I've listened to most of the songs posted here and, as promised, I'm going to give my honest opinion on them...so, here goes!
I enjoyed your version of tundra.org. I thought the way you slowly introduced instruments to the tune was very well orchestrated, and the build-up to the main loop was a nice touch.
KuroKun said:
Speaking of which I have started a new piece...
...So enjoy whats there and let your ears bleed uncontrollably (Yay

Don't be so hard on yourself!

From what I've heard of it, your new piece sounds great! Hope you finish it soon.
I liked your songs (and I'm with the others when I say that tundra.org is my favourite), but a few of your songs are far too long! By the time tracks like elemenion.org have finished, I've all but completely lost patience with it. Don't get me wrong, I did like how it started off, but I simply got bored of it.
Aside from that, they were quality pieces of work. (And I can't wait to hear news of your mod!

When I heard the orgs you made, a wave of nostalgia went over me. I remembered playing the StH games on my Mega Drive when I was a kid (man, I miss those days

I think you did a very good job in putting those songs in org format, and the fact that you did this all by ear, well...I'm impressed.
I also liked MetalGear.org but I too haven't played the original game (I'm not a console person), so I really can't say much, other than it sounds nice.