sakamoto family

Dec 19, 2008 at 11:21 PM
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we know about the sakamoto family (sue kazuma kazumas mom)
but kazuma and his mom are much more pale than sue in human form.
so maybe we could brainstorm an explenation?
the only thing i can think of is tat their dads skin as darker, and on the title screen the evil doctor has green hair and skin more like sues so maybe thats their dad?...

if its explained in the game sorry for my stupidity.
Dec 19, 2008 at 11:34 PM
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...Perhaps you could explain why a random fanfic is relevant here?

This is something that has no definitive explanation, by the way.
Dec 19, 2008 at 11:58 PM
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Celtic Minstrel said:
...Perhaps you could explain why a random fanfic is relevant here?

This is something that has no definitive explanation, by the way.

well that's why i thought it would be fun for ppl to think of possible causes of these and also im not reading that entire fan fic to see if its relevant XD
Dec 20, 2008 at 1:13 AM
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Well, there are two possible explanations that I can think of: her father had darker skin, or she spends a lot of time outdoors (and hence is tanned). It could even be a combination of the two.
Dec 20, 2008 at 1:37 AM
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yes that makes sense.
do you think the doctor possibly is her father / kazumas moms husband?

It seems very possible since they were on the same trip, or maybe even Itoh disregarding his pale skin?

this is how i see it: Family of poeple consisting mainly of scientists / technologic geniuses along with the fathers second hand man itoh come to island,
father steals demon crown and then events in cave story occur, itoh gets away with the sakamotos and possibly is in a relationship with kazumas mother from then on.
wait; did balrog and misery go with them?
no, not misery shes jenkas daughter but where did balrog come from then? or was he just there?
Dec 20, 2008 at 5:30 AM
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ha, well it doesnt prove it but i guess you could say it backs it up.
and i just remembered.
balrog worked at the hospital becuase


if you dont kill ballos balrog is working at he hospital i teh end but if not pooh black is there.
Dec 20, 2008 at 11:38 PM
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No, the Doctor could not be Sue's father.
  1. He is not truly a part of the Sakomoto group – he just came along to provide medical service.
  2. Sue is fairly old – maybe even a teenager, or almost one.
Dec 21, 2008 at 1:50 AM
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how does her being a teen make it any different?
im not saying they MET on the expedition and had sue, im thinking that they WERE together but if he was just there to provide medical help than that wouldn't work.
Dec 21, 2008 at 2:48 AM
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You've answered your own question. It's not either of those points individually that shows she cannot be the Doctor's daughter – it's both of them put together.
Dec 21, 2008 at 4:42 AM
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I'm pretty sure it's stated in the game that the doctor's not part of the family...

Anyways, both Sakamotos that you see besides Sue (also Booster, who I always assumed was also in their family somehow) are scientists, and thus would spend a lot of time indoors, but Sue at least puts on the airs of being a Tomboy, and would be outdoors a lot. Also, remember that that machine didn't actually work right...
Dec 21, 2008 at 5:12 AM
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Stop talking about Momorin. EVERYBODY knows she's mai waifu. And I get mad when people talk about mai waifu.
Dec 21, 2008 at 11:07 AM
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That fanfic gave me nightmares.

And, uh...
What if Sue was adopted?
Dec 21, 2008 at 2:37 PM
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well, she does have green hair which i wouldnt think common except for the doctor who for some reason i always thought had blue hair until i saw the title screen one day.

also booster is their grandfather figure.
Dec 21, 2008 at 4:32 PM
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Brickman said:
I'm pretty sure it's stated in the game that the doctor's not part of the family...
Sue's note, maybe? Or talking with Momorin?
Dec 21, 2008 at 4:35 PM
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Celtic Minstrel said:
...Perhaps you could explain why a random fanfic is relevant here?

This is something that has no definitive explanation, by the way.

Perhaps reading it would suffice a bit of answer.

Short version: No, The doctor is not Sue's Dad.

Long version:

The day grew to night and yet nothing happened. Everything stayed as it was before, expectant, still. The Doctor had not yet unleashed his army upon the Earth, yet Quote had not returned from the balcony above. Had he been killed along the way? If so, why hadn't the Doctor acted? Had a stalemate been reached? There was no way for the remnant residents of the Plantation to know. They had given it their all, now all they had to do was wait. Momorin Sakamoto and Itoh the engineer were camped out above their secretive hideout, no longer needing to remain inconspicuous. They had to stay closely around their rocket and protect it, for they would need it themselves to escape. Two bedrolls were laid out beside a burning campfire, giving illumination to an area that was usually pitch black at night.

