Mar 15, 2007 at 6:26 AM
Join Date: Dec 30, 2005
Location: Germany
Posts: 3218
Age: 33
Pronouns: No homie
xristosx said:lol i didnt think of that
do i use the snake for the enemys as well?
Well, that's up to you.
I use Nemesis for them ;P
xristosx said:lol i didnt think of that
do i use the snake for the enemys as well?
xristosx said:ah yeah.....
why didnt i use the nemisis
plus its easy to dodge the exp because it takes like 5 secs for it to appear from the flying things
do i lvl the snake up?
ZTaimat said:Even then, you can easily level up the super missiles during ballos intermissions. it depends on how many green devils you manage to kill in 10 seconds, really.
ShInInG PhAnToM said:Well, I use them for level up the snake not the missile
xristosx said:can the snake get ballos good? or do i use nemisis for this as well?
xristosx said:lol thank you....
also i get annoyed at the there a way to skip the hell
dialog or do i have to play it through to the end of the dialog to
remove it (until i close the game and have to do it again)
xristosx said:well i knew the dieing
but is it easy to hack it out?