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Show off your org music...

Aug 10, 2008 at 9:00 PM
He who lurks beneath the posts.
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I don't know whether to think of that as sarcasm... Or a compliment... As I've listened to that song 60 times already, and still feel like somthing is out of place... (yes I'm paranoid when It comes to my own music :D )

Actually I think its mostly this song thats making me paranoid...
Aug 11, 2008 at 5:46 AM
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Well firstly, MediaFire is being a massive bitch for me for some reason and refuses to load properly :D Also your naming of files is kind of inconsistent so I'm going to assume that the longer boss theme is the completed one.
Listen time~!
Well, that was interesting >_> The drums in this one are actually pretty good, however they do get very jumbled at about bars 19-21. Sounds kind of African, maybe Caribbean? Spanish a bit? Some of your other musics have sounded a bit thin due to only having a couple of instruments but this one is nice and substantial. The loop seems a bit short after a while of listening to it though. However this seems to show that you're getting better with OrgMaker, so keep it up. :D
Aug 11, 2008 at 7:16 AM
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DoubleThink said:
Well firstly, MediaFire is being a massive bitch for me for some reason and refuses to load properly :D Also your naming of files is kind of inconsistent so I'm going to assume that the longer boss theme is the completed one.
Listen time~!
Well, that was interesting >_> The drums in this one are actually pretty good, however they do get very jumbled at about bars 19-21. Sounds kind of African, maybe Caribbean? Spanish a bit? Some of your other musics have sounded a bit thin due to only having a couple of instruments but this one is nice and substantial. The loop seems a bit short after a while of listening to it though. However this seems to show that you're getting better with OrgMaker, so keep it up. :D

Maybe its the drums then...

I have been trying to create more. But it seems I just close them now not knowing what I should do next... except one song, which was suppose to be a better example of a boss theme. But it went the wrong way and for some reason is still being toyed with my mind... Ill set what so far, just for kicks and such.


xD peace xD
Aug 11, 2008 at 11:40 PM
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JacobX891 said:
What happened to your avatar?!

I like :(
Where is it from?
Aug 12, 2008 at 12:21 AM
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andwhyisit said:
Where is it from?

Another dimension perhaps :(

Or possibly from Deviant art -_- whatever suits you
Aug 13, 2008 at 5:10 AM
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Bah, maintenance. :(

Ill check yours out whenever that gets done >.>
Aug 15, 2008 at 7:38 PM
graters gonna grate
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Here are a few songs I made for a mod I'm working on. There will be a total of 11 of my original songs in this mod, as well as music from the original Cave Story. This zip file contains 8 of these songs, the other 3 aren't finished yet.

Click here to download it.
Aug 16, 2008 at 1:45 AM
Bonds that separate us
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@ marcoaslak: Your stuff still won't work properly for me :mad:
@ wedge o'cheese: Aah, this is some very good stuff. Usually when I try to comment on these musics I try to point out what I think could sound better... but frankly I can't see/hear anything wrong with these :rolleyes: You seem to have put a heckuva lot of effort into making them, and it certainly sounds like a very good mod could be produced from it. My favourite one is probably the Tundra one.
Aug 16, 2008 at 5:08 AM
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DoubleThink said:
@ marcoaslak: Your stuff still won't work properly for me :D
I think that's because they were made using OrgMaker 2 instead of the original. When I played them in Orgmaker 2 they worked just fine, but in the first one an error message of some kind would pop up. There's some reverse compatability issues between the two programs, it would seem.

Bubble1 sounds okay, despite how it seems to only be an ambient background effect at the time.

I'm not quite sure what to think of SystemX, though... It just might be my laptop's speakers that's causing me to miss out on something about it, though... (S.P.'s Draven.org also doesn't sound right on the same speakers, but I've heard it properly on a different computer)

For wedge of cheese's set of orgs, They're all really well done and quite impressive. I like the Titan of Thunder one the most.

It sounds as though the title theme could double as boss music, too.

(And to anybody wondering since my last post on this thread, I still haven't made any orgs of my own, yet... Yes, I know, I'm terrible for not keeping my word...)
Aug 16, 2008 at 10:51 AM
"The Ultimate Sword of Extraordinary Magnitude"
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DoubleThink said:
@ marcoaslak: Your stuff still won't work properly for me :(
@ wedge o'cheese: Aah, this is some very good stuff. Usually when I try to comment on these musics I try to point out what I think could sound better... but frankly I can't see/hear anything wrong with these :D You seem to have put a heckuva lot of effort into making them, and it certainly sounds like a very good mod could be produced from it. My favourite one is probably the Tundra one.
@Mister_Nifty, You have to get OrgMaker1 and OrgMaker2. If it doesn't play with OrgMaker1 then you have to play it with OrgMaker2.
Here is the English version of OrgMaker2
Aug 17, 2008 at 12:12 AM
He who lurks beneath the posts.
"The Ultimate Sword of Extraordinary Magnitude"
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Oooo Org 2 has more drums xP and allows you to hear the notes in a higher or lower form xP

It even has quick copy and a Ctrl+z T_T Im in love xD

xD peace xD
Aug 17, 2008 at 4:05 AM
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Bad Beholder said:
I think that's because they were made using OrgMaker 2 instead of the original. When I played them in Orgmaker 2 they worked just fine, but in the first one an error message of some kind would pop up. There's some reverse compatability issues between the two programs, it would seem.
Haithm said:
@Mister_Nifty, You have to get OrgMaker1 and OrgMaker2. If it doesn't play with OrgMaker1 then you have to play it with OrgMaker2.
Here is the English version of OrgMaker2
Thank you both :)


@ macroaslask again: Both of these are pretty interesting, don't think there have been many new short loop/ambient type things done yet.
Aug 17, 2008 at 9:01 AM
He who lurks beneath the posts.
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@Woc- Alot of this sounds really good. I especialy like Elemenion, and Tundra xP

Actually, with your permission, I would like to try something with Tundra.

xD peace xD
Aug 17, 2008 at 9:33 AM
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Who cares is its org 1 ir 2 if u want to listen to music thats on org 2 then get it!!! its as simple as that!
Aug 17, 2008 at 10:26 AM
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It doesn't work with Cave Story so it's kinda useless imo.
Aug 17, 2008 at 5:46 PM
"The Ultimate Sword of Extraordinary Magnitude"
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S. P. Gardebiter said:
It doesn't work with Cave Story so it's kinda useless imo.
But is it possible to make them work with Cave story? we need to hack the .exe, right?
Aug 17, 2008 at 7:28 PM
graters gonna grate
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@KoruKun: feel free to try whatever with any of them you like
Aug 17, 2008 at 11:29 PM
He who lurks beneath the posts.
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wedge of cheese said:
@KoruKun: feel free to try whatever with any of them you like


I have started my destruction *Ahem* I mean... "Reconstruction" ;) of Tundra xP. So far all I have done is what I could have done by listioning to the original. Well, sorta. Since what i have done increased the size to 40 bars as to where the original is only 32 bars.

Also Id like to say that I started it from scratch as, even though i could have just saved it as a different name. Or the fact that its a copy, I couldn't dare just start tearing this piece apart. So for those interested its at the bottom.

Broken Link

xD peace xD
Aug 18, 2008 at 3:23 AM
He who lurks beneath the posts.
"The Ultimate Sword of Extraordinary Magnitude"
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Ok I'm done with it xP So here it is with all its music-e unoriginal goodness xD

And for a reminder for those who just got here and don't feel like going back a page since their to lazy. The original Tundra is copyrighted to Wedge Of Cheese, and was edited with permission. ;)

Dead Link

Hope ya like it Wedge-

xD peace xD