A green-haired woman and a thin-looking mimiga were swaddled in their blankets, waiting out the night and knowing that they should sleep, but not having the inclination to do so. If anything took a turn for the worse they would not be able to notice it in their sleep. They were too edgy to sleep anyway. Momorin looked up towards the ceiling. Vaguely she could make out the shapes and outlines of the upper platforms above them, but it was too indistinct. She wished she could see the stars. All campouts deserved stars.

Her children had gone away from her and had followed their own paths to get off the island, and she could not control them, not in such a dangerous place as this. They had come here as researchers, but there were preparing to leave here as fighters. Kazuma had always resembled herself, a calm thoughtful boy who often tried to stay on top of the situation whenever he could. He was elsewhere on the island, formulating his own plan of escape. One of his rare and infrequent communications had mentioned dragons. Whatever he was doing, it was apt to be interesting.

Sue was different, though. She had always resembled her father, who had always been a fireblood up until the time he had passed away. She would try to save her skin and if possible, the skins of all those around her at the same time. She was not even meant to have come on this research trip at all, but if she had stayed behind there would have been nobody left to take care of her. Sue was strong, but she was still only just a little girl, not quite ready for the entire world just yet.

Sue… was she alright? Momorin had an awful feeling that something was terribly wrong. It showed up easily on her face as she stared up into the empty spaces, and then into the fire at her feet. Wherever she was, Momorin could only hope that somebody trustworthy was looking after her.

Itoh looked up from the very weakly brewed coffee that he had made over the fire. His supplies were running pitifully low and this thin drink was the best that he could manage. Even though he was now a mimiga, his love for coffee had not dwindled. His love for many things had not dwindled. He glanced over at his fellow researcher and noticed that she had barely touched her own cup of coffee. "You should drink that up if you want to be awake for the evacuation." He advised carefully, worried for her, but also wondering why she looked so worried herself.

Momorin heard his words and mechanically picked up her cup, holding it in her warming hands but not taking a drink out of it. "My mothers intuition is acting up like crazy, Itoh. I'm afraid something terrible might have happened to Sue. It's only a feeling I have, but I've learnt to trust my feelings a lot over the years." The female researcher was technically talking to her friend, but Itoh knew that she was mostly talking to herself. All he need do was listen to her. She stared down into her coffee, which looked more like very dirty water. "She's a mimiga now, just like you. What if she had been forced to eat a red flower? What would we do if she has?"

"Now now Momorin, we don't even know if the red flowers work on humans who have been turned into mimigas. We've never tested it before, and I really hope we never have to." As for her 'feelings', Itoh knew never to try and explain them away. He had seen them come out as true time and time again. You could always count on it. But where would that leave Sue? He hoped that she would be wrong, just this one time. Just enough to keep her daughter safe.

"In case you have to be the test subject?" Momorin said wryly, knowing that her friend had always been the textbook example of timidity. He had always been like that, even before the lecture she had met him at, many years ago. She could not picture this thin fluffy creature going on a wild rampage, no matter what kind of influence he was under. To this date caffeine was the strongest drug that he had ever been under the control of. Momorin smiled, her eyes softening. "Nobody would ever be able to use you as a weapon, Itoh."

"I am very grateful for that." He replied, relaxing. He wondered what it would be like, to completely lose one's mind and to simply be an empty vessel for destruction. It was a sobering thought. Hesitantly Itoh rubbed at his nose a little and added; "it's always at times like this that I wish that Jin was still around, here, with us. He always knew exactly what to do." Momorin looked up at him silently, then diverted her gaze to the side. The thin mimiga backtracked a little, mindful of his tact. "I'm sorry, Momorin. I didn't mean to bring it up so casually…"

"It's been five years. Don't worry about it. You don't have to speak of my husband so tentatively. You knew him almost as well as I did." If Itoh had been closer Momorin would have touched him affectionately on the shoulder. The three of them, Momorin, Itoh and Jin had progressed through their different scientific careers together, as the very best of friends. Itoh had watched his two closest friends fall in love, get married and have children. It had been a beautiful and uplifting time of their lives.

