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Rate the favorite weapon of the person above you.

Dec 15, 2008 at 3:01 AM
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10/10. I loves mah Snake. Good damage, excellent versatility, takes some time to power up but this means it can maintains maximum damage for longer. 4-shot on-screen limit for Lv3 isn't very noticeable, plus I think it looks cool <3
...I could have quite possibly said this somewhere else or maybe even in this thread itself but I can't remember ._.
Dec 15, 2008 at 8:13 PM
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Great for power blowing through all the enemies in your path, not only that but for bosses too, yet it took a lot to get up and a little to shoot back down. Also the rate of missiles you had didn't really give you enough to go through an enemy base with it and still have enough to get to the boss.
Power- 10/10) Powerful as Hell itself
Lv uses-10/10) (Which is its overall use in all levels) Great, even at lv 1 and 2 it rapes.
Times of use- 6/10) Bosses only really. Going through a stage will leave you to have none left for a boss. Making it pretty hard sometimes.
Extra advantages- 7/10) The explosion and the 3 missiles you get make it work pretty good on multiple enemies.

Overall- 8/10
Good, one of the best boss rapers in the game, but aside from that it......its pretty limited.

Dec 17, 2008 at 3:13 AM
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7/10. Only really useful against enemies that are below you [with the possible exception of Omega] and you could just jump over and shoot at them with any other weapon. It does decent damage, though.

Polar Star [still my fav for some reason]
Dec 18, 2008 at 1:52 PM
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Teften said:
7/10. Only really useful against enemies that are below you [with the possible exception of Omega] and you could just jump over and shoot at them with any other weapon. It does decent damage, though.

Polar Star [still my fav for some reason]

Classics for the win.

Power- 6) Not powerful, but gets the job done.
Lv Uses- 3) Unless it's Lv 3 It's a load of not useful.
Times of use- 10) Can be used against anything well.
Special effects- 1) Aside from it being the only straight forward shot in the game until you get the blade, Its got nothing

Its the first weapon, the rating should be low, but just because it's got a low rating doesn't make it awesome.

Dec 18, 2008 at 3:32 PM
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Using the same system as LK (or very similar)...

Power: 4/10 – One of the weakest weapons on average.
Levelling: 6/10 – Useless at level 1, but is fairly useful both at level 2 and level 3.
Best against: 4/10 – Monsters with erratic flight patterns, or those that move in clouds.
Special Effects: 8/10 – Bubble shield!!! ;)

Overall: 4.4/10
Rates higher than the polar star, but only very slightly. I'd say it's roughly equal.

Dec 19, 2008 at 10:14 PM
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Ah the nemesis, Can't rate that one very well, but I'll do what I can.

Power: 8/10) Powerful as hell at Level 1, Not so good on the others though.
Level Use: 4/10) Unless level 1 it sucks. I'd hate to be the guy who has 3 hp and nemesis, got it to lv 3, and accidentally saved...
Times of use: 8/10) Can kill anything efficiently, at level 1 that is.
Special Effects 4/10) The duck is humorous, and At level 1 it's OMEGA fast and straight. Nothing Special, but it's useful.

Overall 6/10) Not really that good unless your pro, I wouldn't get rid of my blade for this. Speaking of blades.

Dec 20, 2008 at 12:16 AM
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Ah the nemesis, Can't rate that one very well, but I'll do what I can.
Blade? Did someone say Blade?

Power: 9/10) Second most powerful weapon in the game, it's pretty dang good.
Level Use: 8/10) Great at levels one and two, obnoxious at level 3
Times of use: 10/10) Can kill anything efficiently.
Special Effects 5/10) Nothing special until level 3, where it's still nothing special.

Overall 8/10) Sweet weapon.

Em, rock cannon (OS)
Dec 20, 2008 at 10:46 AM
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Oh look, a rating system!
This is running mostly from memory, but...
Max Power: Fires fast, long range, achieves a 'constant stream of damage' effect with good stopping power, and you don't need to mash the fire button! A bit lacking in sheer power though. 8.5/10
Other Levels: Sucks, pretty much. Level 1 is very slow and Level 2 is too weak and random. Levels down pretty quickly too IIRC. 3.5/10
Versatility: Useful in any situation where hurting things quickly is a priority... which is pretty much always. Can't do much else though, unlike the Bubbler, although it is very good at destroying enemy projectiles. Level 2 also has good spread fire, it's just that 1 damage isn't enough to cut it. 7/10
Extras: See above. However, it has better range and stopping power than the other OS weapons. 5.5/10

Overall (not average): 7/10

Hmm... edited mod-weapons...
The Pistol from Magic~?
Jul 25, 2009 at 4:40 PM
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DoubleThink said:
The Pistol from Magic~?

Pros: A great starter weapon, and great graphics <3
Cons: Horrible compared to other weapons, and range is also not very good.

Rolling Stone from The Wrath of Revorshkenahl?
Hey I spelt it right on my first try!