RPG idea

Jun 14, 2011 at 5:13 PM
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This idea is kind of abandoned at this point. I may work on it at a later time.
For a about an hour, I've been trying to come up with an RPG script. It first asks if you want to attack. If you say no, it asks if you want to defend. I don't really have a script for defending, maybe just a change of the map tile so that you can't be touched, but I dunno. For attacking, it gives a list of attacks, then asks if you want to use that attack- it asks in order.

So far, that's it. I would enjoy some input on the topic. Thanks.
Jun 14, 2011 at 9:57 PM
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Sounds cool. Gives me the idea of a completely scripted mod :
Look, Use, Move, Talk

Each area plays like a cutscene sorta : for example start the game and it does a cutscene and you end up in a cave.
Then you have those four options.
Move, and you can press left, right, down; which will lead the character to the next hotspot. For example, you head left and you see a gravekeeper come out of a door.
Look, Use, Move, Talk

Talk :
The gravekeeper glares at you!
The gravekeeper approaches!

Look, Use, Move, Talk

Look :
You see a "gravekeeper". He has a very large knife. You feel a chill!
The gravekeeper is right next to you!
The gravekeeper readies his knife to lunge forward!

Look, Use, Move, Talk
Move : Right
50% chance to dodge ...
You barely dodged his attack!
He is running after you!

Look, Use, Move, Talk
Move : Right
The gravekeeper is catching up!
The gravekeeper readies his knife to lunge forward!
You have reached the end of a cliff!

Look, Use, Move, Talk
Use : (Inventory : Critter Cage)
Release the Critter? (YES/NO)
The critter starts to fly!
You grab on!

Cutscene, the gravekeeper attacks. You hold on to the Critter as he flys over the cliff.

If you do finish it or get far along it would be nice if you didn't have to YES/NO the whole thing, but maybe if it comes along someone can help you hack a menu thing (more choices than yes and no?)
Jun 14, 2011 at 10:23 PM
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Woah, cool idea. But yeah, I'd need to find a way to hack the Yes/No thing. Scripting and the graphics for it. Well, thats, and I'll put it into consideration.
Jun 15, 2011 at 12:31 PM
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but man when you mention that idea about an rpg the rpg word reminded me of this

Jun 16, 2011 at 4:31 AM
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This looks really intresting.
but like everyone else said, the scripting may be hard.
You could also do this:
have little labled icons that you "search" to do your actions.

I wish you the very best luck with this.
Jun 16, 2011 at 12:30 PM
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sos339 said:
This looks really intresting.
but like everyone else said, the scripting may be hard.
You could also do this:
have little labled icons that you "search" to do your actions.

I wish you the very best luck with this.

Cool Idea. But again, that would take a lot of scripting. I think may be slightly less, so I might try that first. Thanks
Jun 24, 2011 at 3:05 AM
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Pigaro said:
Cool Idea. But again, that would take a lot of scripting. I think may be slightly less, so I might try that first. Thanks

Well You could have a version of the whole teleporter screen. It has 5 options I think. The hard part is when you finish a fight, getting back to the EXACT spot you were when it started. "I may have already tried this :p"
Jun 24, 2011 at 3:32 AM
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HyMyNameIsMatt said:
Well You could have a version of the whole teleporter screen. It has 5 options I think. The hard part is when you finish a fight, getting back to the EXACT spot you were when it started. "I may have already tried this :p"

Hmm. Good idea. Still massive ASM needed.
Jun 24, 2011 at 3:34 AM
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You could hack the second <FAC to make a store and load char position command.
  mov ecx,[4a5ad8]
  add ecx,[4a5ae0]
  movsx byte edx,[ecx+1]
  cmp edx,63
  jne 0x4251fc
  mov eax,[4a5ad8]
  add eax,[4a5ae0]
  movsx byte ecx,[eax+2]
  cmp ecx,70
  jne 0x4251fc
  mov edx,[4a5ad8]
  add edx,[4a5ae0]
  movsx byte eax,[edx+3]
  cmp eax,73
  jne short A
  mov eax,[49E654]
  mov ecx,[49e658]
  mov [49e17C],eax
  mov [49e180],ecx
  jmp short B
A mov eax,[49e17C]
  mov ecx,[49e180]
  mov [49E654],eax
  mov [49e658],ecx
B add dword [4a5ae0],4
  jmp 0x4252a7

And that command would be <cps to save and <cpl to load. The super important thing here is to make sure all your letters are lowercase. It won't work otherwise.