Then, five years ago, Jin had been killed in his workshop from a miscalculation in one of his projects. It had been tragic, and for a long time it seemed like the Sakamoto family would not recover from it, but Momorin had said her good-byes to the past and had led herself and her children into the future. It was a strength, Itoh had guessed, that she must have picked up from Jin just before he died.

Slowly, Itoh brought forward the idea that had been sneaking around about the back of his mind. He thought it might have just been a coincidence, but he wanted to see if his companion thought the same. "I remember that Jin was a roboticist. He created lots of different versions of robots for the government. He always thought that creating true life from unlife was the greatest power that a man could ever achieve. Do you remember that?"

Momorin smiled and nodded, taking a small sip of her lukewarm coffee. Jin had had his robots, and also his very own children to show for that. "Yes, I remember it." She said.

"Then…" The mimiga muttered, wondering how his friend was going to take this information. "That robot, the one who has sworn to protect this island and the people on it. Don't you think he looked a lot like Jin, back when the three of us had just gotten into college? I know it's been a long time since then and my memory might be questionable, but to me, that robot is the spitting image of him."

The female researcher did the exact opposite of what Itoh had predicted her to do and nodded, understanding perfectly what he thought. "I agree." She answered, wondering where that robot was and what he was doing now. "He looks just like my husband, or what he used to look like a very long time ago. When he knocked on the door of my hideout and spoke the correct password, when I opened the door to him it shocked me so greatly because I thought for the barest second that Jin had returned. It's silly, isn't it?" Momorin shivered, the fire and the blanket not enough to shut out the cold and her memories.

Itoh frowned and stood up, shaking off the woven blanket that was around his shoulders. He padded around the campfire and knelt beside his friend, drawing his blanket around her to shut out the cold. "It's not silly at all. Here, you're shivering. Does this feel better?" He asked.

"It does, but what about you, Itoh? You'll catch a chill…"

"I'll be alright. It doesn't look like much, but this fur that I'm covered in is remarkably warm. I can barely feel the chill at all." Not bothering to go back to his original spot by the fire, Itoh took a seat right next to his friend. It was easier to talk to her from here, and even though he was possibly sitting too close for a mere friend to be, the timid engineer felt that wherever he was, the spirit of Momorin's husband would not mind. The mimiga sighed. "So now we know who that robot's creator probably is. How do you feel about it?"

"How I feel about anything doesn't matter anymore when it comes to surviving on this island." She snuggled further down into her blankets, closing her eyes. "Yet even so, I feel like some small part of Jin has come back, and that even now he is trying to protect us. We, who have started this whole mess in the first place. Do we even deserve such protection?"

Itoh stared down at his white hands. They were weak and practically useless, even more so then when he had been human. What could he do with them now? "Momo." He said tenderly, using the name he and Jin had given her back when she had been young, wide-eyed and beautiful. She was still beautiful now, but they had all aged a lot since then. "I know I've always been a coward. It's just who I am, but if worse comes to worse, if something happens and you get put in danger, I'll try my best to protect you. I'll fight anything, if I have to. I don't know if I'd be of any use, as weak as I am, but I'd still try. I would be brave for you, Momo."

She turned to look at him. He was still staring at his hands in embarrassment, but there was also a sense of resolution about him as well. He really meant it. That gave the woman a surge of hope that nothing else could have matched, not because of the protection that he would provide her, but because Itoh was willing to get over a part of himself that had made him a lonely and lacking man for such a long time. She felt love for him, and even pride. Momorin freed one hand from the confines of her blankets and patted him softly on the head, an action that was usually saved for the family pet, but she just couldn't help herself. "Thank you, Itoh." She smiled. "You've always been a good man."

Together, the two friends waited out the night.
Dec 22, 2008 at 3:21 AM
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innocent.bystander said:
Except Pixel didn't write that fanfic

Seconded xP

xD peace xD
Dec 22, 2008 at 5:53 AM
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Mr. Sakamato is DEAD, PEOPLEZ.

This is why he wasn't in the game.

And why this thread is moderately useless.
Dec 22, 2008 at 6:59 AM
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That is not a tan. Sue is either adopted or her skin colour originated from her father, who might not be Kazuma's father (i.e. same mother, different fathers).

How hard was that to explain? Seriously.