Jul 1, 2010 at 7:02 AM
Join Date: Dec 26, 2007
Location: Lithuania
Posts: 1946
Captain Fabulous said:TAAAAANK penis?
Captain Fagulou-...I mean Captain Fabulous, what are you talking about?
Captain Fabulous said:TAAAAANK penis?
Is tanking ass into Mordor badpenis? <: OWedge of Cheese said:I believe CF wishes to tank penis into Mordor. Tanking cat into Mordor is pretty badass, but tanking penis into Mordor is way more badass.
Wedge of Cheese said:Indeed. Also, tanking ass into penis is badMordor, tanking Mordor into bad is penisass, Mordoring tank into penis is assbad, and tanking penis into your mom is badvagina.
Ha ha ha..... Brillyunt.Wedge of Cheese said:Every time you masturbate, God kills a kitten.
Every time you masturbate, a kitten kills God.
Every time God masturbates, you kill a kitten.
Every time God masturbates, a kitten kills you.
Every time a kitten masturbates, you kill God.
Every time a kitten masturbates, God kills you.
Every time you masturbate God, a kitten kills.
Every time you masturbate a kitten, God kills.
Every time God masturbates you, a kitten kills.
Every time God masturbates a kitten, you kill.
Every time a kitten masturbates you, God kills.
Every time a kitten masturbates God, you kill.
Every time you kill, God masturbates a kitten.
Every time you kill, a kitten masturbates God.
Every time God kills, you masturbate a kitten.
Every time God kills, a kitten masturbates you.
Every time a kitten kills, you masturbate God.
Every time a kitten kills, God masturbates you.
Every time you kill God, a kitten masturbates.
Every time you kill a kitten, God masturbates.
Every time God kills you, a kitten masturbates.
Every time God kills a kitten, you masturbate.
Every time a kitten kills you, God masturbates.
Every time a kitten kills God, you masturbate.
I bolded my personal favorites.
Wedge of Cheese said:Sounds like a porn show: Sixty seconds with JacobGenie74X891!
explosive said:Ladies and gentlemen you are all screwed
because I, explosive, the undoubted master of sex ual innuendo am here to totally decimate you all.
My bright gleaming sword shall cut through your measly jokes, and a shaft of light will burn through you. In the height of the moment, all you shall be able to think is: "What have I invited upon myself?! Now explosion is coming!!"
Wedge of Cheese said:Sounds like a porn show: Sixty seconds with JacobGenie74X891!