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Show off your org music...

Jun 2, 2009 at 3:41 AM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Ralren said:
Behold, my very first shitty ORG!
It's called Shop. It would fit very well with
a old shop or something, I don't know.


Error loading it.
Jun 2, 2009 at 3:42 AM
"Big Joe Tire and Battery Restaurant! Opening Soon! Eat at Big Joes!"
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Fire1052 said:
Error loading it.

It's media fire.
..Whatever, hosting somewhere else then.

Or, was it the ORG giving the error in the org editor?
Jun 2, 2009 at 3:43 AM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Ralren said:
It's media fire.
..Whatever, hosting somewhere else then.

No, you didn't seem to hear me.

There was no error downloading it, ORG had an error LOADING it.
Jun 2, 2009 at 4:33 AM
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Then YOU'RE probably using the wrong version of OrgMaker. Go try it with whatever one you aren't using.
Jun 2, 2009 at 5:16 AM
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Ralren said:
Behold, my very first shitty ORG!
It's called Shop. It would fit very well with
a old shop or something, I don't know.


Yeah, not gonna lie, don't like this org that much. Probably has NOTHING to do with the fact that it doesn't not work at all musically (as in, the notes clash, mostly cuz they're not on a scale.). It's not a bad org if you've never ever studied any musical theory, but the notes don't work. Percussion doesn't seem too bad though. If you're gonna make orgs though, or do any composing at all, I'd recommend you learn some musical theory. Relying on ear is often not enough for people who don't know theory.

Also, there are no good or bad orgs. But there are 2 types:
-the orgs that are compatible with CaveStory (made with orgmaker 134) (SHOP.org is not compatible with cavestory, probably)
-the orgs that are not compatible with cavestory (made with orgmaker 205) (SHOP.org is made with orgmaker 205)

If you are interested in making orgs for your mod, I'd recommend that you switch to 134.
Jun 2, 2009 at 5:24 AM
"Big Joe Tire and Battery Restaurant! Opening Soon! Eat at Big Joes!"
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Yeah, not gonna lie, don't like this org that much. Probably has NOTHING to do with the fact that it doesn't not work at all musically (as in, the notes clash, mostly cuz they're not on a scale.). It's not a bad org if you've never ever studied any musical theory, but the notes don't work. Percussion doesn't seem too bad though. If you're gonna make orgs though, or do any composing at all, I'd recommend you learn some musical theory. Relying on ear is often not enough for people who don't know theory.

Also, there are no good or bad orgs. But there are 2 types:
-the orgs that are compatible with CaveStory (made with orgmaker 134) (SHOP.org is not compatible with cavestory, probably)
-the orgs that are not compatible with cavestory (made with orgmaker 205) (SHOP.org is made with orgmaker 205)

If you are interested in making orgs for your mod, I'd recommend that you switch to 134.

Thank god I never said or thought any of what you thought I was thinking.

I was just screwing around in the ORG maker.
Whatever, I won't plan to make anymore anyways.
Jun 2, 2009 at 7:20 AM
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Lol Ralren, don't take it too much as an insult, I just didn't like it. If you want to make orgs, go ahead. But criticism is what to expect, hopefully. And I'm gonna give you my honest opinion if you post an org up here.

@kuro: Moonlight's pretty cool. Keep at it, your a good composer, getting better too.

And also, here's a little update on the PinkGabriel org, finished it finally. I like it (and I probably wouldn't have uploaded it if I didn't).

Jun 2, 2009 at 7:32 AM
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@GIRakaCHEEZER: Thx, I certainly hope im getting better, or else im just going in circles:p

@Fire1052: ... all I said was not everyone is old enough...
as in not everyone has been there to listen to pokemon's first theme
. also not everyone watches cartoons. Some are forbidden by there parents to:rolleyes:

@Ralen: Im guessing your using org2? I cant even find that thing anymore, even when using the link provided by the site:(.

Ah i was messing around with the org maker when I decided to try and use this short thing from the piano xD and made a short theme for what i think could be used for save rooms maybe?


I feel i may have copyed something with the theme though..... *waits for reply scaridly*
Jun 2, 2009 at 8:57 PM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Lol Ralren, don't take it too much as an insult, I just didn't like it. If you want to make orgs, go ahead. But criticism is what to expect, hopefully. And I'm gonna give you my honest opinion if you post an org up here.

@kuro: Moonlight's pretty cool. Keep at it, your a good composer, getting better too.

And also, here's a little update on the PinkGabriel org, finished it finally. I like it (and I probably wouldn't have uploaded it if I didn't).


High five, brother.
Jun 2, 2009 at 9:36 PM
graters gonna grate
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@KoruKun: Nice job with rest, it's short and sweet and as far as I know you didn't copy anything xD.

@Giraka: Pink Gabriel is a win, I love how it's simple but still really good.
Jun 7, 2009 at 11:54 PM
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I was gonna wait till this was done but im going to post what i have now incase i stop on this one for some reason xD

Bloody Moon-trying to make a bossy feel for Moon Song, is still under construction at around measure 16...


wedge of cheese said:

Lol Korokun :D

xD peace xD
Jun 8, 2009 at 12:12 PM
graters gonna grate
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link is broken
Jun 9, 2009 at 12:32 AM
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wedge of cheese said:
link is broken

Really? it works fine for me...
Jun 9, 2009 at 12:33 AM
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KuroKun said:
Really? it works fine for me...
Doesn't work for me.
But that's because it's MEDIAFIRE, ARGGH!!!!!
Jun 9, 2009 at 12:38 AM
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JacobX891 said:
Mediafire works. You just suck, Lowell.
Sheesh, Jacob. :D
Mind not following me like a lost little puppy?
You're just spamming, we've already discussed this.

Anyways, I suggest trying another upload site, since both me and cheese are having troubles...
Jun 9, 2009 at 12:42 AM
graters gonna grate
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When I tried it this morning it said something along the lines of "MediaFire cannot find the file you requested. An error report has been sent to the MediaFire development team" but it worked fine just now, so don't worry I guess.

Anyway, really cool idea, and I like what you've done so far. I really hope you finish it, 'cause I think you've finally got yourself a good boss theme if you do. :D

EDIT: Lowell, here's the song uploaded to filefactory
Jun 9, 2009 at 12:50 AM
Level 73 Procrastinator
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Mediafire? Pff.

wedge of cheese said:
Why, thank ya, cheese!

I really like what's done so far, too.
But I can't agree with it being a boss theme....
Sounds alike to Outer Wall at first, which instantly got me thinking of it as an outside theme....
Reminds me of Castlevania, :D
Jun 9, 2009 at 6:40 AM
He who lurks beneath the posts.
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I'm thinking you guys are gonna love the part starting at beat 24. In the original its starts at beat 32. :D

Sorry to hear that its not working out for you with media fire Void, I'll start posting at file factory to just for you :D xD

xD peace xD
Jun 15, 2009 at 7:38 AM
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here's another one
I'm not sure if I can fit this one in my mod but I thought it was quite good
Jun 15, 2009 at 3:55 PM
graters gonna grate
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Wow, really nice job! Pentatonic scale ftw :D

Edit: what does ED stand for? I hope it's not what I think it is... :confused: