Sandwiches: the thread

May 7, 2012 at 4:24 PM
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Whilst eating my lunch today I noticed that our forum lacks a suitable venue for the discussion of sandwiches and their ilk. Why do we need this? Because I'm bored and have a sandwich in my hand.

To the best of my knowledge sandwiches are one of the most popular foods known to man. Fully customizable, portable, lightweight and easy to prepare, sandwiches represent a pinnacle of human food construction and serve as a symbol of our modern age of prosperity and convenience. No longer a slave to utensils and the hassle of food preparation, a sandwich liberates the user allowing them to reach new levels of personal satisfaction and fulfillment.

Just as there are many types of people that make up the colorful tapestry of life, there are many types of sandwich to suit their individual needs. In North America, perhaps the most iconic and classic sandwich is the sliced bread with ham and cheese, a sandwich that was responsible for fuelling the construction of some of our greatest modern landmarks and growing our sprawling modern cities. Another popular sandwich is the submarine sandwich, flagship of the Subway empire which now owns approximately 89% of the take-away restaurant market share and is looking to grow to 100% and beyond in the near future.

The only limit to your sandwich is your imagination. Grilled Tuna and Lettuce on Rye? You got it. Cucumber, tomato slices, and alfalfa sprouts on all-natural homemade wholewheat bread? More power to ya, veggie man. Bacon, mayonnaise, pepperoni and melted cheese whiz between two bagle slices? That's a sandwich. Any condiment, any bread, any filler, ANYTHING goes. The sandwich does not judge; the sandwich accepts all lifestyles.

As well as being diverse, sandwiches are also extremely economic. A simple HOBO sandwich (Ham On Bread Only) can be assembled for as little as 21 cents! Even more exotic sandwiches such as tuna salad and Havarti & Salami rarely total over $2 when made from scratch.

Please share your sandwich related experiences. What is the best sandwich you've ever eaten? The worst? What are your favourite sandwich combos? What is the strangest sandwich you have ever made?

Lately I've taken to cheese-buns with ham and mayonnaise with sliced cheddar for my lunch. Well, when I say mayonnaise, I really mean Miracle Whip because I prefer the taste. On the other hand, the cheese has to be authentic - nothing ruins a sandwich faster than Kraft processed cheese slices (or worse.. generic brand *shudder*). I'm interested in expanding my reportoire so some recommendations would be appreciated.
May 7, 2012 at 4:40 PM
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Chesse and Pickle sandwiches are amazing.
Also grape and cream cheese, cheese and jam, anything with cheese really.
May 7, 2012 at 4:41 PM
daughter of chivalry
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I am very picky with sandwiches since I am a picky eater. Don't like most meats or condiments.

A favorite of mine is a grilled cheese usually. I prefer them cooked with a panini press because it's much less artery clogging (you don't need any butter!) If you don't have a panini press I recommend it because it's prety much the best invention evar. I can't stand cold sandwoches.

Anyway, I am not very adventerous when it comes to food. I usually make guido sandwiches, as in all italian. Sun dried tomatoes, fresh basil, fresh mozzarella, garlic, and olive oil on ciabatta bread is my personal favorite. It's delicious with just the cheese and basil too, as I have a love-hate relationship with tomatoes. You don't necessarily need sundried. Do whatever materz you prefer. Again, needs to be cooked, for me at least. If you do grill or cook it though, thick breads like ciabatta are recommended or else the stuff will bleed through. If you don't have any though, toasting the bread first and then putting the stuff on works too. Try it out if you want, and tell them desu sent you.

Oh one more thing, if you want something sweet, try a peanut butter and nutella sandwich. Or even better, a nutella and strawberry sandwich on pound cake slices. Extra good if you use a panini press.
May 7, 2012 at 4:55 PM
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... is looking to grow to 100% and beyond in the near future.

The solemnity and seriousness of this statement is duly noted and appreciated. :)

Yes. Oh my, yes.

By the way, was the sandwich pictured in your post the one you had for lunch? If so, you are a fortunate man, Noxid. A fortunate man, indeed.

