

Fire Man: I feel like there are a few instruments in this remix sound a bit bland compared to their original counterparts, but overall, it's a faithful and recognizable transcription.

Timer from Pekka Kana 2: To be honest, I actually like this ORG better than the original. The beat just feels more smooth and natural in the ORG than it does in the original song.

Gold Mine: Oh, you did end up doing it! Nice. It sounds like a good, faithful transcription, and does that arp effect like the original.

Title Screen from Robocop 3: This is my first time hearing this song, and it is indeed a really good piece of chiptune music. This is a good transcription that does a really good job of emulating the original song. At an ear glance, it's actually pretty hard to distinguish between the original and your transcription until it gets farther along into the song.
May 12, 2023 at 11:53 PM
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@HaydenStudios u never listened to any of my orgs... :(
though i guess it makes sense considering i haven't posted any orgs recently, so all my stuff is buried within the previous page lol

Anyway new orgs just dropped. Well, I say "just" when the Puyo Puyo org actually dates back to sometime in March. The other org, though, I did just finish.

Super Puyo Puyo Tsuu - Floor 1

Dynamite Headdy - You're Izayoi
May 21, 2023 at 10:42 PM
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Aww, I'm so sorry, DrippingYellow. I guess I fell away from this thread at the right time for your ORGs to just kinda fall through the cracks. Let's make this better:

Super Puyo Puyo Tsuu - Floor 1: The instrument style is different, so it's hard to replicate the original feeling, but this is still an enjoyable transcription. The main instrument tracks sound noticeably different (as they normally would), but the way you replicated some of the background noises with orgs sounds was actually pretty impressive.

Dynamite Headdy - You're Izayoi: This is a really good transcription that sounds a lot like the original and really captures that same grinding metal sound and upbeat feeling.
May 24, 2023 at 10:21 PM
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unga bunga guess whos back with the sonic's musics the................ me!!!!! its time for. 8-bits? the ratro you rember from atri 2600 day!! the. 80 just like how greg's used to--

ahem Sorry 'bout that. Musta gotten some post-irony caught in my throat. Anyways, the 8-bit Sonic the Hedgehog renditions are back and quite possibly better than ever! Not quite sure. Here's Scrap Brain Zone (and Sky Base Zone Act 1) from the Game Gear and Master System versions of Sonic 1.

This one may as well be my best rendition yet, mostly because I learned modifying the "freq & pipi" value in the Tr. menu can make some pretty sick sounding harmonies.

May 24, 2023 at 11:06 PM
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Wasn't very familiar with the Game Gear version of Sonic games, but I can hear the commonalities between that and the Genesis Scrap Brain. I have to say, that transcription sounds really good. It has a really cool echo-y effect with the notes. It doesn't sound exactly like the original 8-bit system, but sounds really good in the ORG format you've transcribed it to.
Jun 1, 2023 at 11:08 PM
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i have not posted here in a while, now have i
life got a bit crazy, i got sick, and then i worked on actual modding and not just orgmaking so i didn't have much to share
but i do have a few tunes that were lying around so i might as well post them

i don't even remember playing this game to be honest
the theme was somewhat cool so i picked it up, it's short but i enjoyed the way it sounded, yadda yadda

first of all, i still think JSW is pretty much unbeatable, and i'm not talking about the original game that had gamebreaking bugs and unobtainable items
the music from the 2005 remake is absolutely fantastic and i finally picked a song up and made it into an org
i actually made two version, the first one is very high-pitched and for whatever reason i thought it was okay, and then shortly after (maybe a day or two after finishing the org) i picked a few different waves and pitched it down overall, i think the second version sounds better
what do you think?


do you feel like you've heard this before? yeah i made this for the third time
this time it sounds more like the actual music from the game, it has volume controls (the previous version that i posted had all volume on default levels and it broke the song, i don't know why i sent it like that)
the legends say that one day i'll finish that other song from the same game that i started like a month ago
for now, have this

remember that cool music from the cooler in HHs? well, it was a bit dated at this point so i went for a remake
i tried to keep the original spirit alive while making it sound fresh, used the instrument stacking, all that i've used so far i suppose
i think it has personality now!

okay the actual name isn't 02 but i haven't named this yet
this was made before the song above, but it's also similar in techniques used. i gave it some sort of a solo melody, some arps, some depth... and i think it's a good enough combination
maybe this trial and error thing will result in me having a couple good original compos in the end : P

there's also this somewhat unfinished org (volume-wise really) that i don't know what to do with so here i guess
Jun 2, 2023 at 9:31 PM
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Sometimes I take weeks to get to this, sometimes I get to it just the next day.

Melee battle from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (NES): This sounds a lot like the original, the main noticeable difference is that your ORG transcription sounds a bit less "fuzzy" if that makes sense. The drum beat in this remix has an extra kind of fun groove to it that's a lot more pronounced than in the original, and I like it.

Attic theme from Jet Set Willy (PC Remake): When I first listened to your first version, I thought it was okay, but then when I listened to the original, then to your second version, I like the second one better. The notes are a bit sharp in the first ORG transcription, whereas the notes in the second ORG blend in more naturally. Also, I couldn't find the original song in isolation by searching "attic theme," I had to find a video with the whole PC remake soundtrack, and it was "Song 21" that was the one I'm looking for.

Misaki's theme from Captain Tsubasa 2 (NES): I don't remember you posting a different version of this before, but in any case, this sounds like a pretty faithful transcription that captures the same spirit and energy of the original. I also like how you captured that same wavy/echo-y effect in some of the longer held notes, or whatever effect that is.

Ah, now moving onto original music! That's a good thing to do once in a while.

Chilly Spooks: Interesting, it has much more of a "groovy" feel to it at the beginning that I wasn't expecting from a song named "chilly spooks." I really like that effect you have with the faint, high-pitched "beeping" notes about mid-way through the song. The song carries a good type of determined and adventurous feel to it, while also adding a tinge of somberness to it. One of the tracks that sounds off from time to time in the song is a bit sharp, but still a decent original composition.

02: I really liked this one, I like it better than chilly spooks. It felt intriguing and captivating pretty early on. As the song progressed, the main instrument track felt a bit too sharp and domineering, but I did really like what you were trying to do with that main track, especially with the arps in the background that I could faintly hear.

Oh, and capping it off with a transcription of an existing song:
Human Theme from Werewolf: The Last Warrior (NES): It's a recognizable transcription, but there's probably some room for improvement on the instrument choice to make it sound more natural and capture the same energy as the original. I kind of had this cognitive bias going into listening to it, since you mentioned this is sort of incomplete, so I guess take my feedback with a grain of salt. The main thing that seems missing to me is that that drum beat isn't as vibrant in this ORG.
Jun 5, 2023 at 3:47 AM
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Pretty simple song, pretty straightforward and recognizable transcription.
Jun 5, 2023 at 3:51 AM
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i love siivagunner! i love the large amount of raft ride rips posted to the siivagunner youtube channel!
Jun 26, 2023 at 8:37 PM
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im bridge zone-ing all over the place right now

Here's one of other 8-bit exclusive zone track (not counting sky base zone or any returning level that has a different track than the genesis version (scrap brain or labyrinth)

it's jungle zone! remaking this one was kinda fun i guess. now onto the remaining 16-bit tracks (boss, special stage, final zone) and whatever's left in the 8bit tracks (boss, special stage maybe)

(also i updated 16bit scrap brain zone again hopefully it sounds a bit better)

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Jul 26, 2023 at 11:30 PM
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Horrible low effort Amen Break because I was bored.

(How do I get the fancy pants org player to show up pls help)
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