Jul 10, 2008 at 2:36 AM
Join Date: Jul 15, 2007
Location: Australia
Posts: 6225
Age: 39
Pronouns: he/him
You don't know Jacob too well do you? Otherwise why ask such an obvious question?Atravir said:Is that all you think about?
You don't know Jacob too well do you? Otherwise why ask such an obvious question?Atravir said:Is that all you think about?
Tee Esh said:Thought I disappeared, never to return?
I'm taking time off that other project for a little something on the side.
like her really like her try too make her in BIG-FACE modKaeso said:
Did you know girls can have sex with other girls?Well, no, I also think about other things, like CS that's not pr0n, and some other games.
But mostly, yes, that's what I think about on a regular basis.
JacobX891 said:And who's sprite is edited here?
Wasted? Nonsense! Ars gratia artis, that's what I always say!JacobX891 said:...
Well you better hope he fits one of the spritesheets or you wasted 2 days.
OhEmEffGee that's awesome too, dunno why I never saw it before.Dizor said:https://andwhyisit.bugsiteguardian.com/cstsf/archive1/p156124-0-cavestorycustomrokojibyneecross.png
Two days of work yay...!
Edit: Well, I made a big noobie mistake, so just switching the sprites to a link to save space >_< I need to look for those tutorial and question topics before I do these things @_@
S. P. Gardebiter said:>_< Just open an Hex Editor, then open the game with it. Search for (C)Pixel in the Hex Editor, after you found it, you change it to 00's.
In what way will it corrupt?Which will cause Sue's workshop to corrupt all game data if you run directly from the workshop, which you likely will.
Somehow 'extensive research' does not entail using the search button for most people.splapped said:
I made this little cute ninja, BUT I CAN'T GET THE PBM TO WORK!!! I have extensively researched this, and I keep trying all the ways to do it, but I really don't know what to do! Can someone PLEASE help me by making this file correct for Cave Story? I just can't figure it out...