On the subject of sandwiches, though, I was always amazed in college that one of the most popular items in the dining halls was, without fail, the grilled cheese sandwich. These people who are paying thousands of dollars for a meal plan or whatever take advantage not of the made-to-order stir fry or omlettes, not the rotisserie chicken, nor the fruits or salad bar, but of the grilled cheese sandwich. At some level, I was mystified by this. Then I would go back for seconds and pick up a grilled cheese and it all made sense. Especially when they paired it with tomato soup. Winner.

But I must say that I have found an improvement to the grilled cheese sandwich. For a normal grilled cheese, you put a little butter on each side of the sandwich before you lightly fry it. However, when one uses bacon grease instead of butter, the grilled cheese becomes a true work of culinary art. This new bacony cheesy experience would be even better if you actually put bacon in between the slices of bread, too, but then it would be a grilled bacon and cheese sandwich, not just a grilled cheese sandwich.

And now I am hungry.

EDIT: And now I'm ninjad by Desu on the whole grilled cheese thing. Hat's off to you, WD.
May 7, 2012 at 5:55 PM
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Right across the way there's this bagel shop that sells bagel hoagies, but when it comes to hoagies, there's this shop/deli right next to this small gas station that probably has the best hoagies in my area.

But yeah I just had a sandwich right now: melted pepper cheddar cheese with melted cheddar and shredded ham melted by a small grill. Nothing special but I was so hungry D:.
Also I have 5 3 Oreos right next to me because I can and this relates to this topic because oreos are still technically sandwiches.

Also, I recall having a peanut butter + chocolate chip + honey sandwich a few years ago, and that was fun too.

Oh yeah, I always like to put some mayonnaise on my sandwiches. It's the defining feature of all sandwiches. Also, not as related, mayonnaise and french fries are pretty much the best thing.
Also, tomatoes can go rot in hell just because.
May 7, 2012 at 7:20 PM
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I don't eat sandwiches very often because I'd rather have toast, and when people make sandwiches for me they put vegetables all up in it. Bread and vegetables is not a very delicious combination. Unless it's salad croutons, but that is an entirely different ratio of bread to lettuce.

My favourite sandwiches are tacos.
May 7, 2012 at 7:53 PM
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If you don't have a panini press I recommend it because it's prety much the best invention evar.

I have a George Foreman grill that I use like a panini press, is that close enough?

My goto sandwich for years now has been white bread with a bit of mayo, ketchup, and mustard; topped with ham, salami and iceberg lettuce. I've never been a big fan of cheese on my sandwiches, but I always go for pepperjack if I must.

I'm also a huge fan of tuna salad club sandwiches.
Just hold the tomatoes, please.
May 7, 2012 at 9:11 PM
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(At first I read 'Sandswept' the thread)

I prefer any sandwiches that are thin, really.
I don't know how people manage to eat big ones, they spill out so much it's annoying.
May 7, 2012 at 9:18 PM
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Just peanut butter... but sometimes I toast the bread! :O
May 7, 2012 at 9:46 PM
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I always take at least two sandwiches to school :-)
I like sandwiches with cheese and ketchup, or with cheese and waffles, or with cornflakes. To be honest, I like all types of sandwiches.
May 7, 2012 at 11:40 PM
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They really need to give you more work at your job, don't they?
May 7, 2012 at 11:42 PM
daughter of chivalry
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Oh yes, a lot of you make fun of me for this but I don't like meat so when I order a burger at a fast food place, I just ask for the bun and the cheese. Then I put fries in it. So unhealthy and delicious.
May 7, 2012 at 11:49 PM
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Oh yes, a lot of you make fun of me for this but I don't like meat so when I order a burger at a fast food place, I just ask for the bun and the cheese. Then I put fries in it. So unhealthy and delicious.

Have I ever told you that you are a terrible person for doing this? (I probably have)

If you want to get away with it easier though just say you're being a vegetarian.
May 8, 2012 at 12:02 AM
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Sandwiches are for tools
Also almost nothing irritates me more than when people say sammich
(and then get that stupid self satisfied smile on their face, as if saying it were something to be proud of)
May 8, 2012 at 1:35 AM
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I am going to respond to everybody without quoting them because I feel like it.