ALSO: If you don't know much about how to hack this in, there are numerous ways of figuring it out. As a last resort, go to the quick h&a thread.
Jun 24, 2011 at 3:36 AM
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Lace said:
ALSO: If you don't know much about how to hack this in, there are numerous ways of figuring it out. As a last resort, go to the quick h&a thread.

I have Ollydbg, and I'm kinda learning how to use it, I can kinda see how you would do that. Thanks.
Jun 24, 2011 at 3:39 AM
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Lace said:
You could hack the second <FAC to make a store and load char position command.
  mov ecx,[4a5ad8]
  add ecx,[4a5ae0]
  movsx byte edx,[ecx+1]
  cmp edx,63
  jne 0x4251fc
  mov eax,[4a5ad8]
  add eax,[4a5ae0]
  movsx byte ecx,[eax+2]
  cmp ecx,70
  jne 0x4251fc
  mov edx,[4a5ad8]
  add edx,[4a5ae0]
  movsx byte eax,[edx+3]
  cmp eax,73
  jne short A
  mov eax,[49E654]
  mov ecx,[49e658]
  mov [49e17C],eax
  mov [49e180],ecx
  jmp short B
A mov eax,[49e17C]
  mov ecx,[49e180]
  mov [49E654],eax
  mov [49e658],ecx
B add dword [4a5ae0],4
  jmp 0x4252a7

And that command would be <cps to save and <cpl to load. The super important thing here is to make sure all your letters are lowercase. It won't work otherwise.

ALSO: If you don't know much about how to hack this in, there are numerous ways of figuring it out. As a last resort, go to the quick h&a thread.

Wait... Did you just make it for him? I thought of this idea a year ago I think and this was one of the main things stopping me from doing it.
Jun 24, 2011 at 3:41 AM
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I didn't make it specifically for him, but I did just make it.
And that is sad. :[
Jun 24, 2011 at 4:00 AM
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Lace said:
I didn't make it specifically for him, but I did just make it.
And that is sad. :[

I know you didn't make it specifically for him, it just surprises me how fast it was, and at the time I don't think I even knew the asm guide existed. Not that I'm much better now :awesomeface:. Now it seems like something I would have dropped anyways, my mod's changed alot since then.
Jun 24, 2011 at 12:42 PM
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HyMyNameIsMatt said:
The hard part is when you finish a fight, getting back to the EXACT spot you were when it started. "I may have already tried this :p"

I suppose I could just set up a spot for it, then use a <FL+ so it doesn't trigger again, but I'm not really good with flags. Or I could think up some way to have like one field of them that go at a certain time (Go meaning be able to be triggered) and others that show up when the other field is down. I'd have to find a way to have the game randomly switch between fields...

This is the thread Matt (If I may call you that.)if you want.


Yeah, not familiar with links, but yeah.
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Jun 24, 2011 at 4:25 PM
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The hack I posted saves and loads the char's position.
That's why I posted it.
Jun 24, 2011 at 4:38 PM
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Oh, that's nice. Uh, where would I put the code? Into the space in 424EAF?
Jun 24, 2011 at 5:00 PM
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Jun 25, 2011 at 12:03 AM
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What does the code do?
Jul 5, 2011 at 9:26 PM
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It adds two new TSC commands.
<cps (not <CPS) saves the characters x and y coordinates.
<cpl (again, not <CPL) loads the last saved coordinates.
Jul 5, 2011 at 9:32 PM
Join Date: Jun 2, 2011
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Oh, thanks.

Wait, do I put each line into the next Address? Or do I somehow cram it all into the one(Tried, obviously doesn't work)?