@kanpatchi Oh, how could I forget pickles. I actually need to go buy some for myself. The Vlasic Sandwich Stackers are pretty good, I prefer a sweet pickle for sandwiches most times. And yeah, cheese is pretty much an absolute must.

@WD while I am sad for your lack of culinary adventurism(?) I'm not about to try and change that. Although I'll take you up on the nutella, that is something I've always wanted to try. Unfortunately, I think an entire panini press is a bit of a large investment for a place I'll only live in for 4 months. I do have a small frying pan though!

@mosaic Ah yes, the timeless grilled cheese. Bacon sounds like a great addition.. at my meal hall, they sometimes added Tomato to the grilled cheeses which I quite liked. Of course campus meals are ridiculously overpriced to begin with, when most people don't want or need that much to begin with... that's how they make their blood money.

Also that's not my pic, I just googled for sandwich pics for the thread starter because I was at work and unable to create my own.

@SEBTi Mmm, pepper cheeses are quality. I'm a fan of Jalapeno Monetere Jack and other flavour-infused hard cheeses. The PB+Choco+Honey sounds really sweet, that's like a dessert sandwich :0

I don't understand your hate of tomatoes. Did you have a bad experience with one? They've usually served me well when not containing the hard stem bit and are a defining feature of BLTs

@Fab many of my favourite sandwich builds contain no veggies at all. Just slather up some deli meats with calorie-rich sauce and complement them with more deli meats. That said, I'm alright with a bit of lettuce or cucumber or tomato, but only if the sandwich is going to be consumed immediately.

@Yakkers I could never really get into ketchup as a condiment; only lately I've accepted including it even on french fries occasionally, but I'd never put it on a sandwich or (heaven forbid) hotdogs. Ham + Salami? Now we're getting somewhere.
Also, tuna salad club? I've had tuna sandwiches before, but nothing other than "fish and mayo paste between two slice bread". Which is surprisingly good if prepared correctly. Correctly being with enough mayonnaise and celery to drown the sun.

@kwote the trick is how you handle the bread.

@tpcool that's just boring man ]:
I don't typically toast sandwich bread, sole exception being thanksgiving turkey sandwiches, + cranberry sauce + stuffing. Those need toasting usually to give them extra firmness because unprocessed turkey takes some bite to get through.

@mixer cheese waffles and cornflakes???????
you are either a madman or a visionary, I must find out which...
Although just cheese and waffles seems a bit dry, I'd throw some maple syrup or maple butter up ins. Ooh! and bacon strips. Breakfast Sandwich!

@GIR Even if they did, I'd still have an entire hour for lunch with nothing else to do. Sandwiches don't take that long to eat.

@Lace woah man, why the sandwich hate? you gotta back that smack up if you're gonna be slinging around dire accusations like that
May 8, 2012 at 2:42 AM
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Everything I enjoy eating within a sandwich is far better without the sandwich, so I don't quite understand the point
I am in favor of the panini/grilled cheese subcategory of sandwiches though (the difference here is that the bread transforms from unwanted blandifier to an intended part of the culinary festival)

Also sandwiches are overhyped
May 8, 2012 at 2:55 AM
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Well I for one find it difficult and perhaps even undesirable to eat sliced ham and mayonnaise without some sort of complementary filler agent like bread. Indeed, the residual slick on my hands afterwards alone is enough to turn me off of it.
And bread certainly doesn't have to be bland, there are so many varieties to choose from. For example, the Dempsters 12 grain is a great seedy bread if you want to go with standard sliced format, or there's more exotic choices such as cheese buns and croissants.
May 8, 2012 at 3:14 AM
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Thing 1: I don't enjoy eating either mayonnaise or sliced ham, so my first point still stands, at least as it pertains to me
Thing 2: I didn't say bread was bland, I said it was a blandifier. Having a bacon sandwich or a peanut butter sandwich is like having diluted bacon or peanut butter. The best flavor becomes less noticeable.